TMath 100 Mathematics for the Health Sciences Syllabus Spring 2012 Course Number: 6190 Section: A Time: MTWTh 9:10 – 10:40 Instructor: Meredith LaFlesh (Please call me Meredith.) E-mail: Office Hours: MTWTh 12:30–1:20pm or by appointment Office: F1–55 Location: 8-10 Phone: (253) 460-4337 Course Overview: Welcome to TMath 100! This is an Intermediate Algebra-based course designed for Health Science students. It will probably be your last mathematics course. The emphasis in TMath 100 is on preparing you with the algebra skills you need to succeed in science courses. There is a lot of material, and we will move quickly through it. Remember that I am always happy to meet with you in my office if you need extra time to understand a concept. Course Description: This is an alternative algebra-based course for Health Science students, satisfying the requirements for nursing, radiology, and respiratory therapy programs. Topics will cover graphing and graph analysis; linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions; roots, unit conversions, scientific notation, variation, biostatistics, and applications involving various algebraic concepts applied specifically to the Health Science Fields. Instructional Methods Used: In class, we will use a combination of lecture and small group work. Outside of class, projects may require the use of some web research. Program Learning Outcomes: Students will demonstrate increasing levels of mastery of the Program Learning Outcomes throughout the math curriculum. Upon successful completion of the Quantitative Skills requirement for the Associates Degree, students will: 1. Interpret, analyze, and create graphs and charts that communicate quantitative or relational information. 2. Determine, create, and use appropriate and reasonable mathematical constructs to model, understand, and explain phenomena encountered in the world. 3. Determine and carry out an appropriate algorithm to solve problems that are amenable to mathematical solutions. 4. Communicate mathematical information formally, using appropriate math notation and terminology, and informally by using everyday language to express ideas. 5. Use technology to analyze and solve mathematical problems and to effectively communicate solutions to problems, particularly those that cannot be solved efficiently by other means. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, student should be able to: 1. Create graphs of linear functions, and analyze them to determine meaning of slope, intercepts, and other key data. (1, 4) 2. Perform operations using scientific notation; convert between scientific notation and decimal numbers; solve applications that use scientific notation. (3 ,4) 3. Solve applications involving proportions and dosages. (2, 3, 4) 4. Convert units of measure and rates within and between the metric and English measurements systems. (3, 4) 5. Solve formulas for a given letter. (3, 4) 6. Demonstrate an understanding of linear, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions from algebraic, graphical, and numerical perspectives. (1, 3, 4) 7. Use logarithms to solve problems involving exponential growth and decay. (2, 3, 4, 5) 8. Determine whether a solution is reasonable for a given problem. (2) 9. Apply various techniques used to describe data, such as box plots, bar graphs, scatter plots, frequency tables, and histograms, including clear and appropriate labels. (1, 2, 4) 10. Describe and apply the common measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), and demonstrate the ability to calculate each from a data set. (2, 3, 4) 11. Apply mathematical concepts to Health Sciences and related fields. (2, 4) 12. Use a scientific calculator appropriately. (5) 13. Write clear and complete solutions to mathematical problems, including correct notation and written explanations when appropriate. (4) Required Texts: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, TCC Custom Edition (except for the cover, identical to the fourth edition); Bittinger/ Ellenbogen/ Johnson and TMATH 100 SUPPLEMENT, e-mailed the first week of class. 1 Class Rules Each person in this class is entitled to respect. It is important to me that you show respect for your fellow students and for the learning process. These rules are designed to ensure that all students get the respect they deserve and the learning they have paid for. 1. When one person is talking, please listen quietly. 2. Please turn off your cell phone, pager, etc. before class begins, as the noises they make distract people who are trying to learn. 3. Please do not engage in disruptive behaviors (unacceptable talking, arriving late, leaving during class, etc.). The first time, you will receive a verbal warning. The second time, you will be required to leave class. You may not return to class until you have made an appointment with me, and we have come to an agreement as to how to better support learning in the class. Assignments missed because of behavior cannot be made up. 4. If you intend to bring people (especially children) who are not enrolled to class, you must get permission from me first, and the visitors must follow all class rules. 5. You are welcome to bring food and beverages to classes held in most buildings on campus as long as you do not distract other students and you clean up after yourself. 6. If you want to succeed in this class, you need to attend regularly. If you cannot be in class on a given day, let me know ahead of time, otherwise, there will be no way for you to make up credit for missed in-class assignments. But, notifying me does not guarantee you can make up the missed assignment. 7. Come to class on time. Arriving late to class distracts your fellow students and disrespects the learning process. 8. Late work will not be accepted. If you are late (even one second), your work will be late and will not be accepted. 9. TCC e-mail accounts are provided for each student. You can check your TCC e-mail from any computer on campus as well as from any off-campus computer that has access to the Internet. You should check your e-mail at least once a day because I will use your TCC e-mail account to send you class assignments and information. If class is canceled due to weather, or if I will not be able to attend class due to illness, I will e-mail you no later than 7:30am. I will also occasionally send information about scholarships and other things I think you could use, but I will never send spam. 10. Cheating is unacceptable. As stated in the TCC catalog: “Students are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or other forms of academic dishonesty corrupt the learning process and threaten the learning environment for all students.” Students who engage in behaviors that may be interpreted as cheating will receive a zero score on the assignment in question. A second offense will result in an “E” course grade. Common "cheating" behaviors include communicating with another person while an exam is going on in the room, using notes, cell phones, or other resource material not specifically allowed during an exam, copying or allowing another student to copy answers during an exam, talking to someone outside of your group during a Group Solve, and presenting another person’s work as your own. It is your responsibility to be honest and to appear honest. 2 General Information Calculator: A scientific calculator is required for this course. The TI-30X IIS is strongly recommended. If you choose to use a different calculator, you need to know how to use it. Graphing calculators will not be allowed on group solves or exams, although students are welcome to bring graphing calculators to class. Only a calculator distributed by a recognized calculator manufacturer will be allowed in this class. Specifically, no calculator on a cell phone or a PDA will be allowed, especially on exams. If you have a question about the appropriateness of your calculator, please see me. Web Access: Access to the internet (from home or from campus) is required for this course. Homework and project assignments will be posted on my website:, and YouTube videos will be assigned. Students with Special Needs: All students are responsible for all requirements of the class, but the way they meet these requirements may vary. If you need specific academic auxiliary aids or services due to a disability, please contact the Access Services Office in Building 7 (253) 566-5328. They will require you to present formal, written documentation of your disability from an appropriate professional. When this step has been completed, arrangements will be made for you to receive reasonable auxiliary aids or services. The disability accommodation documentation prepared by Access Services must be given to me a minimum of one week before the accommodation is needed so that appropriate arrangements may be made. Withdrawing From The Class: If you decide for any reason to stop attending class, you should withdraw. It is your responsibility to withdraw yourself. No one else can do it for you. This may allow another student who wants to take the class to enroll. If you do not withdraw yourself, you will receive a “V” or an “E” grade for the class. For Help With Homework The Al-Kwarizmi Math Advising and Resource Center: The Math Center is located in 19-22. Math tutors are available Monday through Thursday from, and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Math instructors are available to help with questions 8:30am – 1:30pm. For best results, bring specific questions or problems you are working on to ask about. Even if you do not have any problems, the Math Center is a pleasant place to study. You are always welcome there! The Writing and Tutoring Center: The Writing and Tutoring Center is located in building 7, room 221. Student tutors are available by appointment for one-on-one tutoring. The hours during which tutoring is available in specific subjects may vary from quarter to quarter. Check the website to find out what their current schedule is. The Open Door Policy: I want you to get the help you need when you need it. If my door is open, please come in, sit down, and tell me what I can do for you. I am, of course, always available during my scheduled office hours. Good Websites Meredith’s Web Page: Helpful Websites For extra practice and explanations: See the Helpful Links page on Meredith’s web page! For nice graph paper: 3 Grading Letter grades will be assigned based on the following: Percent Letter Percent Letter Percent Grade Grade 87 – 89 B+ 77 – 79 93 - 100 A 83 – 86 B 73 – 76 90 – 92 A80 – 82 B70 – 72 Letter Grade C+ C C- Percent Letter Percent Letter Grade Grade 67 – 69 D+ 63 – 66 D 0 – 59 E 60 – 62 D- Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grade: A grade of "Satisfactory" will only be given for grades of D or above (that is, 63% or above). If you are planning on taking another math class for which this course is a prerequisite, you must receive a Cor above (that is, 70% or above) to go on. A "Satisfactory" will not be sufficient to get you into the next class. A grade of Incomplete, I, will be given only in emergency situations, at the instructor’s discretion, and only if at least 75% of the work has been completed with a passing grade. A grade of WI is given at the instructor’s discretion when a student has completed all assigned work and is forced, due to circumstances beyond her control, to withdraw from class after July 25th. A grade of V is given to a student who has attended class at least once and stops attending before doing enough work for the instructor to evaluate the student’s performance. A grade of Z is given to a student who has never attended class. How You Earn Your Grade: Your final grade will be determined by your performance on the following graded events: 2 Exams 100 points each 3 Group Solves 50 points each Class Participation About 50 points Homework Quizzes 10 points each 1 Project 100 points Final 200 points All work that is not word-processed must be in pencil! Work done in pen will receive no credit. Exams: Each exam is comprehensive and may cover material from previous chapters; however, most of the material tested will be from the most recently covered topics. There are no make-up exams. If you must miss an exam due to an emergency, leave a message on my voice mail or send me an e-mail explaining the reason for missing the exam before the time of the exam. If I agree that it is an emergency, I will give you 95% of your final exam percentage for the exam you missed. A second missed exam will result in a 0 grade. Group Solves: The ability to work effectively in a group is essential in many industries. Group Solves are designed to challenge you and motivate you to work with others. You will be grouped with a few other students in the class and given a set of problems to work out within a designated time frame. Each group will submit one set of solutions to be graded. Group Solves are usually scheduled shortly before exams and are designed to prepare you for the exam. Group Solves may not be made up. Class Participation: Pop quizzes and small group activities will earn you class participation points. Pop quizzes are essentially free points for students who arrive ready to work on time, stay until the end of class, and attend regularly. Pop quizzes may be given at any time during the class period. 4 Homework Quizzes: Homework quizzes may be given one to three times a week. They will consist of one or two problems that are similar to assigned homework problems. They will not be announced ahead of time. If a student is not in class when the quiz is handed out, the student will not be allowed to take the quiz. Project: You must do the project with one other person in this class. The project write-up must be between 250 and 500 words word-processed. No electronic versions or late projects will be accepted. Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and will assess your mastery of course objectives. Substituting the Final Exam grade for the course grade: If your final exam score is higher than your computed course grade, I will assign your final exam score as your course grade if you have: 1. completed all Group Solves, projects, and exams, 2. missed no more than one class participation event, and 3. earned at least 80% of the possible homework points. This is a great way to recover from low grades at the beginning of the quarter! Extra Credit 1. You may earn extra credit by volunteering to do homework problems on the board if you have already done the problems and have your solutions with you. 2. You earn one point for every hour you study with a designated Study Group Leader (maximum of 2 points per week). You must sign in with the Study Group Leader each time you attend. Note: Extra credit is posted only on weekends. Study Groups: Students who score in the top 90% of the class on the first exam may be invited to be Study Group Leaders. Study Group Leaders will hold a 1-hour study session at a regularly scheduled time once a week on campus. Students wishing to participate in a study group may choose a Study Group to attend. The groups will meet together regularly to study, work homework problems, etc. Skipping the Final Exam: Each Study Group Leader who (1) meets the requirements for substituting the final exam grade for the course grade, (2) maintains a 90% course average, and (3) conducts a 1-hour study group session and turns in a study group attendance report each week will not have to take the final exam. Getting Your Grade: You can check your grade regularly on-line by following these directions. Log in to the MyTCC Portal at and select the “My Classes” tab. Next to the listing for this class, you should see an OIS icon that looks like this: When you click on the icon, a new window will open with a “Grade Book” link that will show you your grades for this class. If you find an error, you have two weeks from the day the assignment was recorded to bring it to my attention. Chain of Command: If you have questions or complaints about your grade or any other aspect of the class, please follow the steps below: 1. See me and present your case in a professional, unemotional manner. I am always willing to listen to a good argument. If I am wrong, I will admit it. If you are not satisfied, see step 2. 2. See the Dean of the Science Division, Mike Flodin, on the second floor of Building 15. 5 Written Work Mathematics is not a spectator sport. You can’t become a great baseball player by watching Ichiro. You need to practice the moves yourself, just as he did. In the same way, you need to practice math by doing the problems yourself. You should expect to spend two to three hours every night on homework and studying for this class. Written Work Requirements: Work must be done in pencil, stapled (all assignments in one staple when they are turned in), neat and organized (The instructor’s aesthetics are the criteria for neatness.), in sequence, with each problem clearly identified, and Problems requiring explanations must include complete explanations in complete sentences. “Yes” and “No” are not complete explanations. For application problems, a brief description of the problem may be used instead of copying the whole problem. All supporting work (five problem-solving steps) must be included. When you have used a calculator to solve the problem, a narration of all steps needed to complete the problem, not calculator key strokes, as well as a clear statement of the solution must be included. Abstract, symbolic problems (problems that do not involve words) must have all work shown vertically in columns with at least one inch of blank space between the columns. Please see the example below: For full credit, problems must look like this: 1. Solve for x. The following are examples that would receive no credit. 1. Solve for x. 3x 5 44 3x 39 x 13 1. 3x 5 44 x 13 1. x 13 x 13 Rational expressions and fractions that are not exponents must be written with a horizontal fraction bar. For 43 b b2 4ac example, and x . 7 2a Answers to virtually all homework problems are at the back of the text book, and solutions to all the odd problems are in the Student Solutions Manual. Additionally, students may ask questions on homework at the beginning of most class sessions and attend study groups. Therefore, I expect that all problems will be correct; and I will grade homework based mainly on clarity, organization, and completeness. 6 TCC Mathematics Department Student Graphing Guidelines Students in all math classes are expected to follow the graphing guidelines below on homework and test questions requiring an accurate sketch. All problems that involve graphs must be on graph paper. That is, the problem, the work needed to graph the equations, and the graph must be on the same page. The words “see graph” are not acceptable. See the Graphing Guidelines below. AXES: Axes and any straight lines are drawn in with a straight edge and arrows at the ends if they extend infinitely. If the scale is anything other than one square = one unit, it must be clearly indicated on each axis. For word problems, each axis is labeled with an appropriate letter and with the meaning and units of the axis. (See Graph B.) ACCURATE: Graph paper is used. The vertex of a parabola is rounded, not pointed. (See Graph C). Asymptotes are drawn with a dashed line. Graphs approaching asymptotes appear to get closer and closer, not touching the asymptote and not pulling away from the asymptote. (See Graph D.) CLEAR: The coordinates of important points: intercepts, maximum or minimum points, vertices, and points of intersection, are clearly labeled on the axes or the point itself is labeled with an ordered pair. If multiple equations are graphed on a single set of axes, each graph should be labeled with its equation. Separate problems should be graphed on separate axes. The size of the graph is helpful: it is neat, big, and dark enough to be easily read and understood. 7 Tentative Course Schedule Specific homework assignments will be posted on the website . Date June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 30 July 31 August 1 August 2 August 6 August 7 August 8 August 9 August 13 August 14 August 15 August 16 Topic Introduction Significant Figures More Significant Figures Exponent Review Scientific Notation with Significant Figures Introduction to the Metric System – Meet in 15 - L128 Metric System and Dimensional Analysis More Dimensional Analysis Solving Rational Equations and Proportions Independence Day – No Class Dosage Calculations and Unit Conversion Dosage Calculations and Unit Conversion Formulas Group Solve 1 Exam 1 Graphing Review: Rates and Slopes, and Slope-Intercept Form Scatter Plots Scatter Plots An Introduction to Functions Domain and Range Graphs of Functions Group Solve 2 Exam 2 Radical Expressions and Functions Rational Numbers as Exponents Solving Radical Equations Exponential Functions Exponential Functions Logarithmic Functions Common and Natural Logarithms/Change of Base Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Biostatistics More Biostatistics More Biostatistics Group Solve 3 Finish Group Solve 3 Review Final Exam Section Covered In Class Supplement p.1-10 4.1 and 4.8 Supplement 11-12 Supplement 13-17 Supplement 18-25 6.7 Supplement 27-30 7.5 and Supplement 26 3.4 - 3.7 Supplement 31 Supplement 32-44 Supplement 32-44 7.1 7.2 7.3 10.1 and Supplement p.44-46 10.2 10.6 and Supplement 49 12.2 and Supplement 50-52 12.2 and Supplement 50-52 12.3 and Supplement 53-55 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.7 and Supplement 55-59 8