UMD Shared Governance Membership University Coordinating Council The ex-officio membership of the University Coordinating Council will be composed of the chairs of UMD Student Association (UMDSA), Faculty Council, Staff Council, Teaching & Learning, Student Educational Experiences, Athletics, and Strategic Planning & Budget. Additional seats would be added as needed. Wendy Larrivy (staff support appointed by Chancellor) Kimberly Newton (UMD Student Association President/UMDSA) John Hamlin (Faculty Council Chair) Jeni Eltink, Vice Chair (Staff Council Chair) Carmen Latterel (Teaching & Learning co-Chair) Janelle Wilson (Teaching & Learning co-Chair) Ross Cody Burns (Student Educational Experiences Chair) Dan Eaton, Chair (Athletics Chair) Jennifer Schultz (Strategic Planning & Budget Chair) ****** Staff Council The Staff Council will be composed of 12 elected voting members: 3 members from each P&A (without faculty rank), Civil Service (non-bargaining), and Civil Service (bargaining, one of the three from AFSCME and one from Teamsters); 3 at-large Staff Support: Betty Greene 12 Elected Voting Members: Jeni Eltink, Chair (P&A) 2013-2016 Jason Davis, Vice Chair (P&A) 2013-2015 Jeff Romano (P&A) 2013-2014 Lisa Hansen (CS non-bargaining) 2013-2016 Jean Conner (CS non-bargaining) 2013-2015 Linda Olcott (CS non-bargaining) 2013-2014 Nancy Damberg (CS bargaining/AFSCME) 2013-2016 Loretta Kragness (CS bargaining/Teamsters) 2013-2015 Kathleen Abrahamson (CS bargaining/AFSCME) 2013-2014 Tracey Bolen (At large) 2013-2014 Stacy Crawford (At large) 2013-2015 Joel Youngbloom (At large) 2013-2016 1 ****** Faculty Council The Faculty Council will be composed of 10 elected voting members: 2 faculty members from each college, 4 ex-officio voting members (chairs of Curriculum, Graduate Council, Research & Scholarship, UEA President). 10 Elected Voting Members: Bob Lloyd (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2016 Jean Stevenson (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2015 John Hamlin, Chair (CLA Faculty) 2013-2014 Steve Matthews, Vice Chair (CLA Faculty) 2013-2016 Chris McIntosh (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2015 Al Roline (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2014 Rich Maclin (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2014 Bruce Peckham (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2016 Rudy Perrault (SFA Faculty) 2013-2015 Jennifer Webb (SFA Faculty) 2013-2016 4 Ex-officio Voting Members: Sheryl Grana (Curriculum Chair) Dalibor Froncek (Graduate Council Chair) Matt Andrews (Research & Scholarship Chair) Michael Pfau (UEA President) Faculty Council Subcommittees Research & Scholarship Subcommittee The Research & Scholarship subcommittee has 10 elected voting members (1 faculty member from each collegiate unit, 2 faculty from the Graduate Council, 3 representatives from research institutes and centers) and 3 ex-officio non-voting members (2 EVCAA appointments, 1 each from Library and ITSS, and the Associate VC for Grad Education & Research). Steve Frickstad (staff support appointed by Graduate Education & Research) 10 Elected Voting Members: Aydin Durgunoglu, Vice Chair (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2016 Jill Doerfler (CLA Faculty) 2013-2016 Jon Pierce (LSBE Faculty) – 2014- 2016 Matt Andrews, Chair (SCSE Faculty) 2012-2016 Adam Booker (SFA Faculty) 2013-2015 David Beard (Graduate Council faculty member (Appointed by Graduate Council) Jay Austin (Graduate Council faculty member (Appointed by Graduate Council) 2013-2014 Evan Reavie, NRRI (Appointed by EVCAA) 2013-2016 Erik Brown, LLO (Appointed by EVCAA) 2013-2016 Valerie Brady, Minnesota Sea Grant (Appointed by EVCAA) 2013-2016 3 Ex-officio Non-voting Members: Shixing Wen (Library EVCAA appointee) Kevin Wu (ITSS EVCAA appointee) Tim Holst (Assoc VC for Graduate Education & Research) 2 Curriculum Subcommittee The subcommittee on Curriculum has 6 ex-officio voting members (chairs of each collegiate unit curriculum committee and the chair of the Liberal Education Committee) and 2 ex-officio non-voting members (Associate VC for Undergraduate Education and the Associate VC for Outreach and Online. Nancy Burley (staff support) 6 Ex-officio Voting Members: Georgia Keeney (Chair of CEHSP Curriculum Committee) Sheryl Grana, Chair (Chair of CLA Curriculum Committee) Dahui Li (Chair of LSBE Curriculum Committee) David Schimpf (Chair of SCSE Curriculum Committee) Arden Weaver (Chair of SFA Curriculum Committee) Krista Twu (co-chair of Lib Ed Committee) Amy Versnik Nowak (co-chair of Lib Ed Committee) 2 Ex-officio Non-voting Members: Jerry Pepper (Assoc VC for Undergraduate Education) Kim Riordan (Assoc VC for Outreach and Online) Graduate Council The Graduate Council has 3 elected members: 3 graduate students; 26 ex-officio voting members: Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) from each graduate program; and 1 e-officio non-voting member: Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education and Research. Steve Frickstad (staff support appointed by Graduate Education & Research) 3 Elected Voting Members: Henriquo Brandao (Student) Kyrstyn Haapala (Student) Messias Macuiane (Student) 26 Ex-officio Voting Members: DGS from each graduate program Linda Krug (Advocacy and Political Leadership) Dalibor Froncek, Chair (Applied & Computational Mathematics) Janice Kmetz (Art) Rajiv Vaidyanathan (MBA) Steven Berry (Chemistry) Eshan Dave (Civil Engineering) Faith Loven (Communication Sciences & Disorders) Richard Maclin (Computer Science) Mary Ann Marchel (Education – Teaching and Learning) Stanley Burns (Electrical Engineering) Hongyi Chen (Engineering Management) Craig Stroupe (English) Julia Williams (Education) Richard Davis (Professional Engineering) Julie Ernst (Environmental Education) Robert Feyen (Environmental Health and Safety) Nigel Wattrus (Geological Sciences) Clay Carter (Integrated Biosciences) David Beard (Liberal Studies) Mark Whitlock (Music) Jay Austin (Physics) Alexandra Luong (Psychological Sciences) Melanie Shepard (Social Work) 3 Tadd Johnson (Tribal Administration and Governance) Randall Hicks (Water Resources Science) 1 Ex-officio Non-voting Member: Tim Holst, Associate VC for Graduate Education and Research 4 ****** Primary Standing Committees/Subcommittees Athletics Committee The Athletics Committee has 10 elected voting members: 3 students, 1 faculty member from each collegiate unit, 2 staff; and 3 ex-officio non-voting members: Athletic Director, Faculty Athletic Representative, 1 EVCAA appointment from enrollment services area. Staff Support: Kristina D’Allaird 10 Elected Voting Members: Jim Knapp (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2015 Rob Weidner (CLA Faculty) 2013-2015 Rodger Brannan (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2016 Doug Dunham (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2014 Dan Eaton, Chair (SFA Faculty) 2013-2016 Mia Johnson (Student) Ava Heinrich (Student) Michael Stocke (Student) Stacey Pearson (staff) 2013-2015 Leigh Neys (staff) 2013-2014 3 Ex-officio Non-voting Members: Josh Berlo (Athletic Director) Al Mensinger (Faculty Rep) One appointee from EVCAA (enrollment services area) Student Educational Experiences (SEE) The Student Educational Experiences Committee has 15 elected voting members: 9 students, 3 faculty members, 3 staff; and 3 ex-officio non-voting members: VCSL appointment, EVCAA appointment, VCFO appointment. Laura Haffield (staff support appointed by VCSL) 15 Elected Voting Members: Ross Cody Burns, Chair (Student) Brittany Nystrom (Student) Matt Blake (Student) Sarah Stark, Vice Chair (Student) Shelby Petsinger (Student) Anthony Greene (Student) Dan Hoff (Student) LaShaunda Newson (Student) Brian Robertson (Student) Jill Jensen (appointed by Faculty Council) 2013-2015 Michael Mullins (appointed by Faculty Council) 2013-2014 Mary Ann Marchel (appointed by Faculty Council) 2013-2016 Christopher Davila (Staff) 2013-2016 Bryan French (Staff) 2013-2015 Chris Haidos (Staff) 2013-2014 3 Ex-officio Non-voting Members: Josh Buck (VCSL Appointee) Matt Rosendahl (EVCAA Appointee) Scott Drewlo (VCFO Appointee) 5 Strategic Planning & Budget Committee The Strategic Planning & Budget Committee will be composed of 18 elected voting members: 2 faculty from each college, 2 students, 3 staff, 1 library rep, 1 ITSS rep, 2 NRRI rep; and 18 ex-officio voting members: Chancellor, EVCAA, VCSL, VCFO, Faculty Fellow for Strategic Planning, 1 each from VCSL, VCFO, EVCAA and Chancellor’s units, 4 from EVCAA units (1 from each Assoc VC Area), chairs of Strategic Enrollment Management (2 co-chairs) and Facilities committees, Director of Assessment, 1 Council of Deans rep. Betty Greene and Lucy Kragness (staff support appointed by the Chancellor) 18 Elected Voting Members: Chris Johnson (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2016 Morris Levy, Vice Chair (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2016 Dan Martin (CLA Faculty) 2013-2014 Mike Sunnafrank (CLA Faculty) 2013-2015 Grace Kang (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2014 Jen Schultz, Chair (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2016 Zhuangyi Liu (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2015 Dan Pope (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2014 Rebecca Katz-Harwood (SFA Faculty) 2013-2016 Jim Klueg (SFA Faculty) 2013-2015 Chelsea Cansino (Student) Ben Dufault (Student) Linda Deneen (Staff) 2013-2014 Wendy Larrivy (Staff) 2013-2016 Mick McComber (Staff) 2013-2015 Heather McLean (Library Rep) Chuck Bosell (ITSS Rep) Lucinda Johnson (NRRI Rep) 2013-2015 18 Ex-officio Voting Members: Lendley C. Black (Chancellor) Andrea Schokker (Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) Lisa Erwin (Vice Chancellor for Student Life & Dean of Students) Mike Seymour (Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations) John Arthur (Faculty Fellow for Strategic Planning) Cheryl Tillman (VCSL Rep) Tim Caskey (VCFO Rep) Josh Berlo (Chancellor Unit Rep) Jerry Pepper (Assoc VC Area Rep) Monica Bruning (Assoc VC Area Rep) Tim Holst (Assoc VC Area Rep) Kim Riordan (Assoc VC Area Rep) Mary Keenan (co-chair of Strategic Enrollment Management) Paul Kiprof (co-chair of Strategic Enrollment Management) Patrick Keenan (Chair of Facilities Committee) Jenn Fuchs (Director of Assessment) Mary Allen (EVCAA Rep) Amy Hietapelto (Council of Deans Rep) 6 Strategic Planning & Budget (SP&B) Subcommittees: Facilities Subcommittee The Strategic Planning & Budget Facilities Subcommittee has 10 elected voting members: 1 faculty member from each collegiate unit, 2 students, 3 staff; and 5 ex-officio non-voting members: Director of Facilities Management, Space Faculty Fellow, VCSL appointment, College of Medicine (Duluth) representative, and College of Pharmacy (Duluth) representative. BreAnn Graber (staff support appointed by VCFO) 10 Elected Voting Members: Mark Nierengarten (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2016 William Salmon (CLA Faculty) 2013-2015 Randy Skalberg (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2014 Harlan Stech (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2014 Steve Bardolph (SFA Faculty) 2013-2015 Hannah Osterheim (Student) Hannah Keil (Student) Patrick Keenan, Chair (Staff) Laura Lott (Staff) Mindy Granley (Staff) 5 ex-officio non-voting members: John King (Director of Facilities Management) Rebecca Teasley, Vice Chair (Faculty Fellow for Space) David Worley (VCSL appointee) Jane Hovland (Medical School Duluth) Laurie Fosnacht (College of Pharmacy) Strategic Enrollment Management The Strategic Planning & Budget Strategic Enrollment Management Subcommittee has 14 ex-officio voting members: Director of Strategic Enrollment Management standing co-chair, Director of Admissions, Director of Financial Aid, Faculty Fellow for Intercultural Initiatives, EVCAA appointed rep from each collegiate unit including a combination of associate deans and faculty members (1 serving as co-chair), 1 appointed VCFO rep, 1 VCSL appointed rep, 1 Chancellor appointed rep for marketing, Associate Vice Chancellor for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education and Research. Staff Support: Lisa Klassen 14 ex-officio voting members: Mary Keenan, standing co-chair (Director of Strategic Enrollment Management) Director of Admissions Brenda Herzig (Director of Financial Aid) Olaf Kuhlke (CLA appointed) 2013-2015 Fay Maas (CEHSP appointed rep) 2012-2014 Jannifer David (LSBE appointed rep) 2013-2015 James Klueg (SFA appointed rep) 2013-2015 Paul Kiprof, co-chair (SCSE appointed rep) 2012-2014 Susana Pelayo Woodward (VCSL appointee) Sue Kerry (VCFO appointee) Gina Katzmark (Chancellor’s appointed rep for marketing) Paula Pedersen (Faculty Fellow for Intercultural Initiatives) Monica Bruning (Assoc VC for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness) Tim Holst (Assoc VC for Graduate Education and Research) 7 Teaching and Learning Committee The Teaching and Learning Committee will be composed of 17 elected voting members: 2 faculty members from each college, 3 staff, 4 students, 4 ex-officio voting members (chairs of Grad Council, IT/Library, Liberal Education, Curriculum; 3 ex-officio non-voting members (Director of Assessment, 1 appointed from EVCAA and 1 appointed from VCSL). Vickery French (staff support appointed by EVCAA) 17 Elected Voting Members: Lynn Brice (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2014 Lara LaCaille (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2015 Hilary Kowino (CLA Faculty) 2013-2016 Janelle Wilson, co-Chair (CLA Faculty) 2013-2014 John Kratz (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2015 Junhua Wang (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2016 Paul Kiprof (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2015 Carmen Latterell, co-Chair (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2014 Ann Bergeron (SFA Faculty) 2013-2015 David Edmund (SFA Faculty) 2013-2016 Jessi Eaton (Staff) 2013-2016 Amanda Evans (Staff) 2013-2015 Michele Hargrave (Staff) 2013-2014 Brandon Breuer (Student) Mackenzie Liebl (Student) Nathan Ernst (Student) Alex McDonald (Student) 4 Ex-officio Voting Members: Dalibor Froncek (Graduate Council Chair) Terrie Shannon, co-Chair (CEHSP Faculty) IT/Library Chair John Hatcher, co-Chair (CLA Faculty) IT/Library Chair Jennifer Mencl (Liberal Education Rep) Sheryl Grana (Curriculum Chair) 3 Ex-officio Non-voting Members: Jenn Fuchs (Director of Assessment) Jerry Pepper (EVCAA appointee) Janet Pribyl (VCSL appointee) 8 Teaching & Learning Subcommittees: Assessment Subcommittee The Student Learning Assessment Subcommittee has 16 elected voting members: 2 faculty from each collegiate unit, 2 students, 2 staff from academic units, 2 staff from student life units; and 3 ex-officio non-voting members: Director Assessment, 1 EVCAA appointee and 1 VCSL appointee. 16 Elected Voting Members: Joan Kwako (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2015 Julia Williams (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2016 Eve Browning (CLA Faculty) 2013-2014 Rebecca deSouza (CLA Faculty) 2013-2016 Manjeet Dhatt (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2015 Jill Klingner (LSBE Faculty) Chair 2013-2015 Mohammed Hasan (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2014 Howard Mooers (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2016 Jian-Jun Chen Edmund (SFA Faculty) 2013-2015 Tom Isbell (SFA Faculty) 2013-2016 Jordan Schnaidt (Student) 2013-2014 Mollie Van Arsdale (Student) 2013-2015 Susan Darge Lombardo (Staff from academic unit) 2013-2016 Katie Lassi (Staff from academic unit) 2013-2014 Christina Geissler (Staff from Student Life) 2013-2015 Emily Norenberg (Staff from Student Life) 2013-2016 3 Ex-officio Non-voting Members: Jenn Fuchs (Director of Assessment) Monica Bruning (EVCAA appointee) Tim Chambers (appointee from VCSL) Liberal Education Subcommittee The Student Learning Liberal Education Subcommittee has 12 elected voting members: 2 faculty members from each collegiate unit, 1 staff and 1 student; and 2 ex-officio non-voting members: 1 academic advisor from one of the five colleges and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education. Staff Support: Nancy Burley 12 Elected Voting Members: Karen Marsh (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2016 Amy Versnik Nowak, co-chair (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2015 Kristen Hylenski (CLA Faculty) 2013-2016 Krista Twu, co-chair (CLA Faculty)2013-2015 Jim Lyttle (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2014 Jennifer Mencl (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2016 Ann Hinderliter (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2014 Michael Rother (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2015 Alison Aune-Hinkel (SFA Faculty) 2013-2015 Brian Buckstead (SFA Faculty) 2013-2016 Gail Mentzel (Staff) 2013-2016 Angelina Costrino (Student) 2 Ex-officio Non-voting Members: Janny Walker (1 academic advisor from one of the five colleges) Jerry Pepper (Assoc VC for Undergraduate Education) 9 IT & Library (IT&L) Subcommittee The Student Learning Information Technology and the Library Subcommittee has 11 elected voting members (1 faculty from each collegiate unit, 3 staff members, 1 faculty from the Graduate Council, 1 library representative, 1 ITSS representative) and 3 ex-officio non-voting members (Director of ITSS, Director of the Library and Associate Vice Chancellor for Outreach & Online). 11 Elected Voting Members: Terrie Shannon, co-Chair (CEHSP Faculty) 2013-2014 John Hatcher, co-Chair (CLA Faculty) 2013-2016 Seung Lee (LSBE Faculty) 2013-2015 Nigel Wattrus (SCSE Faculty) 2013-2016 Robyn Roslak (SFA Faculty) 2013-2014 Darlene Morris (Staff) 2013-2015 Daniel Lackore (Staff) 2013-2016 Todd Roe (Staff) 2013-2014 Rich Maclin (Faculty from Graduate Council) Paul Hanson (Library Rep) Sally Bradt (ITSS Rep) 3 ex-officio non-voting members: Linda Deneen (Director of ITSS) Matthew Rosendahl (Director of Library) Kim Riordan (Assoc VC for Outreach & Online) Updated: 6/30/2016 11:52 PM 10