THE JEWELL MILES BURSON SCHOLARSHIP FOR GERMAN In the 1995-1996 Academic Year Dr. John Burson of Carrollton funded a scholarship in memory of his mother, Jewell Miles Burson. His intent was to promote the learning of German by supporting West Georgia College (now University of West Georgia) students who wish to study in Germany or Austria. The importance of study in a country whose language one wishes to learn has long been understood. Today many study-abroad programs exist, but costs have become almost prohibitive for many of our best-qualified students. Criteria for award Achievement Motivation Intention Cultural awareness Commitment to learning, possibly teaching German Achievement is measure in both quantity and quality of work. Recipients would normally have completed 90 hours overall and German courses through GRMN 2002. $500 travel supplements may, however, be awarded to students currently enrolled in earlier courses. Motivation is expressed in efforts made in and out of class to learn German, to expand the student's awareness of German language and culture. Intention is concerned with why and how students intend to use the acquired language/language experience. Cultural Awareness is an essential quality for students who wish to immerse themselves abroad. This sensibility allows students to acquire not only the language more facilely, but to be more receptive to the cultural context within which the language exists. Commitment to learning/possibly teaching German. this scholarship has long-term goals in min: essentially the promotion of the learning [hence the teaching] of German. Students committing to further German courses, especially a German minor [or major, should one become available], are especially encouraged to apply. Procedure for Application Contact Person: Director of German Program, Department of Foreign Languages Deadline for application: Feb. 15 for the following Summer Required materials: 1. Completed Application 2. Transcript 3. Three letters of recommendation from faculty who can address applicant's suitability. 4. An essay in which the student describes his/her achievements, motivation for study in Germany, academic goals and intentions, cultural awareness, and commitment to learning German. 5. Evidence of acceptance into an approved program. 6. Statement of eligibility for other monies [Hope Grants, Scholarships, G.I. bill, etc.] Selection A committee proposed by the director of the German Section and Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages will evaluate applications and make recommendations to the Director of the German Section based on the quality of the whole application. Thus, though the GPA, for example, is important, a high GPA would not in itself necessarily warrant acceptance. The student who best represents the University of West Georgia would be the best choice. These scholarships will pay from $250 to $1000 (partially matched by Regents’ funds) for travel costs towards an internship or for overseas programs offering at least 6 semester hours of credit, depending on the number of awards given, and the funds available that particular year. If other funds are available [Hope Grants, scholarships, G.I. Bill, etc.] then the Burson Scholarship will be the supplementary source of funding) THE JEWELL MILES BURSON SCHOLARSHIP FOR GERMAN Name: _________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________ Student Number: ____________________________ Permanent Address: ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Telephone: ____________________________ Classification: ________________________________________ Hours earned at UWG ________________________________________ GPA __________ Hours transferred _________________________ from ___________________ GPA_________ I have been accepted / applied for the following Study Abroad Program: __________________ Inclusive dates __________________________ Which sources of finaincial aid do you now receive or are you eligible to receive? 1. 2. 3. 4. Passport? ______________ Applied for Passport? __________ The following will supply letters of reference: 1. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________