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Externship Proposal
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Year in Law School:
Are you applying for a Third Year Practice Certificate? ___YES ___ NO
Number of Completed Credit Hours at Beginning of Externship:
Academic Advisor:
Place of Externship:
Site Supervising Attorney’s Contact Information:
Title, Department, Company:
Telephone and fax numbers:
Email address:
Description of Externship:
Specific Educational Objectives: (Which skills do you want to acquire? What information do you want to learn?)
Means of Accomplishing Objectives: (Which tasks will you perform or to what will you be exposed to help you acquire
your objectives?)
Work Product: (Which legal documents will you prepare?)
Time Commitment:
(What is your proposed work schedule? How many actual hours do you intend to work,
considering you must work 50 hours for each credit hour and the work hour excludes lunch time
unless it is case-related or externship-related?)
Approximate Start Date: _______________
Approximate Complete Date: ______________
Number of Desired Credit Hours: ____
If you wish to change the credit hours on your externship you have to redo the paperwork and have it signed by the
professor. If this is done prior to the end of the add/drop period, we can then void the previous paperwork and change the
credit hours. After the add/drop period you will not receive a refund, and the paperwork has to go to the University
Registrar’s office to be processed. If you are adding hours, you have to prepay in the Business Office before the
Registrar’s office will add the credits.
Plan for Review and Evaluation of Externship:
Supervisor, Faculty and Student Contact. I will read the syllabus as soon as it is available on Blackboard and will comply
with all instructions therein. I will participate online as instructed by Professor Boland during which I will have
opportunity for directed discussion of professional development matters and of my externship experience while protecting
client confidentiality. Professor Boland and the field supervisor will have contact with each other as appropriate and as
needed. In addition the field supervisor and I will discuss my externship experience. The field supervisor will complete
the required evaluation form at the end of this externship to help Professor Boland evaluate my performance in issuing my
final grade.
Syllabus. I will comply will all the instructions enumerated in the syllabus. I will use the forms and formats provided on
Blackboard for all assignment submissions, as required by the syllabus. I understand that failure to follow course
procedures as stated in the syllabus may be reflected in my final course grade.
Goal Sheet. I will complete a goal sheet with the field supervisor to submit to Professor Boland within the first 2 weeks
of the externship if possible. If I cannot do it within the first 2 weeks (e.g., because of supervisor’s schedule), I will alert
Professor Boland and will get approval for a late submission with a date certain.
Logs. I will prepare a weekly log that summarizes my hours and assignments which I will submit to Professor Boland
every other week.
Regular Feedback. I will request feedback from my field supervisor at reasonable intervals and will incorporate his/her
feedback into my subsequent work.
Reflection Journal and Paper. I will maintain a reflection journal, which Professor Boland has discretion to review, to
record my experiences, lessons learned, shortcomings, observations, and pertinent externship-related thoughts from which
I will prepare a paper to submit to Professor Boland at the end of the term. The paper shall include:
1. Description of setting and hierarchy, i.e., in which office I was, who headed it, the part the office plays in our
justice system or the foreign country’s justice system, to whom I usually reported, quality of interaction
among personnel, and how my participation helped the office fulfill its objectives.
2. A statement of whether I reached my stated educational goals and if not, why.
3. What I learned that will improve my lawyering skills and my preparation to enter the field of law.
4. The strengths and weaknesses of my experience and what, if anything, I would change about it.
5. If I observed attorneys interacting with other attorneys, judges, court personnel or clients, the difference
between the effective attorneys and the ineffective ones, and which traits made the attorneys effective or
6. Any other information to help Professor Boland understand how helpful the assignment was to me, the quality
of my supervision, and whether he should continue placing externs at that site.
Writing Sample(s). If the site allows, I will submit two writing samples to Professor Boland by the end of the term for his
Compensation: I will receive no compensation for the externship work performed. If applying for a PILAR or similar
grant to offset living and travel expenses incurred as a result of this externship, I will state so.