Class Observation Form School of Psychology and Counseling Instructions: After observing the class, fill out this form in Word. The Observer can then send it to the Faculty member for comments. This form must be printed out and signed by both the Observer and Faculty Member. Faculty Member Course Observed Observer Date of Observation Learning Objective(s) for the Class Being Visited: Presentation Support Yes No N/A 1. Were visual aids used in teaching? a. If yes, what aid(s) was(were) used? b. If yes, was(were) it(they) used effectively? 2. Was technology used in teaching? a. If yes, what technology(ies) was(were) used? b. If yes, was(were) it(they) used effectively? 3. Did the instructor provide students with supplemental reference materials (e.g., handouts)? Comments and Suggestions: Presentation Skills Yes 4. Did the faculty member use class time efficiently? 5. Did the faculty member have eye contact with students? a. If yes, was the contact regular? 6. Did the faculty member articulate words clearly? 7. Was the rate of speaking appropriate for note taking? 8. Was the vocabulary appropriate to the course? 9. Did the faculty member maintain student interest? 10. Did the faculty member use distracting mannerisms? Comments and Suggestions: No Rapport with Students Yes No N/A 11. Did the faculty member solicit student involvement (e.g., questions or comments) in a rational manner? 12. Did the faculty member provide students with appropriate feedback (e.g., affirmation or correction of logic)? 13. Were most students actively engaged in the class (e.g., asking questions, or taking notes)? 14. Did the students show respect for the faculty member? 15. Did the faculty member use a variety of teaching strategies and activities to accommodate a variety of learning styles? Comments and Suggestions: Mastery of Content Yes No N/A 16. Did the faculty member demonstrate an appropriate command of the topic? 17. Did the faculty member demonstrate current knowledge of the topic? 18. Did the faculty member present the content logically? Comments and Suggestions: Proficiency in Faith/Practice Integration Yes No N/A 19. Did the faculty member make references to Scripture or faith? a. If yes, were they relevant? b. If yes, were they appropriate? 20. Did the faculty member discuss ethics? a. If yes, the discussion relevant? b. If yes, was the discussion appropriate? c. If yes, did the discussion include references to Scripture or faith? 21. Did students ask for applications which included references from Scripture or faith? Comments and Suggestions: Class Objective(s) 22. Did the faculty member achieve his or her stated objective(s)? Yes No N/A Comments and Suggestions: Yes No Does the observer recommend a follow-up observation? Observation summary and recommendations: __________________________ Observer Date Yes No Does the faculty member want a follow-up observation? Faculty member's response to the observation and observer's comments: ________________________________________________ _________________________ Faculty Member Date (Signature does not indicate agreement with the comments and suggestion unless so noted by the faculty member.) Date of Post-observation meeting Comments and Suggestions: ________________________________________________________ Observer _______________ Date ________________________________________________________ Faculty Member _______________ Date