

European Computer Driving


Module 1 – Concepts of IT

Chapter 1.5 – Computers At Work

Pass ECDL4 1

Computers or People?

Z Computers can

, calculate millions of times faster than humans





, never get tired can do jobs which are dangerous for humans store large amounts of information in one place find information quickly never lose or misplace information

Pass ECDL4 2

People versus Computers

Z Computers cannot

, write a book



, comfort a person in distress think for themselves think of new ideas

Pass ECDL4 3

Computers in business

Z Business Administration

, Payroll




Keeping customer records

Processing sales orders

Keeping accounts

, Stock management

Z Airline Booking Systems



Bookings instantly recorded to avoid double booking

Availability of flights instantly accessible

Z Online Banking

, Access your account 24/7

, No need to travel to a branch

, Reduction in overheads for the bank

Z Insurance Claims Processing



Maintain databases to prevent duplicate claims/fraud

Send automatic renewal notices to customers

Pass ECDL4 4

Computers in Government

Z Census

, Recording of information including statistics on age, ethnic origin etc

, Ensures schools, hospitals and other facilities are made available

Z Electronic Voting

, Voting register is updated

, Voting by computer either at home or at polling station is likely to take off

Z Vehicle Registration

, DVLC has records of all registered vehicles

Z Revenue Collection

, Inland Revenue keeps records of every taxpayer



Taxpayers can fill in a tax return online

Tax credits can also be applied for online

Pass ECDL4 5

Computers in Healthcare

Z Patient Record systems


Doctors’ surgeries are computerised

, Appointment systems

, Print out prescriptions

Z Ambulance Control Systems

, Call-taking, accepting and verifying incidents




Sending out nearest ambulance

Communicating incidents to chosen ambulance

Positioning suitably equipped ambulances to where they are likely to be needed

Z Diagnostic tools and instruments

, Computerised tools to scan and analyse samples

, Monitor vital signs such as heart rate and temperature

, Pacemakers and artificial limbs have changed the lives of many people

Z Specialist surgical equipment



Assist surgeons with carrying out delicate surgery

Provide 3D vision to eliminate hand-tremor

Pass ECDL4 6

Computers in Education

Z Student Registration

, Keep student records

, Enable computerised timetabling

, Swipe-cards to monitor student attendance

Z Computer-Based Training



Wide range of software packages to aid learning

Can teach a wide range of subjects

Z Online learning

, Student resources made available over the Internet

, Assignments can be submitted via email

Z Distance Learning

Pass ECDL4 7


Many people choose to work at home rather than commuting to the office.

Z Advantages







No travelling time

Avoid traffic jams

Work in the comfort of your own home

Flexible schedules

Reduced office space requirements

Easier childcare

Z Disadvantages





Lack of personal contact with colleagues

Lack of teamwork in shared projects

Home distractions

Lesser employee benefits

(medical plans, bonuses etc)

Pass ECDL4 8


Ergonomics refers to design and functionality which includes the following factors

Z Lighting – rooms should be well lit and windows should have blinds to avoid sunlight

Z Ventilation – windows should open to allow free circulation of fresh air

Z Monitors – should be positioned away from sunlight and windows

Z Furniture – use an adjustable chair with good back support set to the correct height for comfortable use of keyboard and mouse

Z Accessories – use copyholders and footrests where necessary

Pass ECDL4 9

Health Issues

Z Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

, Collective name for a range of disorders affecting neck, limbs and back

, Results in numbness and tingling in limbs

Z Eyestrain



Caused by long periods in front of a computer screen

Caused also by poor lighting

Z Back problems

, Caused by poor seating and posture

, Caused by prolonged use of a computer

Z Safety Precautions

, Cables should be safely secured




Keep work surfaces tidy

Take frequent short breaks

Wear your glasses!

Pass ECDL4 10

The Environment

Z Recycle printer cartridges

Z Recycle printer paper

Z Use Print Preview facility to check your work before printing

Z Do you REALLY need a printout?

Print for a purpose!

Z Use power schemes to reduce amount of electricity used

Z CD-ROMs, electronic documents all reduce the need for printed materials

Pass ECDL4 11
