Wks 3.5.docx

Wks 3.5
Surname(e.g. Straayer),
Given Name(e.g. Dave), class mtg. time
An ordinary, six-sided die has sides marked 1,2,3,4,5,6. If the die is fair, we assume that when we roll it, the number
that is on top is equally likely to come up with any of the six numbers. We say that these six outcomes are equiprobable.
We define the probability of an event as the number of outcomes in the event (a event is a set of outcomes), divided by
the total number of outcomes. We can represent a probability as a fraction, or as a decimal percent in the form ##.#%.
1. What is the probability that the dice shows a “1”?
Probability as a fraction: _______________________ probability as a percentage ___________________
2. What is the probability that the dice shows a “6”?
Probability as a fraction: _______________________ probability as a percentage ___________________
3. What is the probability that the dice shows a number less than 3?
Probability as a fraction: _______________________ probability as a percentage ___________________
4. What is the probability that the dice shows an even number?
Probability as a fraction: _______________________ probability as a percentage ___________________
5. If there are six people in the room, including yourself, and one person is chosen by random, what is the probability
that you will be chosen?
Probability as a fraction: _______________________ probability as a percentage___________________
6. If there are fifty (50) people in the room, including yourself, and one person is chosen by random, what is the
probability that you will be chosen?
Probability as a fraction: _______________________ probability as a percentage___________________
7. If there are fifty (50) people in the room, and 12 of them are wearing red shirts, what is the probability that a person
wearing a red-shirt will be chosen (assuming one person is chosen)?
Probability as a fraction: _______________________ probability as a percentage___________________