Forestry Commission Equality Analysis Form 1. What is the name of your policy, function or service? Regional office facility for North West & West Midlands Area – relocation of office location to Worcestershire County Council, Worcester, Worcestershire 2. What are the main aims and objectives of the policy, function or service? Forest Services is the regulatory body for forestry in England, providing regulation, advice and incentives to the forestry sector, and in particular to private woodland owners and managers. The North West & West Midlands Area is one of 5 Area teams covering England and currently has offices in Penrith (Area office), Delamere, Ludlow, Cannock and Worcester. Since SR10, Forest Services has sought to more closely align with partners within the DEFRA family, and where possible to share office environments, minimising on expenditure and maximising on shared working. In Worcester the Forest Services office space, a single story office building with significant parking available, has been leased from DEFRA on the Whittington Road campus since 2001. The Worcester office currently accommodates: A Forest Services administration team of 7 people, A NW&WM Area team woodland officer and the West Midlands regional manager, 1 member of the National Expertise team, and 1 SFM team member, out stationed from Bristol, A project officer from the Woodland Trust on year 2 of a 4 year HLF project, Shared hot-desk capacity for 3 woodland officers, 4 other Area managers and other visiting national / Area office staff. The sale of the Worcester campus by DEFRA is taking place at the same time as Forest Services is implementing its plans, under EU Payments decisions in Defra/FC, requiring a re-configuration and reduction in Forest Services administrative capacity across England. Alongside the planned restructure of Forest Services, relocating to the new office space as part of a wider DEFRA family project has a number of advantages, such as the potential for shared and reduced relocation and office management costs, and closer future working with Natural England and Rural Payments Agency staff in respect of the RDPE Countryside Stewardship programme. DEFRA will terminate the lease with Forest Services (once the site sale is agreed), on a date to be agreed in January 2016. At the same time DEFRA will instigate a new lease agreement with Worcestershire County Council, acting as ‘broker’ for the other DEFRA family partners moving to the new office environment. Through a Project board, now established, which will identify organisation and operational needs, minimising the need for Forest Services to secure their own separate accommodation agreement and associated services. The result of the planned Forest Services restructuring means the new office environment must now only provide networked facilities for; 4 local staff (1x woodland officer, 1x regional manager, 1x out stationed NET advisor, 1x WT project officer), and 2 additional hot desks supported by Wi-Fi, for potentially 10 other regular visiting Forest Services Area and national staff. A floor space of 10m2 per desk space to account for personal work space and related storage and system’s needs. The proposed office relocation to the nearby Worcester County Council buildings is a distance of 400m as the crow flies. The nearby location of the new office allows Forest Services to maintain a local connection with the West Midlands forestry sector and minimises the potential travel impact on the staff that will migrate to the new office space. The accommodation requirements for a regional Area office include; Meeting and conference / training rooms and associated IT and communication network facilities, Open plan office space, with networked desks and Wi-Fi supported hot desks, On floor (level) storage for equipment (plant health & PPE), file and server capacity, publicity, publication and stationary supplies, Canteen, toilet and shower facilities at accessible locations for less able bodied individuals, Flexible parking arrangements for staff, who may only be in the office for part of the day, and visitors who may simply be using a drop in facility, or who may be attending an all-day event / meeting. 3. Briefly describe the impact (or potential impact) on people Given that the relocation coincides with the planned restructuring of Forest Services (locally), there are only 4 individuals directly affected by the move. The most identifiable impacts will be as follows; Moving to open plan office space, possibly on an ‘easily accessible’ upper floor via lifts or stairs. The new office environment must be able to provide a flexible working day for those whose requirements are to start early, finish early or work late. Open plan office space will mean being closely situated with other DEFRA family staff, such as Natural England and Rural Payments Agency, which will have operational benefits, but may have unintended consequences in terms of individual and organisational relationships. All office space and floors will require security cleared access, making it more complicated for regularly visiting staff using hot desks. A serviced reception will be part of the lease agreement, allowing visitors to be collected from reception by Forest Services staff. Significant restrictions on parking currently apply at the new office and parking is subject to availability. Currently the DEFRA site has significant free parking providing adequate parking for all FS staff and visitors; the new office has major limitations resulting in between 3 or 4 days parking per week only (first come first served, subject to availability), depending on how far the user lives from the new office. DEFRA policy is that parking is a benefit, not a right. Disabled parking is provided. The new office is approx. 1.5 miles from the nearest train station (for London) and 2 miles for the next train station (for Birmingham). There is a single bus route from the city centre bus station to the Council office along 2 miles of heavily congested roads. o This is an issue for field staff who may only be in the office for part of the day and have technical or bulky equipment to bring to the office. o Offsite parking is unregulated street parking and there are potentially H&S risks to staff when walking to the office, particularly if they have valuable or bulky items, although no specific threat has been identified. Current discussions suggest that Forest Services staff not based at Worcester and external visitors to the new office will find visitor parking is restricted to 2 hours and subject to availability. The EQA will only consider the 3 affected Forest services staff, not external partners. The Project officer arrangements are covered by a MOU between Forest services and Woodland Trust The wider Forest Services restructure has already been studied at length through a separate EQA so that administrative personnel that may still technically be in employment on January 31st 2016 have already been accounted for. Link to FS Reshaping EQA 4. What are the names and contact details of the initiative’s owner and the person who completed the Equality Analysis? Ewan Calcott - Field Manager, North West & West Midlands Area team, Block A, Government Buildings, Whittington Road, Worcester, WR5 2FR Email: Telephone: 0300 067 4244 5. Is this a new Equality Analysis, or a review of a previous Equality Analysis? New. New 3 year review. Not applicable Early review, explain why. Not applicable Review due to end Not applicable of the initiative. 6. If this is a review, when was the previous Equality Analysis signed off? Not applicable 7. How will this initiative be put into practice? The date of the move has yet to be agreed but is expected to be during January 2016. The DEFRA Project Board for this project (made up of onsite organisational (FS, APHA, NE, RPA) reps and DEFRA Estates) will agree a final set of requirements and DEFRA Estates will then plan a time line for various stages of the delivery of the relocation in order for it to be successful. This will include recruitment of appropriate contractors, liaison with Forest Services technical staff on e.g. IT networks, design of the office and meeting room accommodation, installation of IT servers and networks and telecommunications and relocation of most transferrable items from the current Forest Services office to the new office. This will be done in partnership with the other DEFRA family agencies. No volunteers will be used. The intention would be to have IT network infrastructure and desks / personal storage in place prior to the move date for Forest Services, and that desk top equipment (PCs, VDUs laptops, printers etc.) and store room materials would be moved to the new office from the agreed moving in date. Items surplus to requirements within the old office environment will then be offered or disposed of. 8. What evidence regarding the protected characteristics have you obtained to analyse this initiative? Quote sources including details of engagement. Due to the very small number of Forest Services staff (3) participating in this office relocation no specific personal information can be provided, as to do so would be potentially disclosive. 9. What gaps are there in the available evidence? Describe the gaps and what you have done to fill them, or why you cannot fill them. Age Group size too small to do EQA Disability Group size too small to do EQA Gender Group size too small to do EQA Gender Reassignment Group size too small to do EQA Marriage and Civil Partnership Group size too small to do EQA Pregnancy and Maternity Group size too small to do EQA Race Group size too small to do EQA Religion and Belief Group size too small to do EQA Sexual Orientation Group size too small to do EQA 10. What does all the evidence tell you about the actual or likely impact on different groups? Positive Impact Age Negative impact High, Medium or Low Low Disability Y Low Gender Y Low Gender reassignment Low Marriage and Civil Partnership Low Pregnancy and Maternity Y Low Race Low Religion and Belief Low Sexual Orientation Low Comments There is no evidence to suggest that the three individuals moving to the new office are currently affected by any of the equality and diversity headings identified. Should any personal requirements subsequently be made known then these will be considered for any appropriate support, along with needs of any new staff who may be appointed. The new office environment already meets many of the obvious environmental equality and diversity issues, but the DEFRA family and Forest services must ensure that there is sufficient capacity for organisational growth, and that the office environment caters for new or replacement staff that might fit some or all of the equality and diversity issues. In particular; Allocated disabled parking close to the office area and accessibility to all operational parts of the Forest Services office environment e.g. server room, meeting rooms and open plan office. Accessible toilet and washing facilities, and access to canteen / kitchen facilities, all with appropriate height environments. Where possible, access for all staff to quite space, for example to support those wishing to undertake religious observance/prayer Access to private areas for mothers [visitors?] who may be breast feeding, or expressing. Flexible vehicle parking options for staff and visitors to ensure their H&S between their point of parking and the office (normal office hours). This includes catering for flexible working arrangements where e.g. child care times need to be met. Additionally, flexibility for all sectors of society when visiting Forest services, and for staff to have access to office space outside of normal working hours. As the project progresses we will update this EQA to highlight any diversity related issues that are brought to our attention during group/one-to-one discussions with those impacted by the change. 11. What have you changed in the initiative to reduce or eliminate any negative impact? We have carried out a local staff consultation at an individual level to identify any potential difficulties that staff may face as a result of the move to new office premises. Concerns were raised, in common with other DEFRA bodies regarding; The proposed restrictions (subject to them being reviewed) applied to DEFRA family staff on parking at Worcester CC offices. The limited nature of public transport options directly to the office environment, and the distance from rail network hubs at Shrub Hill and Foregate Street in Worcester. The serviced office opening hours being limited in terms of late afternoon / early evening working. No other issues have been raised. However we will consider the need for any appropriate action if, after the move and where staff raise any concerns, particularly if these relate to any of the protected characteristics. If new staff joins the Forest Services then we will look at any factors that prove to be an issue for them. 12. Where negative impact cannot be reduced, give the reasons why. The current office in Worcester has ample free parking spaces for the staff deployed here and for visitors is readily accessible by public transport, whereas at the Worcester CC office this is not the case and thus some Forest Services staff and stakeholders may be discouraged from visiting the office. The negative impact is primarily caused by the restrictions in the local public transport system and the onsite parking policy and it is not possible for the Forestry Commission to directly influence this situation. Forest Services offices have a tradition of providing face-to-face advice (at 1-2-1 or group level) on forestry matters to stakeholders, particularly forestry agents and land managers. - We can speculate that the new location at Worcester CC will limit these face-to-face visits due to limited (first come first serve) visitor parking – as described above. Such visits may also become discouraged as they tend to be unplanned, and in an open plan office shared with DEFRA family, there is a risk that other staff may be disturbed by conversation It may not be possible to secure a meeting room / space at short notice as meeting rooms will have to be booked in advance. - There may be ways to limit this impact – for example, an email to forestry agents / land managers advising of the change and that in future FS may need to deliver the service in a different way, i.e. to encourage them to book meetings in advance where possible, meet them at an alternative, mutually agreeable locations, etc. 13. Does this initiative fulfil the General Equality Duty? Comment Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation. We have consulted with staff expected to move to the new office on an individual basis to ensure that the actions taken do not have a negative impact on particular groups. As plans progress, and information becomes clearer, we will continue to inform and engage staff on the proposals and any impacts of the change. Advance equality of opportunity. We have consulted with staff expected to move to the new office on an individual basis to ensure that the actions taken do not have a negative impact on particular groups. If inequality should become apparent, this EQA will be reviewed to address the relevant issue(s) Foster good relations. Through the course of the office relocation Forest services have participated in a joint DEFRA family approach to the relocation. We have not put in place any measures that will only apply to certain groups – the relocation support will be consistent for all staff and in line with the FC’s relocation policy and procedure. Additional support will be considered for individuals who face particular difficulties as a result of the move, however this same support would be made available to all staff facing that issue 14. Describe the arrangements to measure and monitor the actual impact of this initiative on people from the protected characteristic groups. How will you measure the effects We will monitor any issues raised by staff in relation to the new office premises, and in particular the issue of parking arrangements. of the initiative? Responses to the biennial Staff Survey and employee complaints raised through the FC’s Grievance procedure will also be monitored for any complaints / concerns raised We will also review the position when a break point is reached in the lease agreement at Worcester What type of information is needed for monitoring and how often will it be analysed? Forest services will be looking to analyse visitor figures through the serviced reception, and parking logs for staff and visitors to determine if any adjustments should be implemented. Feedback from staff and any visitors will also form part of the monitoring information How will you engage stakeholders* in implementation, monitoring and review? More widely, an England wide Staff Consultation exercise was carried out in late 2014 to plan the restructuring of Forest Services, before the office down-size and relocation was confirmed. Since then, individual consultation has taken place with the directly affected staff, and the feedback has been incorporated into this EQA. The DEFRA project board has established a communications paper to notify staff affected, budget heads and directors of department of what the latest information on the move is. Who will be responsible for the monitoring and review? Feedback from those stakeholders is used to inform all aspects of the planning of the office move. Ewan Calcott Field Manager, North West & West Midlands Area team, Block A, Government Buildings, Whittington Road, Worcester, WR5 2FR Email: Telephone: 0300 067 4244 15. What is the review date for this Equality Analysis? Date of next review(s) March 2016 – to assess initial success December 2019 – 3 years after initial move What could trigger an early revision? Various possibilities around future forestry policy arrangements in England, either at Forest Services level, DEFRA level, or Whitehall level. 16. Senior manager sign off I agree with this Equality Analysis and its supporting evidence relating to this initiative and that it demonstrates that it advances or will advance, the three aims of the General Equality Duty. Name R J Britton Signature Job Title Head of Forest Services Delivery (Cost Centre 028) Date 24 July 2015