University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs 2016 PhD Secondary Application Please complete this application by TYPING in your information. Use the TAB key to navigate. Ph.D. in Medical Sciences (Fall Admission Only) *We are only currently accepting Fall 2014 applications STUDENT IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Legal Name: (Last Name) USF Student ID: (First Name) U- (Middle Name) SSN Last 4 Digits: USF MM/ DD/YYYY( i.e .05/13/1987) ________________ Date of Birth: UU GENERAL PERSON INFORMATION Gender MALE FEMALE Ethnicity (indicate one): Asian Pacific Islander Are you a US permanent resident? Yes No Nation of Citizenship: Black/Non-Hispanic White/Non Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Hispanic (all races) Other PERMANENT Mailing Address Street Address Apartment Number City / State / Zip Code Country DO NOT USE “EDU” ACCOUNTS Telephone Number (please include area code) PERMANENT E-mail Address (yahoo, gmail, msn, etc.—Do not use school accounts.) TRANSCRIPTS / PRIOR COLLEGE INFORMATION Undergraduate Institution—City, State or Country GPA Major Graduate Institution —City, State or Country GPA Major (If Applicable) UNOFFICIAL TEST SCORES Test Information GRE (General Exam) Verbal: Quantitative: Official GRE (General Test) scores should be sent through ETS to Graduate Admissions (school code: 5828). Please send an unofficial copy of your test scores from ETS in your secondary application package. *GRE must be submitted in order for your application to be reviewed Are you currently, or have you ever been, charged with or subject to disciplinary action for scholastic (such as plagiarism or cheating) or any other type of behavioral misconduct at any educational institution? You do not need to disclose academic dismissal, suspension or probation for poor grades. Yes ____ No______ Have you ever been charged with a violation of the law, misdemeanor and/or felony (even if adjudication was withheld) which resulted in, or, if still pending could result in, probation, community service, restitution, a jail sentence or the revocation or suspension of your driver’s license (you are not required to include traffic violations which only resulted in a fine)? Yes_______ No________ 6/30/16 If your answer to any of the following questions is YES, provide a full explanation of the relevant facts to the Office of Graduate Admissions. You are required to supply this institution with copies of all official court/educational institution documents explaining the final disposition of the proceedings. Failure to provide this information will delay an admissions decision. If your records have been “expunged” or “sealed” pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer YES to these questions. You must however, supply a copy of the document stating the record is “expunged” or “sealed” to the Office of Graduate Admissions. If you are in the process of having your records “expunged” or “sealed”, you must submit all documentation regarding the incident as the case is not yet “expunged” or “sealed” by the legal system. If you are unsure whether to answer “yes”, we strongly suggest that you answer YES and fully disclose all incidents. By doing so, you can avoid any risk of disciplinary action or revocation of your offer of admission. Please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions at (813) 974-8800 (not the College of Medicine) with any questions you may have. UNOFFICIAL TEST SCORES 6/30/16