O. Enhancing capacities to manage information from corporate sustainability reporting in Latin American countries United Nations Environment Programme, in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ($545,000) Background 117. Private sector engagement and transparency will be essential to truly achieve sustainable development, with sustainability reporting representing a potential tool with which to generate data and measure progress and the contribution of co mpanies towards global development objectives. Within this context, sustainability reporting: (a) represents a means to enhance corporate transparency and ensure accountability and traceability; (b) can facilitate companies’ ability to better analyse and understand the sustainability context in which they and their business partners operate and to manage financial and non-financial risks; and (c) serves as a tool to generate statistics and data that could help to measure and benchmark the contribution of companies towards globally agreed sustainable development goals. 118. The increased availability of quality information on corporate performance can enable Governments, investors, businesses and consumers as well as local communities to make more informed decisions and to better manage the transition towards a global sustainable economy, achieving a positive impact on society in the process. This information can also contribute to scientific assessment in the field of sustainable development. 119. Building on paragraph 47 of the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, four Governments started the Group of Friends of paragraph 47 to encourage companies to: (a) integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle; and (b) develop best practice models, considering, in particular, the needs of developing countries. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Reporting Initiative provide technical support to the Group. Since 2012, the Group has increased its membership to 10 countries. 120. UNEP, in close collaboration with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), will lead this project and will engage other partners, including the Global Reporting Initiative, representatives of other reporting frameworks, member Governments of the Group of Friends of paragraph 47, as well as other developing country Governments with relevant national experience in the field of sustainability reporting. Project beneficiaries will be member Governments of the Group of Friends and, more specifically, the project intervention will concentrate on four selected countries in one specific geographic region — Latin America. 121. The intervention will be targeted to one specific industrial secto r. It is suggested that this will be the extractive sector (mining and metals, oil and gas), being that it is a very important sector for the economic development of the target countries owing to the significant environmental impacts associated with extrac tive activities and the opportunities that transparency and disclosure of corporate performance might generate in terms of strengthening the relationship with local communities. While sustainability reporting covers all pillars of sustainable development, this project will exclusively address the environmental dimension of sustainability reporting. 122. The experience from this project is expected to have a strong potential for replication in other aspects of sustainable development that are covered in sus tainability reporting, and for dissemination in other countries and regions. Objective of the Organization: To strengthen the capacity of Governments in four selected countries to analyse and consolidate environmental information disclosed in corporate sustainability reports Relationship to the biennial programme plan for the period 2016-2017: Environment subprogramme 6 (Resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production) Summary budget (Thousands of United States dollars) Consultants Travel Seminars/workshops Contractual services Operating expenses Total Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat Indicators of achievement (EA1) Enhanced capacity of policymakers in the selected countries to develop national policies or guidelines that promote improved corporate sustainability reporting of environmental impacts (IA1.1) Two of the four beneficiary countries have drafted new policies or sectoral guidelines, or developed a proposal to strengthen existing policies or sectoral guidelines to promote corporate sustainability reporting and the collection of data and indicators on the environmental impacts of businesses (EA2) Improved technical capacities of the selected countries to regularly produce a consolidated overview of the selected sector’s contribution to the environmental dimension of sustainable development (IA2.1) Two of the four beneficiary countries are consolidating and monitoring data on the selected sector’s contribution to sustainable development through information collected from corporate sustainability reports Main activities 123. 138.5 126.0 162.0 100.0 18.5 545.0 The main activities of the project will include: (A1.1) Establish a steering committee led by UNEP, in close collaboration with ECLAC, and with the participation of government representatives of the beneficiary countries. The steering committee will monitor all activities throughout the project’s implementation and validate all relevant decisions for the correct realization of the project; (A1.2) Develop a “training of trainers” toolkit, which builds on existing Group of Friends of paragraph 47 evidence-based studies. The toolkit will provide guidance for (a) the formulation of policies and sectoral guidelines that enhance corporate sustainability reporting; and (b) the collection and management of data and indicators on the environmental impacts of businesses. The steering committee (see activity A1.1) will validate the toolkit upon completion; (A1.3) Organize a regional capacity-building workshop aimed at policymakers in selected countries. The regional workshop will be based on the “training of trainers” toolkit (activity A1.2); (A1.4) Provide support for the national process of elaboration of one policy or one sectoral guideline that enhances corporate sustainability reporting in the beneficiary countries through one launching and one concluding workshop. The support provided by the project to national processes will be based on an agreed work plan and will be coordinated through the beneficiar ies of the capacity-building workshop (activity A.1.3) as well as governmental members and advisers to the project steering committee (see activity A1.1); (A2.1) Provide support for the design and development of a database for the collection and management of data and indicators on the environmental impacts of businesses, emerging from the analysis of companies ’ sustainability reports, and train local government officials to operate it. The solutions will have to be tailored to apply appropriate information to the specific policies or sectoral guidelines developed under activity A1.4; (A2.2) Organize two national workshops for business intermediaries (chambers of commerce, industrial associations, sectoral regulators, concerned ministries and sustainability leaders of the business community) in each of the target countries. During these workshops, the reporting requirements resulting from policies and guidelines developed under activity A1.4 will be explained and concrete instructions on the quality of information that will need to be reported will be provided, as well as hands-on instructions on the use of the database so that companies have a good understanding of the type and level of information they will be expected to provide; (A2.3) Provide assistance to the beneficiary countries in consolidating data on the environmental impacts of businesses in the database developed in activity A2.1; (A2.4) Develop a final report that will summarize results of the project in the beneficiary countries, including lessons learned and concrete recommendations for further improvement of similar sustainability information monitoring initiatives. O: Enhancing capacities to manage information from corporate sustainability reporting in Latin American countries Implementing entities: UNEP, in collaboration with ECLAC Duration: 2016 – 2019 Objective: To strengthen the capacity of Governments in four selected countries to analyse and consolidate environmental information disclosed in corporate sustainability reports. Summary budget Detailed budget (US dollars) (Thousands of United States dollars) Consultants Travel Seminar/Workshops 138.5 126.0 162.0 Contractual Services 100.0 Operating Expenses 18.5 Total 545.0 Consultants International consultants International consultants in support of activities A1.2 (Toolkit) and A1.4 (Elaboration of Policy/Guideline). 10 Work Months (WM) for activity A.1.2, and 6 WM (1.5 WM per country) for activity A1.4, including travels and preparation of travels, i.e. 16 WM at $6,000 per month, including travel costs = $96,000 Participating as resource persons in support of activities A1.3 (Capacity Building Workshop), A.1.4 (Elaboration of Policy/Guideline). The participation of one international resource expert in each of these activities will entail 9 travels ($2,500 per person) x (9 persons) = $22,500 Evaluation Consultant 4 WM including travel x ($5,000 per month) = $20,000 Travel of staff UNEP, ECLAC staff ($3,000 per person) which include: One UNEP and 1 ECLAC staff each undertaking 1 travel for the organisation of the Steering Committee in activity A1.1, 1 travel for the first and for the concluding meeting, and for 1 of the periodic meetings (UNEP regional offices and national offices are expected to support other periodic meetings (4 travels per two staff members – totalling 8 travels) One UNEP and 1 ECLAC staff for the regional capacity building workshop in activity A1.3 (2 travels) One UNEP and 1 ECLAC staff for the launching workshop in each of the countries in activity A1.4 (8 travels) One UNEP and 1 ECLAC staff for the concluding workshop in four countries in activity A1.4 (8 travels) One UNEP and 1 ECLAC staff for the 8 national workshops for business intermediaries in activity A2.2 (16 travels) 138 500 126 000 Seminars, Workshops and Study Tours Capacity Building Workshop One regional capacity building workshop for policy makers attended by a minimum of 3 policy makers per beneficiary country and policy makers of other GoF47 countries and other developing countries with relevant experience (Activity A.1.3). The total number of participants in the workshop will be 25, out of which a maximum of 20 participants will be provided travel support. Total cost estimation: Rental of the workshop venue and local conferencerelated expenditures, including interpretation and translation services ($ 10,000) + Travel of participants ($40,000) = $50,000 Workshops for Business Intermediaries Two workshops for business intermediaries in each of the four target countries (totalling 8 workshops) to strengthen capacities to advise companies from the selected sector on the application of the national policy / sectoral guideline – activity A.2.2. Rental of the workshop venues (x8) for 20 participants and local conference-related expenditures, including interpretation and translation services, as well as travel costs for participants from different regions as the two national workshops will be held in two different regions of the same country = $112,000 Contractual Services International organization to support the development of the database to collect and manage indicators on the sectoral ecological footprint of businesses (A2.1), to train local officials and to contribute to the consolidation of country level sustainability data (A2.3), and the preparation of the final lessons learned and recommendation report (A2.4). One institution supporting the four targeted countries = ($100,000) Operating expenses Communications, printing activities: = $18,500 162 000 100 000 18 500 of documents and postage: in support of all 6