Attachment 2 (i) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment FIELD EXPERIENCE SPECIFICATION Field Experience Specification For guidance on the completion of this template, refer to Section 2.6 in Chapter 2 of Part 2 of this Handbook. Institution: Majmaah University College/Department: Electrical Engineering A Field Experience Course Identification and General Information 1. Field experience course title and code EE498 2. Credit hours: 0 (zero) 3. Program in which this field experience activity is offered Electrical Engineering : Communications & Electronics, Power Systems 4. Name of faculty member responsible for administration of the field experience Dr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Qawasmi 5. Duration and time allocation of the field experience activity: 8 weeks during the summer session 6. Level/year at which the field experience is offered : 7th level/4th year Objectives 1. Summary of the main learning outcomes for students participating in the field experience activity. 1:Apply the fundamental knowledge of Electrical Engineering in the industrial fields. 2:Use different types instruments for calibration, data collection, monitoring of Electrical devices and quality assurances in the Engineering industrial fields. 3: Use data to interpret the experiments/processes and arrive at conclusions. 4:Utilize concepts and methods in Electrical Engineering to tackle problems in other area of field works. 5: Aquire a good deal of field experience to supplement his career. 6: Write a technical report of the work caried out in the field. 7: Share the field experience with a technical seminar presentation. 2. Briefly describe the plans which are being implemented for the improvement and development of the field experience activity. 1- Prepared an engineering practice guide for students 2- Contacts are made with desired companies to introduce different engineering practice places to students that fit with standards and requirements. 3- Summer training coordinator may visit industries 4-Summer trainee remains in constant touch with the coordinator in case of any help/assistance 3. Learning Outcomes in Domains of Learning For the domains of learning shown below, indicate: A brief summary of the knowledge or skill the field experience is intended to develop. A description of the teaching strategies to be used in the course to develop that knowledge or skill. The methods of student assessment to be used in the course to evaluate learning outcomes in the concerned domain. (Note that the objectives of the field experience may not include all of the domains and the items should be completed only for kinds of learning the field experience activity is intended to develop) a. Knowledge (i) Description of the knowledge to be acquired Develop hands-on experience in the industrial fields Safety measures Operate and use new instruments relevant to the Engineering Practice program Collect data, write reports, make observations and conclusions Perform data acquisition skills. (ii) What will be done to develop that knowledge Engineering Practice supervisors advised of regulations, procedures, and safety precautions students should learn about and asked to ensure that information is provided. Students write technical reports recording information obtained. Tutorial discussion following completion of field experience to review what students have learned (iii) Methods of assessment of knowledge acquired 1- Reviewing the Written intermediate and final Technical reports 2- Assessing the oral presentation and discussion to ensure that the student gained the needed knowledge b. Cognitive Skills (i) Description of cognitive skills to be developed (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context EE1. The ability to analyze, designs, and implement systems. (ii) What will be done to develop these cognitive skills - A student engineering manual guide is developed - The engineering practice should contain a specific training program to develop mentioned skills. (iii) Methods of assessment of skills developed Observing and monitoring of any experimental work assigned by the field supervisor. Reviewing the reports and assessing the presentation c. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility (i) Description of the interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility to be developed (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (ii) What will be done to develop these skills and abilities 1- Conduct experiments and write reports about the both individually and in groups. 2- Discuss observations and data with peers, field supervisor and coordinator within certain time duration when working in groups or individually and arrive at interpretations. 3- Discuss and participate in solving problems in groups during help sessions conducted on site and in the Department. (iii) Methods of assessment of skills and abilities developed The field supervisor and staff supervisor evaluate the summer engineering practice in the following areas: Enthusiasm and interest in work, attitude towards delivering accurate work, quality of work output, initiative in taking tasks to complete, dependability and reliability, ability to learn and search for information, judgement and decision making, maintaining effective relation with co-workers, ability of reporting and presenting his work, attendance and punctuality. The faculty evaluates his report and seminar presentation of the work. d. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills (i) Description of the numerical and communication skills to be developed (g) an ability to communicate effectively (k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (ii) What will be done to develop these skills Evaluation of reports. Critical evaluation of presentations. Encourage students to seek information from other resources. (iii) Methods of assessment of skills developed Evaluation and grading the Technical reports and oral presentations. e. Psychomotor Skills (if applicable) (i) Description of the psychomotor skills to be developed and the level of performance required (ii) What will be done to develop these skills (iii) Methods of assessment of psychomotor skills C Description of Field Experience Activity (General description in the form to be used for the Bulletin or Handbook should be attached) 1. At what stage or stages during the program does the field experience occur? At 7th level\ 4th year 2. Organizational structure (eg. single time block, distributed time blocks, recurrent schedule of XXX days per week) Single time: eight weeks during the summer session 3. Student Activities Describe the principal activities in which the students will be involved during the field experience. Collect data, write reports with observations and conclusions Use any new instruments and softwares related to the project Apply Safety measures practically in the industrial engineering field Apply presentation skills 4. Student assignments or reports (if any) a. Title or description b. When are these assignments or reports required? First Progress Report between the second and third week Second Progress Report between the Fourth and fifth week Third Progress Report between the Sixth and seventh week Final Report By the end of Engineering practice (Last week) Presentation and oral discussion At the beginning of the next semester (Usually first week) 5. Follow up with Students. What arrangements are made for follow up with students to reflect on their experiences and apply what they have learned to future situations? (eg. Seminars or tutorials, individual consultations, reference in subsequent courses, etc.) 1- Faculty meeting with students before Summer session to explain to them the importance of summer training and the procedures used in the college. 2- A supervisor is intended to provide the students with the required information. 3- Normally, the host industry offers them job on completion of BS degree that is after two semesters of their summer training program. Students are advised for taking corrective measures in presentation and writing skills. Supervisory staff in industry facilitates in providing project, material and resources, place, instruments and computer. The supervisory staff supervises and evaluates the summer trainee in the following areas: Enthusiasm and interest in work, attitude towards delivering accurate work, quality of work output, initiative in taking tasks to complete, dependability and reliability, ability to learn and search for information, judgement and decision making, maintaining effective relation with co-workers, ability of reporting and presenting his work, attendance and punctuality. Supervisory faculty remains in constant touch with students and his field supervisor. Students report back to faculty supervisor for any problem arises during the summer training. 8. Arrangements for student guidance and support Summer chairman is available, in case, any guidance and support needed by the students. In addition, there is an engineering practice guide with instruction and needed telephone numbers. 9. What facilities and support are required at the field experience location? (if any) a. Accommodation Usually there is no accommodation is required. Student manages their own accommodation. b Computer resources Computing facilities are provided by the host industry. c Learning support materials Learning support facilities/materials are provided by the host industry. d Other Some of the host industries compensate students for their eight weeks (Two months) work. D Planning and Preparation 1. Identification of Field Placements. What processes are used to identify appropriate field placements? 1- The college send an official letters to different and well-known companies for engineering practice opportunities. 2- Some companies publish the recruitment of Summer trainees in their websites. They also communicate these positions to the Director of Summer Training Program at the university. All students are supposed to apply for summer training using internet but placement are confirmed through Director of Summer Training Program 3- Some students look for training places by themselves. However the engineering practice committee should approve these places first. 2. Preparation of Field Supervisors. Briefly describe and indicate timing of arrangements made to ensure full understanding of roles and responsibilities of supervising faculty/staff in the field setting. (for example, briefing meetings and follow up consultation, training, staff development, notes for guidance.) 1- To recognize the engineering practice process, there is a special engineering practice committee is formed to : 1- Updating engineering practice guide, which is used by supervisors. 2- There is one supervisor from every department that follow the engineering practice period of students. 3- The engineering practice committee makes a meeting with supervisors to show them the importance and the engineering practice procedure. 4- Field supervisor are well prepared and ready to absorb required number of trainees as soon as their management decides. Since it is every year program the host industry/institutions are well prepared in advance. 3. Preparation of Students. Briefly describe and indicate timing of arrangements made for preparation of students for participation in the field experience activity. (Cross reference to any written notes provided) 1- Updating engineering practice guide, which is used by students. 2- The engineering practice committee makes a meeting with students to show them the importance and the engineering practice procedure. 4- Faculty supervisor holds regular meeting with assumed summer trainee and keep them informed about the program 4. Safety and Risk Management Describe process used to ensure safety and identify potential risks to students, persons with whom they work, or facilities where they will be located, and strategies to minimize and protect against those risks (including insurance arrangements). All safety rules and regulation laid by the industry are strictly followed by the students. E Student Assessment 1. Basis for Assessments. List the major performance criteria or matters considered in deciding on student grades. These may include assessments of work performance and personal characteristics and written reports of assignments. If specified weightings are given for different tasks or criteria to indicate the weighting given to each component. Students are evaluated on their performance and are required to submit a report and present a seminar about their experience before passing the engineering practice course. 2. Field Supervisors Responsibility for Assessment. Describe the responsibility of supervising staff in the field location for student assessment. The field supervisor assesses and evaluates the summer trainee in the following areas: Enthusiasm and interest in work, attitude towards delivering accurate work, quality of work output, initiative in taking tasks to complete, dependability and reliability, ability to learn and search for information, judgement and decision making, maintaining effective relation with coworkers, ability of reporting and presenting his work, attendance and punctuality. 3. Supervising Faculty Responsibility for Assessment. Describe the responsibility of supervising faculty from the institution for student assessment Supervisory faculty remains in constant touch with students and his field supervisor. Students report back to faculty supervisor for any problem arises during the summer training. Students submit three progress reports after two months of work. a final confidential report is required by the company 4 Resolution of Differences in Assessments. If supervising staff in the field location and faculty from the institution share responsibility for student assessment, what process is followed for resolving any differences between them? No such differences have encountered so far. F Evaluation of the Field Experience 1. Arrangements for evaluation of field experience activity by: a. Students Students are evaluated on their performance and are required to submit three progress reports and one final report; and present a seminar about their experience before passing the engineering practice. b. Supervising staff in the field setting The field supervisor evaluates the student in the following areas: Enthusiasm and interest in work, attitude towards delivering accurate work, quality of work output, initiative in taking tasks to complete, dependability and reliability, ability to learn and search for information, judgement and decision making, maintaining effective relation with co-workers, ability of reporting and presenting his work, attendance and punctuality. c. Supervising faculty from the institution The supervisory faculty evaluates the performance, reports and seminar of the student about their field experience. e. Others—(eg. graduates, independent evaluator, etc.) 2. Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing the effectiveness of the field experience and planning for improvement. All faculty members provide their feedback about the process of performance, reports and seminar evaluation. Learning Outcomes for Field Experience (EE–498) Skills Basic Math and statistics And Numerical Skills Use of IT And Responsibility Oral and written communication Psychomotor Ethical standards of behavior Communication IT Act responsibly- Personal and professional situations Interpersonal Skills Group participation and leadership Responsibility For own learning Problem Solving Creative thinking Apply skills when asked Cognitive Skills Procedure Theory Concepts Knowledge Facts 3. Use a in the last row if the skill is a major responsibility. Use X in the last row if the skill is a minor responsibility. X