Strategies for mitigating the impact of graduation from the least developed countries category

C.Strategies for mitigating the impact of graduation from the least
developed countries category
Department of Economic and Social Affairs ($560,000)
In the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020
(Istanbul Programme of Action) Member States committed to providing assistance to
least developed countries with the overarching goal of enabling half of such countries to
meet the criteria for graduation by 2020. So far, 4 countries have graduat ed from the least
developed countries category, while 48 countries officially remain in that category.
An increasing number of countries have indicated an interest in accelerating their
development progress in order to reach the objective of meeting t he graduation criteria.
However, a recurring argument put forward by them is the uncertainty of losing access to
the potential benefits associated with their status as least developed countries.
Despite recent efforts to provide assistance to least d eveloped countries in preparing for
graduation, one key factor inhibits such countries from embracing the graduation process.
This factor is related to the lack of reliable and transparent statistics and data about the
extent of international support provided to these countries from the international
development community and the uncertainty about the continuation of support after
graduation. In this regard, there is a priority need to improve access to and analysis of
reliable statistics and data in order for least developed countries to better record and
monitor the international support provided to them prior to and after graduation.
Capacity-building initiatives for least developed countries should provide support in
tracking, monitoring and evaluating the impacts and performance of different types of
financing flows, and contribute to ensuring mutual accountability and transparency,
including related to the process of graduating from the least developed countries
category. Considerable scope exists for South-South learning and cooperation in these
In order to concentrate on in-depth capacity development in the beneficiary countries, the
project will focus on two to four pilot least developed countries. As part of the project
activities, the results obtained through the project will be shared with a broader group of
least developed countries.
Objective of the Organization: To increase national capacity in
the Governments of selected least developed countries to prepare
for and mitigate the potential reduction in international support as
a consequence of graduation from least developed countries
Relationship to the biennial programme plan for the period
2016-2017: Economic and social affairs subprogramme 6
(Development policy and analysis)
Summary budget
(Thousands of United States dollars)
General temporary
Operating expenses
Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat
Indicators of achievement
(EA1) Improved capacity in least developed
countries to collect, monitor and evaluate
quantitative data about their utilization of
international support measures, including
identifying the sectors where these measures
have been applied
(IA1.1) The Governments of targeted pilot
least developed countries have collected data
on the availability and utilization of
international support measures
(EA2) Improved capacity in graduating countries
All participating countries have built
to address the possible implications of the
withdrawal of international support measures by
development partners and to integrate the
resultant changes into relevant development
policy strategies
capacity for incorporating the implications of a
potential or eventual reduction in international
support measures into their smooth transition
Main activities
The main activities of the project will include:
(A1.1) Scoping missions to assess availability and sources of data, and collect inputs for
cataloguing existing support measures available to the pilot countries. In one of
the pilot countries a case study will be developed, analysing experiences and
current practices in the tracking and monitoring of key international support
measures and evaluating options for strengthening capacity for generating
quality, timely and reliable data. Reviews carried out by experts will determine
the format, quality and comparability of information collection on internation al
support measures and the availability of the measures and use in participating
least developed countries, and will identify measures to improve the current
(A1.2) Conceptualization and design of a toolkit on the ways to strengthen national
statistical capabilities to record, monitor and evaluate countries ’ access to and
use of international support measures. A database will be constructed and
instructions for its compilation and use made available online. Training
workshops will be conducted in the use of the toolkit and database in the
participating least developed countries;
(A1.3) One advisory mission in each country to develop national capabilities for
tracking, monitoring and evaluating the impacts and performance of different
types of support measures;
(A2.1) Case study analysis, to be conducted on experiences and practices in two
countries that have already graduated from the least developed countries
category, on retaining and phasing out support measures, including with regard
to the implementation of smooth transition from the least developed countries
category and to sustainable development implications;
(A2.2) Presentation of the case study analysis, outlining lessons from graduated least
developed countries, at a regional workshop;
(A2.3) Capacity-building in the project countries through advisory services and
workshops on evaluating the implications of the possible withdrawal of support
measures and on negotiating with development partners on the
continuation/phasing out of support.
C: Strategies for mitigating the impact of graduation from the least developed countries category
Duration: 2016 – 2019
Implementing entities: DESA
Objective: To increase national capacity in selected LDC governments to prepare for and mitigate the potential reduction in international support
as a consequence of graduation from LDC country status.
Summary budget
(Thousands of United States dollars)
General temporary
Operating Expenses
Detailed budget (US dollars)
General Temporary Assistance
 Temporary assistance to prepare training material, develop content for
the toolkit, prepare workshops and conduct general research assistance,
in support of all activities
International consultants
 International consultants for the tasks of preparing a case study in
participating LDC on experiences and current practices in tracking,
monitoring and evaluating the performance of different types of ISMs (1
consultant x 2 working months) (A1.1)
 Reviewing the format, quality, comparability of information and
availability of international support measures (1 consultant x 1 working
month) (A1.1)
 Preparing a toolkit of best practices (1 consultant x 1 working month)
 Advise and assist in national capacity building and the building of a
toolkit for recording ISM data (1 consultant x 1 month) (A1.3); Analysis
of countries already graduated from the LDC category (1 consultant x 2
months) (A2.1)
 Building capacity in evaluating and negotiating the implications of
graduation (1 consultant x 1 month) (A.2.2);
 Mainstreaming the impact of changes in international support into
smooth transition strategies (1 consultant x 1 month) (A.2.3)
 (Total 10 work months) x ($10,000 per month) +
consultants’ travel) = $140,000
24 000
210 000
National / Regional consultants
 National consultants for task(s) of supporting the work of
international consultants at the local level in pilot countries, in support
of activities A1.1, A1.2, A1.3 and A2.1, A2.3. (14 work months) x ($
5,000 per month) = $70,000
Evaluation Consultant
 External evaluation (1 consultant x 1 month)
Travel of staff
Staff from the implementing entity
 Scoping missions to the pilot countries (A1.1)
160 000
 Workshop in each project country for national capacity building for tracking,
monitoring and evaluating the impacts and performance of different types of
ISMs and the development of a toolkit for recording ISMs data (A1.2 & A1.3)
 Case-studies on experiences and practices in countries already graduated from
the LDC category of retaining and phasing out support measures (A2.1)
 Regional workshop evaluating the implications of the possible withdrawal of
support measures and negotiating with development partners on the
continuation/phasing out of support (A2.2) as well as mainstreaming the
impact of changes in the level of international support into smooth transition
strategies (A2.3)
 ($10,000 average travel cost x 4 staff) x (4 missions) = $160,000
Operating expenses
11 000
 Communications, printing and other general operating expenses in
support of all activities are estimated at a cost of $11,000
 A provision of $22,000 is required for PCs and software equipment to be
provided to the project countries in support of building and running an
electronic toolkit under activity A1.2 at an estimated cost of $5,500 for
four units of equipment
Seminars, Workshops and Study Tours
 Workshops, in support of A1.2, A2.2 and A2.3 ($1,662.50 per participant
from other countries graduating or already graduated from the LDC
category x (10 participants) x (8 workshops). Workshop activities A2.2
and A2.3 will be combined
22 000
133 000