Wks 01 _____________,_______________

Wks 01
Surname(e.g. Straayer),
Given Name(e.g. Dave)
Circle one: 8:30
1. What Percent of your grade comes from tests in this class? __________________
2. What is the policy about notes sheets on tests?
a. One or two pages permitted
b. Unlimited pages
c. No notes permitted on any tests
3. What material explicitly forbidden from notes sheets? __________________________
4. What is WAMAP?
a. A statistics software package
b. An online homework system
c. An online test-taking system
5. If you want to contact the instructor, you should:
a. Call him at his office phone
b. Text him on his cell phone
c. Send him email
d. Send him a message via WAMAP
e. Send him a message via Canvas
6. The approximate cost for the textbook in this class is: _________________________
7. Having a copy of the textbook is required in this class: Yes No (circle one)
8. It is possible to carry the textbook for this class on a smart phone: T F
9. PANOPTO: (Circle all appropriate)
a. Is a free statistical software package
b. Is a lecture-capture system
c. Can be accessed via Canvas
d. Can help you if you miss class
e. Can be useful to review calculator keystroke steps
10. I have read the TCC Code of Student Conduct and understand its implications for this class: T F
11. If that darned instructor is being unreasonable, who should I contact to complain? ____________
12. The final Exam is:
a. Monday December 7
b. Tuesday December 8
c. Wednesday December 9
d. Thursday December 10
13. What calculator do I need for this class:
a. TI 30
b. TI 83 or 84
c. TI 86
d. HP 65
14. Where can I rent a calculator for this course? ______________________
15. Where can I get extra help for the course? __________________________________