Timeline for the Age of Revolutions.doc

Timeline for the Age of Revolutions
1763 End of Seven Year’s War
1774 Louis XVI becomes king of France
1775 Start of the American Revolution
1781 American Revolution ends: United States is independent
1787 Louis calls an Assembly of Notables to meet in Paris
1788 American Constitution is written
1789 May, Estates General meets for the first time since 1614
June 17, the National Assembly is formed
June 20, the Tennis Court Oath is taken
July 14, Storming of the Bastille
July – August, the Great Fear
August 27, Declaration of the Rights of Man issued
1790 July, Civil Constitution of the Clergy issued
1791 June, the king and family tries to flee France but fail to do so
September, the National Assembly presents the new constitution
and elections are held
October, the newly elected Legislative Assembly meets
1792 April, France declares war on Austria
August, Paris mob storms the Tuileries Palace, the Legislative Assembly falls
September, new constitution issued and elections held
National Convention formed
September 20, abolition of the monarchy and France declared a Republic
French victory over the Austrians
October, new calendar introduced
1793 January, Louis XVI put on trial and executed
February, France at war with Europe
counter-revolutionary protests all over France
March, Committee of Public Safety formed, Reign of Terror begins
August, Levee en Masse enacted
1794 July, Thermidorian Reaction, Robespierre executed July 28
1795 February, churches reopened
August, new constitution written, the Directory is formed
1797 September, the Directory removes royalists from the legislature
1799 November, coup by Napoleon Bonaparte removes the Directory
Napoleon is ruler of France
1804 Independent Republic of Haiti established
1810 Simon Bolivar leads a revolution of South America states against Spain
1814 Ferdinand VII becomes king of Spain
1817 Serbia wins independence from the Ottoman Empire
1820 Revolt against Ferdinand of Spain, ended in 1823
1821 Mexico wins independence from Spain
1823 Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia are independent of Spain
1824 The Monroe Doctrine is issued by the United States
1830 Greece wins independence from the Ottoman Empire