ENVIRONMENTAL RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY DECISION Amended under s67A on 22 August 2007 26 March 2001 Application code GMC00001 Application type To import into containment a genetically modified organism under section 40(1)(a) of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act. Applicant New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research (Crop and Food Research) Purpose Date received To gain approval to maintain in containment and to import strains of genetically modified E. coli and Agrobacterium which are used to facilitate the introduction of foreign DNA into a wide range of crop species. 6 November 2000 Consideration period 13 February 2001 – 22 February 2001 Considered by GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) New Organisms Standing Committee of the Environmental Risk Management Authority (the Authority). Decision The application is approved subject to controls in accordance with sections 45(1)(a) and 45(2) of the HSNO Act 1996. The organisms approved are 142 strains of genetically modified Escherichia coli, Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes as listed in Annex 1 to this decision. Application process The application was formally received on 06 November 2000 and verified to contain sufficient information to be processed on 17 November 2000. The application was stalled under section 58 of the Act from 5 December 2000-15 January 2001 while the scope of the organisms for importation was clarified. Public notification of the application was not required under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996. The documents available for the evaluation and review of the application by ERMA New Zealand included the application and appendices listing the organisms. The application was considered by the Genetically Modified Organisms Standing Committee of the Authority appointed in accordance with section 19(2)(b) of the HSNO Act. The Committee comprised the following members: Ms Jill White, Professor Colin Mantell and Dr Oliver Sutherland. The application included a request for approval for a modified strain of Agrobacterium rubi. This strain was later confirmed to be a non-modified strain with an existing approval for import into physical containment level 2 (PC2) (approval code: NOC001663). The Committee confirmed that no additional approval of A. rubi is required. The full details of the controls on A. rubi are included in the decision on application NOC99014. Relevant legislative criteria The application was lodged pursuant to section 40(1)(a) of the HSNO Act. The decision was determined in accordance with section 45, taking into account additional matters to be considered under sections 37 and 44 and matters relevant to the purpose of the Act, as specified under Part II of the Act. Consideration of the application followed the relevant provisions of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (Methodology) Order 1998, but with particular regard to clauses 8 (dealing with the scale and significance of the risks, costs and benefits) and 26 (dealing with applications where the risks are negligible). Reasons for the decision Purpose The Committee considers that the purpose of the application is to gain approval under section 40 of the HSNO Act 1996 for existing bacterial collections and for additional A. tumefaciens strains intended for import into containment for research purposes. In accordance with section 45(1)(a)(i) of the HSNO Act, the Committee determined that this was an appropriate purpose under section 39(1)(h) of the Act 1996: Such other purposes as the Authority thinks fit. Inseparable organisms The Committee has considered the effects of any inseparable organisms, in accordance with section 45(a)(ii) of the HSNO Act and noted that the organism would be imported in the form of pure cultures, therefore contamination with other organisms is very unlikely. Should any inseparable organisms be imported, it is very unlikely they would escape containment under the specified containment controls imposed in this decision. Ability to escape containment In accordance with section 44(b) of the HSNO Act, the Committee considered the ability of the organisms to escape from containment. Containment controls to which the approval of this application is subject are considered to satisfactorily address the matters detailed in the Third Schedule Part I, Containment Controls for Developing, Importing or Field Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms of the HSNO Act. The Committee requires the organisms to be maintained in a facility that is registered and operated according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) Biosecurity Authority/ERMA New Zealand Standard 154.03.02: Containment Facilities for Microorganisms and the Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2243.3:1995 Safety in Laboratories: Part 3: (Microbiology), at Physical Containment Level 1 (PC1). Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision: Application GMC00001 Page 2 of 8 The Committee is satisfied that it is very unlikely that bacterial strains listed in Appendix 1 could escape containment, taking into account the laboratory procedures proposed by the applicant and the containment controls imposed in this decision. The Committee notes that the applicant is required to implement procedures for the retrieval or destruction of any viable material of the organism that has breached containment, as part of the facility approval, and the procedures shall be detailed in the facilities containment manuals, which require MAF approval. Ability to form self-sustaining populations and ease of eradication In accordance with sections 37(a) and (b) of the HSNO Act, the Committee considered the ability of the organisms to establish a self-sustaining population and the ease with which any such populations could be eradicated. Escherichia coli The Committee notes that the E. coli are derivatives of strain K12, which has been demonstrated to be unable to establish a self-sustaining population outside of laboratory culture (Smith 1975, Heitkamp et al. 1993) The Committee considers that in the very unlikely event of escape, the E. coli are very unlikely to establish self-sustaining populations. The Committee considers eradication of the organisms would be difficult, should escape occur and a population establish. Also, any eradication method is likely to adversely effect the microorganisms already present in that environment. Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes The Committee notes that despite the widespread use of A. tumefaciens in laboratory research no information was provided by the applicant or was found by ERMA New Zealand on the risk assessment of Agrobacterium laboratory strains. Survival of A. tumefaciens strains on plants that have been genetically modified by the bacteria have been reported (e.g., Matzk et al. 1996), therefore the Committee considers that at least some laboratory strains of A. tumefaciens will be able to survive outside of containment. No information on the ability of A. rhizogenes strains to survive outside of containment was available for the consideration, but since these strains are also used to infect plants it is considered likely that they could survive if they escaped. The Committee notes that A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes strains would have to compete with other Agrobacterium species that naturally inhabit the plant rhizosphere. However, the Committee considers that there is uncertainty over whether the genetically modified laboratory strains of A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes will be able to establish self-sustaining populations in the very unlikely event that they should they escape. Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision: Application GMC00001 Page 3 of 8 Adverse effects The Committee considered potential adverse effects of the organisms, in accordance with section 45(a)(ii) of the HSNO Act. Effects on human health The Committee considers that it is very unlikely that the genetically modified laboratory strains of E. coli, A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes will have adverse health effects. It is noted that all three species are included in Schedule 2 of HSNO (Low-Risk Genetic Modification) Regulations as approved host/vector systems. Modification to such organisms are considered low risk and require PC1 containment, in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2243.3:1995 Safety in Laboratories: Part 3: (Microbiology). Effects on the environment Escherichia coli The Committee notes that E. coli strains derived from strain K-12 are very widely used in New Zealand as well as overseas laboratories. The Committee are not aware of any adverse effects associated with their maintenance or their escape from containment. Consequently, in the event of escape from containment the Committee considers that it is very unlikely that these E. coli strains will have adverse environmental effects. Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes A. tumefaciens is a widespread soil bacterium that can colonise and infect a broad range of dicotyledonous plants. Virulent strains produce special compounds that induce tumour formation in host plants. The Committee notes that these virulent determinants are lacking in the laboratory strains listed in this application so that it is very unlikely that tumours will be formed if these strains infect plants. The applicant noted that the plant pathogenic A. tumefaciens strains are all disarmed and non-gall forming. However, these strains are likely to be still able to colonize plants, and transfer genetic material to them via their Ti plasmid, so that in the event of an escape from containment and plant colonisation genetic material may be transferred to some of the cells of the plant(s). The magnitude of such an effect will depend upon the genetic material transferred, the number and types of plant cells modified, and the plant species involved. A. rhizogenes is also a widespread soil bacterium that can colonise the roots of a range of dicotyledonous plants. Wild type strains of A. rhizogenes can induce rootlet proliferation in plants, resulting in “hairy root” syndrome. It is uncertain whether the A. rhizogenes strains to be imported will have the root-inducing capability of the wild strains. They will, however, have the ability to transfer genetic material to plants. The Committee notes that during the evaluation of the application ERMA New Zealand searched for but did not find reports of adverse effects associated with the escape of A. tumefaciens or A. rhizogenes strains from laboratories. A. tumefaciens has been used for many years in New Zealand laboratories so that adverse effects associated with escapes from containment could be expected to have been observed. Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision: Application GMC00001 Page 4 of 8 In the event of escape from containment the Committee considers that there is the potential for the A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes strains to have adverse environmental effects. This is dependent upon them colonising a plant and transferring foreign genetic material to the plant. The magnitude of an effect will depend on the nature of the genetic material transferred and the number of plants infected. As noted above, there is uncertainty over the ability of the laboratory strains to establish an infection outside of containment. The Committee notes that the A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes strains are approved Schedule 2 hosts in the HSNO (Low-Risk Genetic Modification) Regulations and considers that the containment controls imposed by this decision make it very unlikely that Agrobacterium will escape from containment. Effects on the relationship of Māori with their taonga The Committee considers adverse effects on Māori culture are very unlikely given that the organisms are to be used as laboratory tools in containment. The application is not for the development of GMOs but for the maintenance of existing collections, for their reimportation and for the import of additional strains from overseas sources. The Committee notes that use of the bacteria in modifying plants requires separate approvals to be gained for development of a GMO in containment. Negligible risk Based on the consideration and analysis of adverse effects on the environment and public health, but particularly taking into account the containment controls imposed in this decision, the Committee considers that the risks associated with the importation of the genetically modified E. coli, A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes strains, as listed in Appendix 1, into containment are negligible. The Committee has therefore considered this application in terms of clause 26 of the Methodology. Costs and benefits The Committee considers the primary benefits of this application are associated with the increased knowledge to be gained through the use the bacteria in various genetic engineering programmes currently being undertaken by Crop and Food Research. The Committee is satisfied that costs are unlikely to accrue to parties other than the applicant. Conclusion The Committee concludes that, taking account of the ability of the organism to escape from containment as in section 44(b) of the HSNO Act, the beneficial effects of having the organism in containment outweigh the likely adverse effects of the organism and any inseparable organisms, should the organism escape. Having considered the possible effects of the organism in accordance with sections 45(1)(a)(ii) and (iii) of the HSNO Act, the Committee is satisfied that the proposed containment regime and additional controls can adequately contain the organism. The application to import into containment the new organisms, as listed in Appendix 1, is thus granted in accordance with section 45(1)(a) of the HSNO Act. As required under section 45(2) the approval is subject to containment controls, as specified below. Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision: Application GMC00001 Page 5 of 8 Containment controls In order to satisfactorily address the matters detailed in the Third Schedule Part I Containment Controls for Developing, Importing or Field Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms1 of the Act, the Authority’s approval of this application is subject to the following controls: 1. To limit the likelihood of any accidental release of any organism or any viable genetic material2: 1.1 The person responsible for a particular research area and/or the person responsible for the operation of the containment facility shall inform all personnel involved in the handling of the organisms of the Authority’s controls. 1.2 The containment facilities shall be approved by MAF in accordance with the MAF Biosecurity Authority/ERMA New Zealand Standard 154.03.023, and the controls of the Authority. 1.3 The construction and operation of the containment facilities in which the genetically modified organisms (as listed in Appendix 1 to this decision) are maintained and reimported into shall be in accordance with the: a) MAF/ERMA New Zealand Standard 154.03.023:Containment Facilities for Microorganisms. b) Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2243.3:19953 Safety in Laboratories: Part 3: (Microbiology), at Physical Containment Level 1 (PC1) 2. To exclude unauthorised people from the facility 2.1 The identification of entrances, numbers of and access to entrances, and security requirements for the entrances and the facility shall be in compliance with the requirements of the standards listed in control 1.3. 3. To exclude other organisms from the facility and to control undesirable and unwanted organisms within the facility 3.1 The exclusion of other organisms from the facility and the control of undesirable and unwanted organisms within the facility shall be in compliance with the standards listed in control 1.3 Bold headings refer to Matters to be Addressed by Containment Controls for Development and Field Testing of Genetically Modified Organisms, specified in the Third Schedule of the HSNO Act 1996. 1 Viable Genetic Material is biological material that can be resuscitated to grow into tissues or organisms. It can be defined to mean biological material capable of growth even though resuscitation procedures may be required, eg when organisms or parts thereof are sublethally damaged by being frozen, dried, heated, or affected by chemical. 2 3 Any reference to this standard in these controls refers to any subsequent version approved or endorsed by ERMA New Zealand Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision: Application GMC00001 Page 6 of 8 4. To prevent unintended release of the organism by experimenters working with the organism 4.1 The prevention of unintended release of the organism by experimenters working with the organism shall be in compliance with the standards listed in control 1.3. 5. To control the effects of any accidental release or escape of an organism Control of the effects of any accidental release or escape of an organism shall be in compliance with the standards listed in control 1.3. If a breach of containment occurs, the facility operator must ensure that the MAF Inspector responsible for supervision of the facility has received notification of the breach within 24 hours. In the event of any breach of containment the contingency plan for the attempted retrieval or destruction of any viable material of the organisms that have escaped shall be implemented immediately. The contingency plan shall be included in the containment manual in accordance with MAF/ERMA New Zealand Standard 154.03.023: Containment Facilities for Microorganisms. 6. Inspection and monitoring requirements for containment facilities The inspection and monitoring requirements for containment facilities shall be in compliance with the standards listed in control 1.3. The containment manuals shall be updated, as necessary, to address the implementation of the controls imposed by this approval, in accordance with MAF/ERMA New Zealand Standard 154.03.023: Containment Facilities for Micro-organisms. 7. Qualifications required of the persons responsible for implementing those controls The training of personnel working in the facility shall be in compliance with the standards listed in control 1.3. ________________________________ Date: 26 March 2001 Ms Jill White, Chair GMO New Organisms Standing Committee of the Authority Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision: Application GMC00001 Page 7 of 8 Amendment: November 2006 Changes to controls: Addition of footnotes to the containment facility references and the Australian/New Zealand containment facility references to “future proof” the decision Standardise the wording of the breach of containment control Removal of the control regarding inspection of facilities by the Authority, its agent or enforcement officers ____________________________ Dr Kieran Elborough Chair, GMO Standing Committee Date: 22 August 2007 References Heitkamp MA, et al. (1993). Fate in sewage of a recombinant Escherichia coli K-12 strain used in the commercial production of bovine somatotropin. J. Ind. Microbiol. 11, 243-252. Matzk A, Mantell S, Schiemann J (1996). Localization of persisting agrobacteria in transgenic tobacco plants. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 9, 373-381. Smith HW (1975). Survival of orally administered E. coli K12 in alimentary tract of man. Nature 255, 500-502. Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision: Application GMC00001 Page 8 of 8 Decision Apppendix 1: GMC00001 Approved microorganisms Organisation Collection name Risk Group Crop and Food Research Limited, Lincoln and Palmerston North E. coli, Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes Low-risk category A or B, Risk group 1 Approval code Common Name Description Taxonomic name GMC000943 Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A.r. 24c (R1023)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium rhizogenes (genetically modified) GMC000944 Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A.r. 32) GMC00001 GMC000945 Agrobacterium rhizogenes (A.r.18 (R1022)) GMC00001 GMC000946 Agrobacterium rhizogenes (LBA 9402) GMC00001 GMC000947 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ CAT (Chloramphenicol resistance)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ codA (5 fluoro-cytosine susceptibility)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ HPT (hygromycin resistance)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ Luc (Luciferase activity)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ Spec (Spectinomycin resistance)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrostrain LBA4404+ Lc (anthocyanin regulatory sequence leads to red leaves)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Chry 5 (tumourgenic)) GMC00001 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection to be imported) CFR ref. no.: 1n Strain and binary vector: A.r. 24c (R1023) Source/ Origin (if available): Ex Hort Research International, Wellesbourne Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection to be imported) CFR ref. no.: 2n Strain and binary vector: A.r. 32 Source/ Origin (if available): Ex Hort Research International Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection to be imported) CFR ref. no.: 3n Strain and binary vector: A.r.18 (R1022) Source/ Origin (if available): Ex Hort Research International Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection to be imported) CFR ref. no.: 1mc Strain and binary vector: LBA 9402 Source/ Origin (if available): Ex Cornell University Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 3rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ CAT (Chloramphenicol resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John I Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 13rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ codA (5 fluoro-cytosine susceptibility) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jens Stougaard Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 6rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ HPT (hygromycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From George Coupland, John Innes Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 8rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ Luc (Luciferase activity) Source/ Origin (if available): From Saco de Vries, Wageningen Uni Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 12rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ Spec (Spectinomycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John I Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 1rb Strain and binary vector: Agrostrain LBA4404+ Lc (anthocyanin regulatory sequence leads to red leaves) Source/ Origin (if available): From Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Chry 5 (tumourgenic) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr M. Daub, North Carolina, USA Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 11c Strain and binary vector: LBA4404 (pCambia 3301) Source/ Origin (if available): Cambia@cambia.org.au from Phillipa. Electroporated into LBA Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 12c Strain and binary vector: LBA4404(pTOK233) Source/ Origin (if available): Toshihiko Komari, Japan Tobacco Inc., 700 Higashibara, Toyoda, Iw Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) GMC000948 GMC000949 GMC000950 GMC000951 GMC000952 GMC000953 GMC000954 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (LBA4404 (pCambia 3301)) GMC00001 GMC000955 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (LBA4404(pTOK233)) GMC00001 Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes (genetically modified) Agrobacterium rhizogenes (genetically modified) Agrobacterium rhizogenes (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Page 1 of 8 GMC000956 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (MOG301 (pMOG410)) GMC00001 GMC000957 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI ( pMON 39138) CP4, etr-1 genes) GMC00001 GMC000958 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (confidential information provided)) GMC00001 GMC000959 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (pMON 11063) NptII, etr1-1) GMC00001 GMC000960 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (pMON 15737) NptII, GUS, CP4) GMC00001 GMC000961 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (pMON 26140) CP4) GMC00001 GMC000962 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (pMON 34018) CP4) GMC00001 GMC000963 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (pMON 34027) CP4, GFP. GUS) GMC00001 GMC000964 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (pMON 39141) CP4, etr-1 genes) GMC00001 GMC000965 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (ABI (pMON 39154) CP4, gent) GMC00001 GMC000966 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (AGL1) GMC00001 GMC000967 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agli (pLN27)) GMC00001 GMC000968 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agli (pTMV-GUS)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (AGLO) GMC00001 GMC000969 GMC000970 GMC000971 GMC000972 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro strains LBA4404, ASE1, KYRT1, Agli, GV3101+ Green Fluorescent Protein) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404 + BAR (Basta resistance)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ Ac (Maize transposon)) GMC00001 Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: MOG301 (pMOG410) Source/ Origin (if available): Mogen Internantional nv, Leiden, The Netherlands Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI ( pMON 39138) CP4, etr-1 genes Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (confidential information provided) Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (pMON 11063) NptII, etr1-1 Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (pMON 15737) NptII, GUS, CP4 Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (pMON 26140) CP4 Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (pMON 34018) CP4 Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (pMON 34027) CP4, GFP. GUS Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (pMON 39141) CP4, etr-1 genes Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: ABI (pMON 39154) CP4, gent Source/ Origin (if available): Scotts Co, New York & Ohio. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 18rb Strain and binary vector: AGL1 Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 10c Strain and binary vector: Agli (pLN27) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jan Grant Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 9c Strain and binary vector: Agli (pTMV-GUS) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jan Grant Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 17rb Strain and binary vector: AGL0 Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 2rb Strain and binary vector: Agro strains LBA4404, ASE1, KYRT1, Agli, GV3101+ Green Fluorescent Protein Source/ Origin (if available): From Ji Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 4rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404 + BAR (Basta resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From George Coupland, John Innes Ins Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 14rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ Ac (Maize transposon) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John Innes Insti Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Page 2 of 8 GMC000973 GMC000974 GMC000975 GMC000976 GMC000977 GMC000978 GMC000979 GMC000980 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ Cre/Lox recombinase ) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ En/Spm (Maize transposon)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ FLP/ FRT recombinase) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ NPTII (Kanamycin resistance)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ SPT (Streptomycin resistance)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agro= strain LBA4404+ uidA (b glucuronidase activity)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (C58C1, avirulent, no Ti plasmid) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (EHA105 (pMOG410)) GMC00001 GMC000981 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (EHA105) GMC00001 GMC000982 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (EHAL 05) GMC00001 GMC000983 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (K1, avirulent, no Ti plasmid) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (KYRT1 Disarmed version of strain Chry 5) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (LBA4404 (electro competent)) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (LBA4404 (pBINmgfp5ER)) GMC00001 GMC000984 GMC000985 GMC000986 GMC000987 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (LBA4404 (pMOG410)) GMC00001 GMC000988 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (MOG101 (pMOG410)) GMC00001 GMC000989 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (pNE5) GMC00001 GMC000990 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (pSLJ1111 in LBA 4404) GMC00001 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (pSLJ721(EIK) in LBA 4404) GMC00001 GMC000991 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 9rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ Cre/Lox recombinase Source/ Origin (if available): From Gary Drews, University of Utah, US Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 15rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ En/Spm (Maize transposon) Source/ Origin (if available): From George Coupland, John Innes Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 10rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ FLP/ FRT recombinase Source/ Origin (if available): From Gary Drews, University of Utah, U Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 5rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ NPTII (Kanamycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 11rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ SPT (Streptomycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John Inn Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 7rb Strain and binary vector: Agro= strain LBA4404+ uidA (b glucuronidase activity) Source/ Origin (if available): From George Coupland, John I Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 103c Strain and binary vector: C58C1, avirulent, no Ti plasmid Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: EHA105 (pMOG410) Source/ Origin (if available): Mogen Internantional nv, Leiden, The Netherlands Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: EHA105 Source/ Origin (if available): Dr H. Hood, Utah, USA Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 16rb Strain and binary vector: EHAL 05 Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 102c Strain and binary vector: K1, avirulent, no Ti plasmid Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium to be imported) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: KYRT1 Disarmed version ofstrain Chry 5 Source/ Origin (if available): Dr. GB Collins, University of Kentucky, USA Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 15c Strain and binary vector: LBA4404 (electro competent) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 17c Strain and binary vector: LBA4404 (pBINmgfp5-ER) Source/ Origin (if available): Contains green fluorescent protein. From Jim Haseloff.via R Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: LBA4404 (pMOG410) Source/ Origin (if available): Mogen Internantional nv, Leiden, The Netherlands Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: MOG101 (pMOG410) Source/ Origin (if available): Mogen Internantional nv, Leiden, The Netherlands Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 40cr Strain and binary vector: pNE5 Source/ Origin (if available): Ross, CODA next to transposase gene instead of GUS in pSLJ1111 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 44cr Strain and binary vector: pSLJ1111 in LBA 4404 Source/ Origin (if available): From Ross) Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified Agrobacterium collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 31cr Strain and binary vector: pSLJ721(EIK) in LBA 4404 Source/ Origin (if available): Plasmid from Ross Bicknell. Promoter-Ds-GUS. Made by Eco Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Agrobacterium tumefaciens (genetically modified) Page 3 of 8 GMC000992 Escherichia coli (HB101 (cDNA, rbC in pBR 322) GMC00001 GMC000993 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (INCiII gc pJAM 252 in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (INCIII gc pJAM 253 in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (pNT103 in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC000994 GMC000995 GMC000996 GMC000997 GMC000998 GMC000999 Escherichia coli (DH5alpha+ codA (5 fluoro-cytosine susceptibility)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli ( DH5á+ Green Fluorescent Protein) GMC00001 Escherichia coli ( DH5á+ Lc (anthocyanin regulatory sequence leads to red leaves)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli ((pJIT60AoPR1GUSint)) GMC00001 GMC001000 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 111 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001001 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 114 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001002 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 129 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001003 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 13 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001004 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 137 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001005 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 25 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001006 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 31 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001007 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 38 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001008 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 4 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001009 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 41 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: HB101 (cDNA, rbC in pBR 322 Source/ Origin (if available): Dr W. Gruissem, Berkeley, California, USA Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (INCiII gc pJAM 252 in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (INCIII gc pJAM 253 in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 9cr Strain and binary vector: pNT103 in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Nicole Houba-Herin. (Plant journal 19 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 13rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ codA (5 fluoro-cytosine susceptibility) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jens Stougaard, University of Aarhus Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 2rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Green Fluorescent Protein Source/ Origin (if available): From Jim Haseloff. Oxford University, UK Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 1rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Lc (anthocyanin regulatory sequence leads to red leaves) Source/ Origin (if available): From J. Yoder. University Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 6c Strain and binary vector: (pJIT60AoPR1GUSint) Source/ Origin (if available): From Tony Conner, originally from Dr J. Draper, University of Leicest Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 111 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 114 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 129 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 13 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 137 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 25 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 31 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 38 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 4 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson University of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 41 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Page 4 of 8 GMC001010 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 5 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001011 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 6 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001012 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 66 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001013 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 75 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001014 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 88 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001015 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 92 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001016 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 94 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001017 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 96 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001018 Escherichia coli (C600 (p TOM 99 in PAC 153)) GMC00001 GMC001019 Escherichia coli (DCMDAM) GMC00001 GMC001020 Escherichia coli (DH5a (pEmuGN)) GMC00001 GMC001021 Escherichia coli (DH5á + En/Spm (Maize transposon)) GMC00001 GMC001022 Escherichia coli (DH5á + HPT (hygromycin resistance)) GMC00001 GMC001023 Escherichia coli (DH5a(pAct1-D)) GMC00001 GMC001024 Escherichia coli (DH5a(pAHC25) GMC00001 GMC001025 Escherichia coli (DH5a(pART8) In DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001026 Escherichia coli (DH5a(pDM302)) GMC00001 GMC001027 Escherichia coli (DH5a(pIGI21-Hm)) GMC00001 Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 5 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 6 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 66 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 75 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 88 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 92 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 94 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 96 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: C600 (p TOM 99 in PAC 153) Source/ Origin (if available): Prof. D Grierson Univ.of Nottingham Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 34cr Strain and binary vector: DCMDAM Source/ Origin (if available): From Houba-Herin Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 5c Strain and binary vector: DH5a (pEmuGN) Source/ Origin (if available): Professor WJ Peacock CSIRO Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 15rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á + En/Spm (Maize transposon) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 6rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á + HPT (hygromycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From George Coupland, John Innes Institute, Norwich, Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 2c Strain and binary vector: DH5a(pAct1-D) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr Ray Wu, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 3c Strain and binary vector: DH5a(pAHC25) Source/ Origin (if available): Professor PH Quail, University of California, Berkley Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 1c Strain and binary vector: DH5a(pART8) In DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Andrew Gleave (Hort Research) (Pl Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 4c Strain and binary vector: DH5a(pDM302) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr Ray Wu, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 8c Strain and binary vector: DH5a(pIGI21-Hm) Source/ Origin (if available): Kenzo Nakamura, Nagoya University, Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya 464-01 Japan Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Page 5 of 8 GMC001028 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ Ac (Maize transposon)) GMC00001 GMC001029 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ BAR (Basta resistance)) GMC00001 GMC001030 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ CAT (Chloramphenicol resistance, an antibiotic marker gene)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ Cre/Lox recombinase ) GMC00001 GMC001031 GMC001032 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ FLP/ FRT recombinase) GMC00001 GMC001033 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ Hieracium cDNA library) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ Hieracium gDNA library) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ lettuce cDNA library) GMC00001 GMC001034 GMC001035 GMC001036 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ lettuce gDNA library) GMC00001 GMC001037 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ Luc (Luciferase activity)) GMC00001 GMC001038 Escherichia coli (DH5alpha+ NPTII (Kanamycin resistance)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ Spec (Spectinomycin resistance)) GMC00001 GMC001039 GMC001040 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ SPT (Streptomycin resistance)) GMC00001 GMC001041 Escherichia coli (DH5á+ uidA(b glucuronidase activity)) GMC00001 GMC001042 Escherichia coli (DH5alpha) GMC00001 GMC001043 Escherichia coli (HB101 (cDNA, GS in pUC19) GMC00001 GMC001044 Escherichia coli (Mc 1000 (PGA 642)) GMC00001 GMC001045 Escherichia coli (Mc 1000 (PGA 580) ) GMC00001 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 14rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Ac (Maize transposon) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 4rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ BAR (Basta resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From George Coupland, John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 3rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ CAT (Chloramphenicol resistance, an antibiotic marker gene) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, J Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 9rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Cre/Lox recombinase Source/ Origin (if available): From Gary Drews, University of Utah, US. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 10rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ FLP/ FRT recombinase Source/ Origin (if available): From Gary Drews, University of Utah, US. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 16rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Hieracium cDNA library Source/ Origin (if available): Made on site Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 17rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Hieracium gDNA library Source/ Origin (if available): Made on site Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 18rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ lettuce cDNA library Source/ Origin (if available): Richard Mitchelmore, University of California, Davis. US. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 19rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ lettuce gDNA library Source/ Origin (if available): Anna Koltunow, CSIRO, Adelaide, Aus. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 8rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Luc (Luciferase activity) Source/ Origin (if available): From Saco de Vries, Wageningen Uni.The Netherlands. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 5rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ NPTII (Kanamycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 12rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ Spec (Spectinomycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John Innes Institute, Norwic Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 11rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ SPT (Streptomycin resistance) Source/ Origin (if available): From Jonathon Jones, John Innes Institute, Norwich, Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 7rb Strain and binary vector: DH5á+ uidA (b glucuronidase activity) Source/ Origin (if available): From George Coupland, John Innes Institute, Norwic Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 4cr Strain and binary vector: DH5alpha Source/ Origin (if available): From Meeghan Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: HB101 (cDNA, GS in pUC19 Source/ Origin (if available): Dr G. Coruzzi, Rockefeller University, New York, USA Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc 1000 (PGA 642) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr G. An, Washington State University, USA Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc 1000 (PGA 580) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr G. An, Washington State University, USA Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Page 6 of 8 GMC001046 Escherichia coli (Mc 1000 (PGA 581)) GMC00001 GMC001047 Escherichia coli (Mc 1000 (PGA 582)) GMC00001 GMC001048 Escherichia coli (Mc 1000 (PGA 583)) GMC00001 GMC001049 Escherichia coli (Mc 1000 (PGA 643)) GMC00001 GMC001050 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (CHI gc in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (CHS gc pJAM 265 in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (CHS gc pJAM 267 in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (DFR cDNA pJAM 212 in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (DFR gc pAJ 18A in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (DFR gc pAJ 18F in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (F3H cDNA in pJAM 239 inPUC 18)) GMC00001 GMC001051 GMC001052 GMC001053 GMC001054 GMC001055 GMC001056 GMC001057 GMC001058 GMC001059 GMC001060 GMC001061 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (F3H gc pJAM 262 iin PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (INCIII cDNA pJAM 221 in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022 (PAL cDNA in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (Mc1022CHI cDNA in PUC 18)) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (PACMUT in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001062 Escherichia coli (pAL144) GMC00001 GMC001063 Escherichia coli (pART7 in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001064 Escherichia coli (pART8 in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001065 Escherichia coli (pBINmgfp5-ER in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc 1000 (PGA 581) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr G. An, Washington State University, USA Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc 1000 (PGA 582) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr G. An, Washington State University, USA Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc 1000 (PGA 583) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr G. An, Washington State University, USA Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc 1000 (PGA 643) Source/ Origin (if available): Dr G. An, Washington State University, USA Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (CHI gc in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (CHS gc pJAM 265 in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (CHS gc pJAM 267 in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (DFR cDNA pJAM 212 in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (DFR gc pAJ 18A in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (DFR gc pAJ 18F in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (F3H cDNA in pJAM 239 inPUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (F3H gc pJAM 262 iin PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (INCIII cDNA pJAM 221 in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022 (PAL cDNA in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Palmerston North (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: Strain and binary vector: Mc1022CHI cDNA in PUC 18) Source/ Origin (if available): Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 3cr Strain and binary vector: PACMUT in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Paszkowski,J. (Lebel et al, 1995, The Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 14cr Strain and binary vector: pAL144 Source/ Origin (if available): From J I Yoder. Contains the Lc nondestructive visual reporter gene driven by t Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 6cr Strain and binary vector: pART7 in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Andrew Gleave (Hort Research) (Plant M Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 5cr Strain and binary vector: pART8 in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Andrew Gleave (Hort Research) (Plant M Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 24cr Strain and binary vector: pBINmgfp5-ER in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Contains green fluorescent protein. From Jim Haseloff. I elec Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Page 7 of 8 GMC001066 Escherichia coli (PBluescript in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001067 Escherichia coli (PDJD I DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001069 Escherichia coli (pDs- In strain DKIP3) GMC00001 GMC001068 Escherichia coli (pDs+ In strain DKIP3) GMC00001 GMC001070 Escherichia coli (pEN4.MR2 in DH5α) GMC00001 GMC001071 Escherichia coli (pHFL1 in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001072 Escherichia coli (pIII/IV in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001073 Escherichia coli (PKHLlacz in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001074 Escherichia coli (PMDSBAR in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001075 Escherichia coli (pMiSV-H in DH5a) GMC00001 GMC001076 Escherichia coli (pNT103 In DAM-, DCM-) GMC00001 Escherichia coli (pNT103 In JMC5-41) GMC00001 GMC001077 GMC001078 Escherichia coli (pNT804 in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001079 Escherichia coli (pNT806) GMC00001 GMC001080 Escherichia coli (pSLJ1101 in DH5 alpha) GMC00001 GMC001081 Escherichia coli (pSLJ2561) GMC00001 GMC001082 Escherichia coli (pSLJ3621) GMC00001 GMC001083 Escherichia coli (pVCY1638) GMC00001 GMC001084 Escherichia coli (pVCY1660) GMC00001 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 8cr Strain and binary vector: PBluescript in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Stratagene pBluescript 11 SK-. Originally I obtained the plasmi Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 2cr Strain and binary vector: PDJD I DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Paszkowski,J. (Lebel et al, 1995, Theo A Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 22cr Strain and binary vector: pDs- In strain DKIP3 Source/ Origin (if available): Ds inserted into Wheat Dwarf Virus plasmid. Mutation in cis acting Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 21cr Strain and binary vector: pDs+ In strain DKIP3 Source/ Origin (if available): Ds inserted into Wheat Dwarf Virus plasmid. From Uwe Wirtz Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 43cr Strain and binary vector: pEN4.MR2 in DH5á Source/ Origin (if available): Hirochika'sMaize streak virus Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 13cr Strain and binary vector: pHFL1 in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Hobo transposable element from Al Handler. I electroporated into DH5 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 23cr Strain and binary vector: pIII/IV in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Wheat Dwarf Virus genes required in trans for plasmid replication. Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 12cr Strain and binary vector: PKHLlacz in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Hobo transposase gene. From Al Handler. I electroporated into DH5 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 1cr Strain and binary vector: PMDSBAR in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Paszkowski,J. (Lebel et al, 1995, Th Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 42cr Strain and binary vector: pMiSVH in DH5á Source/ Origin (if available): Hirochika's Maize streak virus Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 30cr Strain and binary vector: pNT103 In DAM-, DCM- Source/ Origin (if available): From Houba-Herin Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 32cr Strain and binary vector: pNT103 In JMC5-41 Source/ Origin (if available): From HoubaHerinJMC5-41 from Jack Heinemann Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 10cr Strain and binary vector: pNT804 in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Nicole Houba-Herin. (Plant journal 1 Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 45cr Strain and binary vector: pNT806 Source/ Origin (if available): From Houba-Herin. In DH5á Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 7cr Strain and binary vector: pSLJ1101 in DH5 alpha Source/ Origin (if available): Originally plasmid supplied by Steve Scofield. I electroporated Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 48cr Strain and binary vector: pSLJ2561 Source/ Origin (if available): From Ross Bicknell Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 49cr Strain and binary vector: pSLJ3621 Source/ Origin (if available): From Ross Bicknell Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 15cr Strain and binary vector: pVCY1638 Source/ Origin (if available): From J I Yoder. Contains the Ac transposase cDNA gene driven by the 35S promot Crop & Food Research, Lincoln (Genetically modified E. coli collection held in containment) CFR ref. no.: 16cr Strain and binary vector: pVCY1660 Source/ Origin (if available): From J I Yoder. Contains the Lc non-destructive visual reporter gene separated Environmental Risk Management Authority Decision GMC00001 - Apppendix 1 Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Escherichia coli (genetically modified) Page 8 of 8