UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 1 University System of Georgia (USG) STEM Initiative Annual Report Form for FY2013 (2012-2013) I. STEM Initiative Program Overview Throughout this report, the University of West Georgia BOR STEM Initiative will be referred to as UWise (University of West Georgia Institutional STEM Excellence). A. Program Implementation and Operation – This section covers the operation of your institution’s STEM Initiative Program: 1. Identify and explain the key programs and projects (i.e. mini-grant program, FOCUS-derived project, etc.) that comprise the STEM Initiative at your institution. (You will be asked more detailed questions about these later.) The UWise project has six major components. Each are identified and explained in this section. Summer Bridge Program UWG 1101 The University First-Year Experience XIDS 2002: Courses to Enhance STEM Career Awareness and STEM Major Selection Peer Mentoring Embedded in Undergraduate Research Faculty Development Service Learning Summer Bridge Program The UWise Summer Bridge Program was a residential academic program scheduled for the last session of the Summer 2012 term. The UWise faculty designed the program to support the academic success of incoming freshmen who intend to major in a STEM field. The 27 UWise Summer Bridge students took credit-bearing classes (5 or 6 credit hours), attended structured study halls or guest lectures in the evenings, and participated in three weekend excursions. All students registered for: 1. XIDS 2100 Arts and Ideas: UWise. This 3-credit hour course, which met for 2 ½ hours each morning, addressed critical reading and writing within the STEM disciplines. The course contributed to Area C2 of the Core. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 2 2. XIDS 2002 What Do you Know About UWise?. This 2-credit hour course met for three hours each afternoon and included instruction in mathematics, science, education, and cognitive coaching. The course fits within Area B2 of the Core. 3. If students needed a sixth credit hour in order to be eligible for financial aid, they registered for a 1-credit hour activity course (PWLA: Personal Wellness and Leisure Activity). Weekend excursions included visits to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta; U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama; and a local organic farm in Carrollton, Georgia. Faculty linked the weekend excursions to content in both XIDS courses to help students understand how science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is applied in real-world settings. The UWise program provided all expenses associated with housing and meals; further, the project paid students a stipend for their participatory engagement with the evaluation to help answer questions about the program’s effectiveness. UWG 1101 The University First-Year Experience Lessons learned from Year 1 (2011-2012) led the UWise faculty to redesign the fall course that followed the Summer Bridge program. Whereas Cohort 1 students participated in a Fall 2011 XIDS course taught by rotating instructors who presented a wide array of content, 27 students from Cohort 2 enrolled in UWG 1101 The University First-Year Experience in Fall 2012. The change was precipitated by evaluation findings, as Cohort 1 students noted the unwieldy nature of the XIDS content that seemed to lack connectedness between and among the rotating instructors. Thus, the first cohort recommended that a follow-up fall course be developed with a single instructor and more focused curriculum. The result, UWG 1101 The University First-Year Experience: UWise, which was taught by a single instructor (Gaquere), introduced students to a variety of topics designed to increase their academic success in their freshman year. XIDS 2002: Courses to Enhance STEM Career Awareness and STEM Major Selection The UWise faculty wanted to expand the influence of the STEM initiative beyond the targeted group of students who participated in the Summer Bridge program. Thus, four faculty developed new XIDS courses to attract students who might be interested in STEM professions, or who had already decided to major in a STEM discipline. These courses used a problem-based learning format to study interesting, real-world problems (i.e., problems and professions related to the Nipah virus and robotics), with the goal of increasing students’ awareness of exciting career possibilities. Additionally, each course integrated a writing component worth 30% of the grade, with collaborating English faculty supervising the writing assignments . Three sections of these newly developed XIDS courses were offered in Spring 2013: XIDS 2002: What Do You Know about Health Professions? (2 concurrent sections, Khan, Mruthinti, N = 50 students total) XIDS 2002: What Do You Know about STEM Professions – Robotics? (1 section co-taught by Remshagen and Rolka, N = 20 students) UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 3 Peer Mentoring Embedded in Undergraduate Research Lessons learned from Cohort 1’s Peer Mentoring experience led to the redesign of this component for Cohort 2 (2012-2013). The revised component embedded peer-mentoring in faculty-directed undergraduate research. In this model, one or two UWise students were paired with a junior or senior STEM major who mentored the beginning student/s within faculty-directed undergraduate research projects. A total of 12 grants (six in chemistry, three in physics, and one each in biology, computer science, and mathematics) were funded, with 13 student mentors (juniors and seniors) working with 17 UWise mentees. The students who conducted undergraduate research through the peer mentoring model presented their learning at a poster session “conference” in mid-July, 2013,for the benefit of incoming Cohort 3 (2013-2014) students in order to introduce the new freshmen to research very early in their college careers. These presentations were so well received that the session will be recreated for UWG’s new president in order to showcase the high value that science and mathematics faculty place on facultydirected undergraduate research. Of further interest is the fact that four of the 13 peer mentors are beginning graduate programs or professional school in Fall 2013, with another one or two likely to be future applicants. These high achieving mentors have served, or will continue to serve, as role models to two cohorts of UWise students (2012-2013 and 2013-2014), not only in the area of research, but also in the planning that is so necessary to gain admission to graduate and professional schools. Faculty Development Building instructional capacity through faculty development is a notable outcome of the UWise program. These capacity-building activities encouraged STEM faculty to “try out” new instructional practices (new for them) and study their effectiveness for improving student learning. The work was supported through mini-grants awarded to faculty members who developed proposals that fit the stringent criteria outlined in the UWise Mini-grant RFP. Faculty indicated in their proposals how they hoped to investigate evidence-based teaching practices in their STEM courses, with the understanding that they would develop essential expertise to engage in this work through the support provided by an external consultant. The consultant led faculty members through the SoTL process: At the beginning of Year 2, as a large group, the faculty members developed research questions, data collection strategies, an implementation plan, and a timeline for their research studies. Then, throughout the fall and spring semesters, the consultant worked individually with these faculty members to develop assessments and instruments, analyze data, and write final reports describing student outcomes. This approach was successful, as Year 2 results indicated increased student learning and engagement in most of the courses involving the FY13 mini-grant projects. (See Table 20 for a description of the projects and their findings). Service Learning UTeach West Georgia is an innovative and highly successfully teacher preparation program for students majoring in science and mathematics and is one of three UTeach institutions in the state selected to replicate the UTeach model. The national replication program was specifically created to attract the widest range of bright science and mathematics majors into secondary teaching careers, to prepare UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 4 them with an advanced, field-intensive curriculum, and to promote field retention through induction support and ongoing professional development. FY13 UWise students were invited to participate in “service learning” through enrollment in UTeach courses that allowed students to “try out” teaching in actual K-12 classrooms. Whereas 20 UWise students sought out the UTeach experience in FY12, only one student from the FY13 cohort did so. The decrease is likely due to revisions in the program in Year 2 (2012-2013) that changed the “workshop” format of the Summer Bridge Program to a credit-bearing, academic experience. These purposeful changes were the result of solid data that identified challenges associated with the potpourri of science and mathematics content in the XIDS course in Fall 2011. However, the portion of the XIDS course that was successful (i.e., learning about K-12 teaching as a career) was not a good fit in the new creditbearing mathematics course. Alternatively, faculty attempted to incorporate exposure to K-12 teaching through several guest lectures during the 2012 Summer Bridge evenings. However, the dramatically decreased participation of UWise students in the UTeach “try out” courses in Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 make clear that this approach was not successful. This issue will be revisited as the UWise faculty refine the program for the 2013-2014 academic year. Parenthetically, we note that the XIDS course scheduled for Fall 2013 (Khan and Mruthinti, two concurrent sessions, N = 36) What do you know about STEM professions? – per the writing of this annual report – has been revised to explicitly incorporate two sessions taught by COE colleagues, as well as a service learning component worth 10% of the grade. 2. Identify key personnel associated with your institution’s STEM Initiative program and briefly describe each person’s role. Be certain to include all personnel whose salaries have been paid, either fully or partially, by STEM Initiative funds. Include any faculty or staff receiving course release time or some comparable form of compensation to participate. Table 1: UWise Participants with no STEM Initiative Funding Name Position Gantner, Myrna Mruthinti, Swamy Hendricks, Cher Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership Associate Dean, Professor of Biology External Evaluator (subcontract) Adams, Sonya Budget Analyst Affiliation Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs College of Science and Mathematics CEISMC, Georgia Tech College of Science and Mathematics In-Kind UWG Match X X X X Tables 2 – 9 indicate program personnel paid with STEM Initiative funds. An X in a column indicates participation in that activity. Acronyms used include COSM, the College of Science and Mathematics; COE, the College of Education; and UG Research, Undergraduate Faculty-Directed Research. Two RFPs for mini-grants were run, with the first request awarded in Fall 2012 and the second in Spring 2013. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) Table 2: Biology Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 5) Name Edelman, Andrew Hullender, Melissa Mitra, Mautusi Pencoe, Nancy SwamyMruthinti Department Program Planning Summer Bridge XIDSUWG Biology Minigrants 1 Minigrants 2 UG Research X Biology Biology Biology Biology, Dean's office X X X X X X Table 3: Chemistry Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 8) Name Dutt, Sharmistha Fujita, Megumi Gaquere, Anne Claudine Geisler, Victoria Hansen, John Khan, Farooq Ray, Partha Stuart, Douglas Department Program Planning Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Summer Bridge XIDSUWG Minigrants 1 Minigrants 2 X X Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry, Dean's Office Chemistry Chemistry UG Research X X X X X X X X X X X X Table 4: Computer Science Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 3) Name Department Orsega, Michael Remshagen, Anja Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Rolka, Christine Program Planning Summer Bridge XIDSUWG Minigrants 1 Minigrants 2 UG Research X X Minigrants 2 UG Research X X X X X Table 5: Geosciences Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 4) Name Deline, Bradley Hollabaugh, Curtis Rose, Shea Tefend, Karen Department Geosciences Geosciences Geosciences Geosciences Program Planning Summer Bridge X XIDSUWG Minigrants 1 X X X 5 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) Table 6: Mathematics Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 7) Name Bellon, James Jett, Christopher Khodkar, Abdollah Leach, Charles Sykes, Scott Thielemier, Carrie Yazdani, Mohammed Department Mathematics Program Planning Summer Bridge XIDSUWG Minigrants 1 X Mathematics X Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics X Minigrants 2 UG Research X X X Mathematics X Mathematics X Table 7: Physics Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 5) Name Chesnut,Gary De Silva, Landewatte Hasbun,Javier Powell,Bob Talbot,Julie Department Physics Program Planning Physics Physics Physics Physics Summer Bridge XIDSUWG X X Minigrants 1 Minigrants 2 X X X X UG Research X X X X Table 8: College of Education Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 3) Name Baylen, Danilo Cox, Judy Marshall, Gail Departm ent College of Education College of Education College of Education Program Planning Summe r Bridge XIDS Minigrants 1 Minigrants 2 UG Researc h X x x Table 9: College of Arts and Humanities Personnel Paid through FY13 STEM Initiative Funds (n = 3) Program Planning Summer Bridge Name Department Ellison, Amy College of Arts and Humanities X Parks, Brooke College of Arts and Humanities X Harrison, Rebecca College of Arts and Humanities X XIDS Minigrants 1 Minigrants 2 UG Research 6 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 7 Students listed in Tables 10 - 15 received STEM Initiative funding for services within UWise program components such as undergraduate research, faculty mini-grants, video/web production for UWise student recruitment, or as student assistants for the Summer Bridge Program. Table 10: Biology Students Paid by FY13 UWise Program (n = 6) Faculty UG Summer Mini Video/Web Student Department Mentor Research Bridge Grant Production Smith, Mindy Fleming, Shelby Haye, Tashana Biology Biology Biology Edelman Mruthinti Mitra Smith, Katherine Smith, Megan Wilson, Darryel Biology Biology Biology Mitra Edelman Mitra X X X X X X Table 11: Chemistry Students Paid by FY13 UWise Program (n = 17 projects, 16 students) UG Summer Mini Video/Web Research Bridge Grant Production X X X X X X X Student Brazil, Mari Contractor, Alisha Contractor, Alisha Clark, Nora Covington, Kayla Dimkpah, Onyeka Dixon, Crawford Department Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Faculty Mentor Khan Fujita Basu-Dutt Basu-Dutt Basu-Dutt Basu-Dutt Khan Duncan, Zachary English, Stephen Gonzalez, Luisalberto Jewett, Tyler Kim, Hahninae Kimbrell, Jacob Obeng, Samed Rittgers, Brandon Rivera, Jadzia Vinyard, Warren Chemistry Chemistry Basu-Dutt Khan X X Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Ray Stuart Fujita Khan Geisler Stuart Basu-Dutt Geisler/Hansen X X X X X X X X UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 8 Table 12: Computer Science Students Paid by FY13 UWise Program (n = 6) Student Department Cahill, William Computer Science Cofer, Daryl Counts, Ashley Computer Science Computer Science Hood, Rebecca Mapel, Drake West, Brian Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science Faculty Mentor Remshagen and Rolka Remshagen and Rolka Remshagen Harrison (English tutor) Remshagen Orsega UG Summer Mini Video/Web Research Bridge Grant Production X X X X X Table 13: Mathematics Students Paid by FY13 UWise Program (n = 13) Student Carter, Kyle Collins, Dana N Cook, Amanda L Eubanks, DeShun Griffin, Amy Gromoll, Tessa Hartman, Daniel Nguyen, Luan Rimmer, Hilary Saltiel, Sarah C Wagner, Alexis D Wright, Randall L Young, James C Department Mathematics Mathematics UWise Program (Recruitment) Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Faculty Mentor Bellon Khodkar Sykes Mruthinti Bellon Khodkar Khodkar Bellon Leach Thielemier Bellon Khan Thielemier Summer Mini Video/Web UG Research Bridge Grant Production X X X X X X X X X X X X UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 9 Table 14: Physics Students Paid by FY13 UWise Program (n = 8) Student Department Coley, Ethan Hartman, Daniel Physics Physics Hogan, Benjamin Machado, Esther Mashburn, Amanda Nuckolls, Haden Roper, Christopher Landry, Ryan Faculty Mentor UG Summer Mini Video/Web Research Bridge Grant Production X X Physics Physics Powell Powell DeSilva and Hasbun Khan Physics Physics Physics Powell Talbot Hasbun X Physics (DD Engr) DeSilva X X X X X X Table 15: Miscellaneous Students Paid by FY13 UWise Program (n = 2) Faculty UG Summer Mini Video/Web Student Department Mentor Research Bridge Grant Production Alton Jr., Marcus Undeclared Mruthinti X Robertson, Sarah English Harrison (English tutor) 3. Identify partnering departments, offices, or centers participating in the STEM Initiative at your institution. Briefly discuss their relationship with the STEM Initiative and note any relevant contributions. UWise operates as a collaborative initiative among the College of Science and Mathematics, the College of Arts and Humanities, and the College of Education, with oversight from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Faculty from all six departments within the College of Science and Mathematics participated in one project component or more. The College of Arts and Humanities participated via XIDS 2100 and ENGL 1101 and 1102 courses, which were designed with a STEM writing focus. The College of Education participation came from the two science educators and one mathematics educator with faculty appointments in that college. Additionally, the University of West Georgia benefits in numerous ways from the strong working relationships among the three divisions of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Business and Finance. This collaboration was evident in the successful planning and implementation of the 2012 Summer Bridge Program. The Office of First Year Experiences facilitated academic advising; Residence Life handled logistical arrangements for the dormitories and provided Residence Assistants (RAs) who supervised the UWise students after hours; and Auxiliary Services, through Food Services, ensured smooth coordination with all meals. Although these partnerships did not contribute directly to the academic mission, the UWise Summer Bridge Program would not have been successful without the support of these units. The UWise and UTeach connection continues as a significant partnership that influences our STEM work. UWise program faculty members promote the UTeach program to the Summer Bridge students and UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 10 UWise’s service learning component leverages the UTeach Step One and Step Two educator exploration courses (UTCH 2001 and 2002) as vehicles to introduce science and mathematics majors to K-12 teaching as a career possibility. B. Program Successes – This section covers the key accomplishments of your institution’s STEM Initiative program during FY2013: Explain how your program has made progress toward Goal 1, improving the readiness of P-12 students for STEM in college. (You may wish to draw upon service learning programs, among other efforts. You also may wish to describe bridge programs or similar efforts directed at incoming freshmen.) 2012 SUMMER BRIDGE PROGRAM In late Spring 2012, a formal letter of invitation to attend the 2012 Summer Bridge program was sent to approximately 650 incoming freshman to University of West Georgia who had expressed an interest in majoring in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline. Faculty also gave a presentation about the program at UWG orientation sessions for incoming students and their parents. These presentations occurred at the Spring and Summer orientations for Summer 2012 or Fall 2012 entry. Of the 40 students who indicated interest in the UWise Summer Bridge Program, 35 students met the minimum math SAT score (450) and were invited to participate. Twenty-nine students chose to attend the program, which was scheduled for July 1 - 27, 2012, on UWG’s Carrollton campus. Students paid tuition and fees; the UWise program paid for housing and meals. Over the course of the 4-week program, students took two courses for academic credit: XIDS 2100 (English). This 3-hour course explored concepts such as sustainability, the environment, and the “logical writer” (framed within STEM disciplines). XIDS 2002 (Mathematics/Science). In this 2-hour course, students explored curriculum, careers, and skills for science and mathematics majors. Students in need of financial aid were able to take a physical education course (PWLA 1634) for 1 credit hour, which created a 6-hour course load and made them eligible for financial aid. Eleven students took the PWLA course. Students’ daily schedule was: 9:00 am – 11:30 am: XIDS 2100 11:45 am – 12:45 pm: Lunch/lectures 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm: XIDS 2002 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm: PWLA 1634 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm: Dinner/mandatory study hall Program activities included three weekend excursions/field trips. The first was to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. The second was to the Space Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and the last was to a local organic farm. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 11 Students entered the Fall 2012 semester as a learning community, taking the following courses together: ENGL 1101 (3 credit hours): English Composition I CHEM 1211K (4 credit hours): Principles of Chemistry I MATH 1111 (3 credit hours): College Algebra or 1113 (4 credit hours): Precalculus UWG 1101 (2 credit hours): The University First Year Experience - UWise POLS 1101 (3 credit hours) : American Government 2012 Summer Bridge Student Demographics Fifteen female and 14 male students attended the program; 16 were African-American, 11 were Caucasian, 1 was biracial, and 1 was Asian. As illustrated in Figure 1, there were equal numbers of male and female African-American students in the cohort (8). There were fewer Caucasian students in the cohort, but almost equal male (6) and female (5) students in this ethnic group. Two females are listed in the “other” category; one listed herself as biracial, and the other as Asian. 10 8 6 Female 8 Male 8 4 Male 6 Female 5 2 Male 0 Female 2 0 African-American White Other Students’ admissions data included their high school grade point average (GPA) as well as either their SAT or ACT scores. The average high school GPA for all UWise Bridge students was 3.19 (compared to non-UWise STEM majors at 3.09). Caucasian students’ high school GPA was higher (3.42) than their African-American counterparts’ GPA, and females’ was slightly higher (3.45) than males’ high school GPA (3.40). As shown in Figure 2, African-American males had the lowest high school GPA (3.02), and Caucasian females had the highest admissions GPA (3.45). High School GPA Figure 1. Number of Summer Bridge 2012 Participants (Gender & Race) 3.40 3.18 4.00 3.00 2.00 3.02 3.45 3.19 3.14 1.00 0.00 Caucasian Average African-American Male Female Figure 2. Summer Bridge Students’ High School GPA by Gender and Race The average scores for the 25 UWise students who took the SAT were 509.2 (55th percentile) on critical reading, 521.6 (52nd percentile) on mathematics, and 477.2 (48th percentile) on writing. Males outperformed females on each subtest, and Caucasians outperformed African-Americans. As illustrated in Figure 3, Caucasian males had the highest average score on each test, followed by Caucasian females, African-American males, and African-American females. The only exception was on the SAT critical UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 12 reading test, where African-American females outperformed both African-American males and Caucasian females. This compares to non-UWise STEM majors whose SAT scores were 493.6 on critical reading, 493.8 on mathematics, and 473.2 on writing. 800 556 SAT Score 700 500 600 500 400 590 482 507 500 507 Male Caucasian 463 499 444 300 200 SAT-V 522 532 Female Caucasian Male African-American Female African-American SAT-M SAT-W SAT Test: V (Critical Reading), Mathematics, Writing Figure 3. Summer Bridge Students’ Admissions SAT Scores by Gender and Race Student Suggestions to Improve Summer Bridge The majority of students who attended the 2012 Summer Bridge program found the experience to be positive, felt like they were able to get a head start on college, and did well in their academic courses. African-American females had the most difficult time in their courses and earned lower grades than their Bridge peers, suggesting they may need additional supports during the summer as well as well as the academic year. Students were most satisfied with their English course experiences and were least satisfied with their physics course activities. Bridge students suggested the summer program could be improved by providing more free time in the schedule, improving the excursions, and changing study hall policies. PROGRESS TOWARD STEM GOAL 1 1. The Fall-Spring retention rate for 2012 Summer Bridge students was 89.7%. All but three students returned for the Spring semester of their Freshman year. Non-returning students were two females (one African-American and one multi-racial student) and one African-American male whose first semester GPAs ranged from 0.16 to 1.70 (M=1.08). The Fall semester GPA for returning students was 2.87. Their average Spring GPA was 2.82. 2. Bridge students outperformed their non-Bridge peers in ENGL 1101, MATH 1113, MATH 1634, and UWG 1101. In ENGL 1101, Bridge students’ average GPA was 2.48 compared to 2.11 for their non-Bridge peers. The DFW rate was 3.7% for Bridge students and 28% for non-Bridge students. In MATH 1113, Bridge students’ average GPA was 2.61 compared to 2.10 for their nonBridge peers. The DFW rate was 26.1% for Bridge students and 29.6% for non-Bridge students. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 13 In MATH 1634, Bridge students’ average GPA was 3.00 compared to 2.55 for their nonBridge peers. The DFW rate was 0% for Bridge students and 35.2% for non-Bridge students. In UWG 1101, Bridge students’ average GPA was 3.57 compared to 3.02 for their non-Bridge peers. The DFW rate was 7.1% for Bridge students and 7.7% for non-Bridge students. 3. Upon entering Summer Bridge, 28% of students planned to major in engineering, 24% planned to major in biology, 12% planned to major in chemistry, and 8% planned to major in computer science. At the end of Summer Bridge, 16 students (70%) said they had not changed their minds about their major, and 7 (30%) said they were thinking about different majors. No students changed their major during the Summer Bridge experience, though one student explained that, “I have become aware of the benefits of other majors, but am not convinced to change mine.” During their freshman year, 2 Bridge students (6.9%) changed from a STEM to non-STEM major, compared to 16.3% of the comparison group (N = 467) that consisted of freshmen who entered Fall 2012 with a declared STEM major. Thus, participation in the UWise Summer Bridge Program is associated with improved retention in the STEM major during the freshman year. Of the 7 students who indicated they were thinking about new majors, 1 was an intended computer science major who became interested in majoring in math education. He described how Summer Bridge had influenced this, explaining “While involving myself in the community here, I began holding math tutoring sessions for the content covered in the program and realized that I enjoy a college level teaching environment.” 4. Between Fall and Spring semesters, 6.8% of Bridge students changed from a STEM to a nonSTEM major compared to 15.9% of their non-Bridge counterparts. A Bridge student who had been a biology major changed to special education, and a computer science major changed to economics. We also reviewed data from 2011 Summer Bridge students who were sophomores during the 20122013 academic year. Of the 98 students in the 2011 Bridge program (Cohort 1), 96 entered UWG as Freshman in Fall 2011. Of those 96 students, 86 returned Spring 2012 (1st year retention rate = 88%, compared with 70% for all UWG students), 73 returned Fall 2012, and 64 returned Spring 2013 (2nd year retention rate = 65% compared to 57% for all UWG students). Across this time period, cumulative GPA rose from 2.49 in Fall 2011 to 2.77 by the end of the sophomore year. Figure 4 shows the retention rate for Cohort 1 students’ freshman and sophomore years as well as their cumulative GPAs. n=88 GPA=2.49 Fall 2011 n=87 GPA=2.49 Spring 2012 n=73 GPA=2.57 Fall 2012 n=64 GPA=2.70 Spring 2013 Figure 4. Summer Bridge Cohort 1 Retention Rate and Cumulative GPA, by Semester UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 14 Of the 15 students who completed their freshman year but did not return for their sophomore year, 5 were biology majors, 4 were chemistry majors, and 2 were chemistry (BA) majors. Other non-returning students were chemistry/secondary education, chemistry/engineering, and computer science majors (1 from each major). Another had an undeclared major. Of the 5 students who had not declared a major, two completed their sophomore year. One chose pre-accounting as a major during the Spring 2013 semester and had a 2.66 cumulative GPA that semester. The other student had still not declared a major by Spring 2013 but was able to increase her GPA steadily from a 0.38 in Fall 2011 to a 3.10 cumulative GPA for Spring 2013. Of the 64 Cohort 1 students who completed their sophomore year, eleven (17.2%) changed from a STEM to a non-STEM major. Three biology majors switched to nursing and another changed to psychology. Two chemistry majors switched to nursing and a third to sociology. One chemistry/dual degree engineering major switched to philosophy. Two computer science majors changed to a management information systems major. One mathematics major changed his major to accounting. The range of cumulative GPA for non-returning students was 0.00 to 3.36, with an average of 1.57. Table 16 provides average GPA by major for returning and non-returning students. Non-returning students were mostly female (60%); 46.7% were African-American and 40% were Caucasian. Table 16. GPA Comparisons for Returning and Non-Returning Students, by Major Major Biology Chemistry Chemistry (BA) Chemistry/ Engineering Chemistry/ Secondary Ed. Computer Science Undeclared Status Returning Non-Returning Returning Non-Returning Returning Non-Returning Returning Non-Returning Returning Non-Returning Returning Non-Returning Returning Non-Returning N 26 5 6 4 14 2 3 1 na 1 4 1 4 1 Spring 2012 Cumulative GPA 2.97 1.57 2.46 0.89 2.37 1.49 2.94 1.51 na 3.36 2.52 1.37 1.80 3.00 2. Explain how your program has made progress toward Goal 2, improving student success and completion rates, by discussing how your program, a) increased STEM majors, b) supported student retention and progression in STEM, and c) increased STEM degree completion. UWise activities in Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 supported student retention and progression in STEM through the following activities: Fall 2012 Learning Community. The cohort structure of the learning community allowed UWise students to deepen their relationships with each other, building on the informal support groups they formed on their own during the Summer Bridge Program. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 15 Fall 2012 UWG 1101 The University First Year Experience: UWise. This course, taught by a single instructor (Gaquere) helped students understand how to be a successful college student. Undergraduate Research. Those students who chose to participate in undergraduate research (n = 17) benefitted not only from their introduction to real-world research, but also from the peer mentoring provided by successful junior and senior STEM majors. 1. There was a slight decrease in the number of STEM majors between AY 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. STEM majors decreased from 1961 to 1937 (-24). However, the number of STEM education majors increased from 236 to 256 (+20). Areas of growth across all STEM fields included: Mathematics (from 45 to 52 majors) Engineering (from 81 to 87 majors) MAT in Science Education (from 9 to 22 majors) 2. Total number of STEM degrees awarded rose from 212 in AY 2011-2012 to 248 in AY 2012-2013, a 17% increase. Increases were in the following disciplines: Chemistry (from 16 to 27 graduates, a 69% increase ) Computer Science (from 16 to 21 graduates, a 31% increase) Mathematics (from 5 to 9 graduates, an 80% increase) Physics (from 4 to 5 graduates) MAT in Science Education (from 0 to 2 graduates) 3. DFW rates improved for some STEM courses and worsened for others. 2012-2013 DFW rates decreased from 2011-2012 rates in the following areas: BIOL 1108 (from 25.5% to 22.6%) BIOL 2108 (from 16.8% to 14.4%) MATH 1111 (from 38.1% to 37.9%) MATH 1634 (from 46.1% to 38.9%) PHYS 1112 (from 17.9% to 13.2%) PHYS 2212 (from 22.7% to 19.3%) DFW rates rose by about 4% for CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1212 and by about 6.5% for MATH 1113. 3. Explain how your program has made progress toward Goal 3, improving the pre-service P-12 STEM teacher preparation and production. UWise students were recruited by the UTeach program to explore K-12 science and/or mathematics teaching through the UTeach Step 1 (UTCH 2001) and Step 2 (UTCH 2002) courses. These courses (1 credit hour each) allow students to “try out” teaching in elementary and middle schools, using structured lessons developed by master teachers and practiced in the UTCH 2001/2002 classes prior to students executing them in real classrooms. Students who successfully complete UTCH 2001 are reimbursed for their tuition; this is also true for successful completion of UTCH 2002. Twenty FY12 UWise students enrolled in UTCH 2001 and eight of those enrolled in UTCH 2002. One FY12 UWise students has continued in the UTeach program after completing UTCH 2002, meaning that this person has selected K-12 science and mathematics teaching as a career option. Only one FY13 UWise student enrolled in UTCH 2001; this person also continued in UTCH 2002. The decrease in UTeach participation is associated with UWise program revisions that changed the “workshop” format of the Summer Bridge Program to a credit-bearing, academic experience. Although these changes were data-driven and achieved their purpose to strengthen students’ mathematics UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 16 knowledge and skills prior to enrolling in gateway math courses in Fall 2012, the program’s alternative approach to introducing UWise students to K-12 science and mathematics teaching did not work well (i.e., guest lectures in the evening sessions of the Summer Bridge Program). This issue will be revisited as the UWise faculty refine the program for the 2013-2014 academic year. Parenthetically, we note that the XIDS course scheduled for Fall 2013 (Khan and Mruthinti, two concurrent sessions, N = 36) What do you know about STEM professions? – per the writing of the annual report – has been revised to explicitly incorporate two sessions taught by COE colleagues, as well as a service learning component worth 10% of the grade. 4. Discuss other key successes of your institution’s STEM Initiative program. In addition to the activities discussed in other sections of this report, two additional successes associated with UWG’s UWise program are noteworthy. The first derived from outstanding results from a physics mini-grant. The second emerged from our deliberate programmatic change to add English writing with a STEM focus to the 2012 Summer Bridge Program; results from this change are equally outstanding to those achieved by the physics workshops. Physics Mini-Grant Workshops. The Principles of Physics I and II Workshops were piloted through a UWise mini-grant awarded to physics faculty member Julie Talbot. These workshops, designed to support students’ problem-solving capacity, have been so successful that the Physics Department will institutionalize the strategy in Spring 2014, making attendance in the workshop mandatory for students enrolled in PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2212. Three semesters of PHYS 2211 data (through Fall 2012) produced consistent findings from term to term. Students who attended at least two-thirds of the workshop sessions outperformed those who did not participate: 25% DFW rates (N=69) for workshop participants vs. 75% DFW rates (N=53) for non-participants. English Writing with a STEM Focus (XIDS 2100). As the UWise faculty continued to examine barriers to students’ success in earning STEM degrees, they recognized that the ability to express one’s ideas in writing is an essential skill for successful STEM students and graduates. This understanding led to the beginning of a wonderful collaborative partnership with faculty in the English Department. Rebecca Harrison, an instrumental faculty member in the first year writing program in the College of Arts and Humanities, joined the UWise faculty in their planning meetings as preparations began for the 2012 Summer Bridge Program. She led the development of the XIDS 2100 course and coordinated the curriculum delivery with two additional English faculty members. She also trained and supervised the three graduate assistants (English MA Program) who worked with UWise students in structured writing support sessions scheduled for two evenings a week throughout the four weeks of the 2012 Summer Bridge Program. Performance in the Summer 2012 XIDS 2100 course was impressive, particularly when compared to the performance of these same students in their Fall 2012 ENGL 1101 class, a required Core Area A1 course. The DFW rate (grade of D, F, or Withdrawal) for all UWG students enrolled in ENGL 1101 in Fall 2012 was 28.8%, a figure that the English Department is working hard to reduce. However, the UWise students did much better than their non-UWise peers, with DFW rates of only 3.8%. This phenomenal improvement has led the English Department to consider changes to their entire first year writing program – changes that will mirror many of the pedagogies and course redesign work used in the XIDS 2100 course that was developed specifically for UWise. (Note that the SAT-Writing scores for UWise students averaged 477.2. Non-UWise students averaged a score of 473.2 in the SAT-Writing exam). UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 17 C. Program Challenges – This section covers challenges that continue to face your institution’s STEM Initiative program: 1. What challenges has your program encountered in increasing the number of STEM majors? As noted in the FY12 annual report, the challenges UWG faces with attempts to increase the number of STEM majors are no different from those faced by many institutions. First, our incoming freshmen, for the most part, are underprepared in science and mathematics. Further, they struggle with the Core Area A1 requirements (i.e., two freshman writing composition courses). University students who do not successfully complete the freshman “gateway” courses in mathematics and English have no chance of earning a STEM degree. In FY13, the UWise faculty tackled this problem through changes in the 2012 Summer Bridge Program. Instead of the 2-week “workshop” format, Bridge participants enrolled in credit bearing courses that were designed by UWise faculty to fill gaps in students’ preparation – most particularly in mathematics and STEM writing. We also placed our FY13 UWise students in a learning community for the Fall 2013 term, which provided additional support. This “cohort model” (i.e., learning community) was conducive to strengthening the relationships students formed in the Summer Bridge Program. Further, instructors were selected for the Fall courses who understood the UWise program goals and tailored their instruction to support those goals. 2. What challenges has your program encountered in increasing STEM degree production? The FY13 UWise program was in its second year of implementation in 2012-2013, which was too early to impact STEM degree production. However, interim indicators of student progress suggest that the program will affect STEM degree production. One of the most poignant “lessons learned” from the FY12 UWise program was that science and mathematics faculty could benefit greatly from instruction and guidance in social science research methods. Without this body of knowledge and skills, COSM faculty are – for the most part – unable to design research investigations that will help them determine the effectiveness of their own teaching and their students’ learning. Again, it is important to remind readers that science and mathematics faculty employ a research paradigm and methods that differ significantly from those used in the social sciences. It is the social sciences research paradigm and methods that are most effective in studying the effectiveness of teaching for improving student learning in the classroom. With that said, the UWise program has struggled to provide consistent, embedded, ongoing faculty development to support our STEM faculty in this area. To address this challenge, the FY13 UWise program hired an external consultant to work with the UWise mini-grant awardees through a series of workshops and one-on-one support sessions designed as a “faculty learning community.” This approach has been quite successful. See Table 20 for a list of the FY13 faculty mini-grants and their findings. On an exciting note, UWG received permanent funding in our FY14 state allocations to develop a new Center for Teaching and Learning. Our institution is most appreciative of this decision by the Board of Regents, as the new center will substantively help us address the faculty development challenge described in this annual report. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 18 3. Are there any program-specific (i.e. mini-grants, service learning opportunities) challenges that your program has encountered? As noted earlier, the data-driven decision to schedule UWise students in credit bearing courses in the Summer Bridge Program interfered – unexpectedly – with recruiting UWise students in the UTeach program. The FY14 UWise leadership team and faculty will examine this issue immediately. 4. Are there any other challenges that your program has encountered that you have not described (i.e. departmental buy-in, personnel issues) Our FY12 report discussed issues with science and mathematics department chair buy-in. This situation continued in 2012-2013, but improved somewhat. Indeed, faculty from each of the six College of Science and Mathematics departments participated in the FY13 UWise program. D. Did you implement the STEM Initiative program at your institution as described in your project proposal for FY2013? Please describe any notable changes from the proposal that you made (additional project components, project deletions). For the most part, the FY13 UWise program followed its plans, as noted in the original proposal and proposed modifications noted in the FY12 UWise Annual Report. However, changes to the 2012 Summer Bridge XIDS 2001 course were associated with decreased participation in the UTCH 2001 and 2002 courses, as explained earlier. Again, these changes were unexpected and will be addressed by the FY14 UWise faculty. The XIDS 2001 Summer Bridge Program writing class (STEM focus) was highly successful, although this program component developed after the submission of the original UWise proposal. These evolving events, precipitated by formative evaluation findings as well as increasing UWise faculty sophistication with regard to those factors that act as barriers to STEM student success are normal outcomes of program evaluation, when it is designed well and implemented effectively. It is a testament to UWG’s commitment to learning as much as possible about what works well and what is not effective that the institution devoted a significant portion of its required institutional matching funds to hire a highly competent external evaluator who could help the UWise team make sense of its ongoing work. Data Sheet Addendum A. If you reported engineering majors in FY2013 (Row 12), please identify relevant subfields (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, engineering technology, etc.) and specify the number of majors in each. Chemistry-2 year Engineering Transfer: 2 majors Chemistry/Dual Degree Engineering: 19 majors Geology/Dual Degree Engineering: 1 major Physics-2 year Engineering transfer: 5 majors Physics/Dual Degree Engineering: 60 majors Additional data are provided in the table below. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 19 Table 17: Engineering Majors Race Degree Chemistry - 2 yr Engineer Transfer Chemistry/Dual Degr Engineer Geology/Dual Degr Engineer Physics-2 yr Engineer Transfer Physics/Dual Degr Engineering Totals TOTAL Majors Amer. Indian 2 1 19 Asian Black Hispanic Gender Pacific Islander MultiRacial White 2 6 1 1 1 60 1 3 2 M 2 9 5 1 5 F 1 1 87 Unknown 14 1 2 5 18 4 1 4 30 3 4 56 26 5 1 5 42 4 10 77 B. If you reported majors in the field “Other” (Row 13), please identify those degree programs and specify the number of majors in each. Not Applicable. C. If you reported engineering degrees awarded (Row 73), please identify the specific degrees (i.e. BS in mechanical engineering, BS in electrical engineering, etc.) and specify the number of awardees for each. B.S. in Chemistry, Dual Degree Engineering: 1 graduate B.S. in Physics/Dual Degree Engineering: 2 graduates D. If you reported degrees in the category “Other” (Row 74), please identify the specific degrees and specify the number of awardees for each. Not Applicable. E. If you have any additional notes to offer relevant for the data sheet, please enter those here. Regarding teacher production, we had program completers in 5 STEM Post-baccalaureate programs. Data are provided in the tables below. Note that the Race totals for Broad Field Science in Table 18 do not match the Gender totals; the discrepancy exists because not all students reported their race. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 20 Table 18: Post-Baccalaureate Program Enrollees 2012-2013 Post-Baccalaureate Program Enrollees 2012-2013 Race Post-Bac Program Broad Field Science Biology TOTAL Enrolled Amer. Indian Asian Black Hispanic Pacific Islander Gender MultiRacial White Unknown F M 1 5 2 4 2 7 3 2 6 4 2 Chemistry 1 1 Earth Science 1 1 1 7 9 2 4 1 K-5 Math Endorsement Math 9 1 1 1 5 3 Middle Grades Math 18 4 1 1 12 10 8 Middle Grades Science 13 4 1 1 7 10 3 Physics 1 Totals 1 61 19 2 3 35 1 1 43 18 Table 19: Post-Baccalaureate Program Completers 2012-2013 Post-Baccalaureate Program Completers 2012-2013 Post-Bac Program Broad Field Science Biology TOTAL Completers Race Amer. Indian Asian Black 1 2 1 1 Middle Grades Math Middle Grades Science 12 2 9 4 25 7 Totals Pacific Islander MultiRacial White Unknown F 1 Chemistry II. Hispanic Gender 1 1 2 1 1 1 M 1 9 6 6 5 6 3 17 14 11 Programmatic Components A. Faculty Mini-grants In late Summer 2012, faculty were invited to submit a proposal to receive a mini-grant that could be used to improve instruction and enhance the success of students in science and mathematics courses. Projects supported faculty in the development and implementation of innovative instructional strategies to improve student learning. All full-time faculty members from the College of Science and Mathematics (COSM) and the College of Education (COE) were eligible to apply. For faculty in the COSM, proposals could be submitted by an individual faculty member, a group of faculty members, or by a department as a whole by the Department Chairperson. For COE faculty, grants were available to support proposals UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 21 that provided students the opportunity to gain teaching experience in science and mathematics. Awardees from the previous mini-grant cycle (2011-2012) were also encouraged to submit a proposal to refine or broaden the scope of their previous projects. Faculty members who were awarded a mini-grant were expected to develop their proposals during Fall 2012, implement them in Spring 2013, and analyze the data in Summer 2013. They were supported through periodic workshops and one-on-one meetings with the external evaluator, who also served as a facilitator to mini-grant recipients. These workshop sessions were held 4-6 times, varying by specific needs of each faculty member. Sessions focused on project development, research design, assessment techniques, data collection and analysis, and report writing. The Phase 1 RPF funded 11 projects that involved 12 faculty members who were supported with minigrant funding. Four were in mathematics, two were in physics, and two were in biology. One project was supported in each of the following areas: chemistry, computer science, and science education. 1. Please provide a list of the mini-grants provided by your institution as part of its STEM Initiative for FY2013. You may use the following table or some alternate format, but please be sure to provide all of the information requested: Table 20: FY13 Faculty Mini-Grant Projects (Phase 1 Mini-grants) Project Title Workshop for Introductory Physics Faculty Investigators Ajith DeSilva Brief Description Key Research/ Pedagogical Outcomes The interactiveengagement approach was employed to stimulate understanding of basic physics concepts and to facilitate problem solving to improve students performances in introductory physics. Workshops were conducted for four separate classes of about 24 students per class who registered for PHYS 1112 lecture in Spring 2013. The workshop class met one hour per week. Each workshop was organized into small groups of 3-4 students. The workshop was conducted in a studio format that emphasized an activity-based learning style rather than a passive learning Nineteen students earned an A in the course, and all had attended the workshop. A higher percentage of workshop attendees than non-attendees earned Bs as well. Importantly, the percentage of students earning a grade of D or F or withdrawing from the class was 4.26% for workshop attendees, while it is 46.15% without workshop. Seventy percent of students said their class performance increased because of participation in the workshop. To improve the UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) The Effects of Supplemental Instruction (SI) on Students’ Achievement in College Algebra and Pre-Calculus Carrie Thielemier Video Solutions for MATH 1111 David Leach approach. In a given class meeting, there could be any combination of discussion, demonstration, and guided inquiry activities. The purpose of this project was to assess whether attending SI increased a student’s overall performance in MATH 1111 and MATH 1113. SI sessions were held for 1 hour, three times a week. Sessions were not mandatory, but students were encouraged to attend. SI leaders were students who were obtaining a degree in Mathematics and already had a strong understanding of the core concepts. SI sessions included peer tutoring, working extra problems, and responding to student questions. The purpose of this project was to provide a set of online videos that students could use to workshops, students suggested increasing the number of workshop hours per week and adding teaching assistants. Students who attended 15 or more SI session during the semester earned higher final grades than those who did not. The course average for students who attended 15 or more sessions was 84%, compared to 67% for students who attended between 1 and 14 sessions, and 74% for students who attended no SI sessions. For MATH 1111, the average final course grade for high risk students who attended 15 or more SI sessions was 79.5. For MATH 1113 it was 79.1. There were substantial benefits to moderate-risk students as well. Based on the student surveys, it is clear that SI was a positive experience for almost all students. Many, including those who did not pass the class, felt that SI was helpful and a great resource to have on campus. A majority of students who used the videos (76%) found them to be helpful and just 22 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) under 50% said the videos helped them earn a higher grade on the exam. There was no correlation between number of times they used videos to prepare for the final and the final exam score; however, the 54 students who used the videos 12 or more times had a mean score of 28.15 which was 2.5 points higher than the average score. The purpose of this Students in the project was to develop majors’ course active-learning materials exhibited a modest and methods for two increase in learning large, lecture courses in gains when using peer biology and evaluate their instruction on in-class effects on student concept questions. learning gains. The Learning gains in the instructor utilized peer non-majors course instruction on in-class was influenced by an clicker questions to interaction between improve student learning. teaching mode and The study took place in group gender. BIOL 2108, a course for Students in the majors, and BIOL 1010, a nonmajors’ course non-majors course. exhibited no Students were presented improvement in an average of about 5 and learning gains on 7 clicker questions per clicker questions class, and two types of when using the peer matched pair questions instruction method. were presented to On post-surveys, students: peer discussion students said that (included instructor hearing the concept explanation and peer explained by a peer discussion techniques) was helpful, and control (included particularly when they instructor explanation were confused about a concept. This methods only). method allowed help them prepare for the College Algebra (MATH 1111) final exam. The videos consisted of the instructor working out practice test problems and giving explanations. The instructor recorded himself working out 160 problems on paper, explaining each step as well as how to use the calculator. Teaching more by lecturing less: Implementing active-learning techniques in a large, lecture course Andrew Edelman 23 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) students a less stressful way to deal with confusion than asking the professor in front of the entire class. The negative feedback comments indicate that some groups may be less effective due to lack of student commitment to a teaching method. Online Math Tutoring for Introductory Math James Bellon The purpose of this project was to provide online tutoring to increase the passing rates for students taking MATH 1111 and other core math courses. Five student assistants were hired as online tutors. Each had strong backgrounds in core math and tutoring experience. The software provided several tools to communicate and facilitate ideas between students and tutors. These included live text chat, live audio/video (provided both parties have the capability), whiteboard which can be used by both parties, a graphing calculator tool, as well as website and application sharing. As a tutor worked with one student, other students were able to watch virtually. There were a total of 130 online tutoring sessions from 30 different students for an average of 91 minutes per session (total of 198 hours of tutoring). About onethird of the users were repeat users. The DFW rate for users was 13%, which is significantly lower than last year’s Spring DFW rate (46%). There was no difference in average final exam score between users and non-users. 24 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) The Effects of Workshop Attendance in Physics 2211/2212 on Student Achievement Julie Talbot The purpose of this project was to assess the effectiveness of using Physics workshops to support student learning. Workshop attendance was not mandatory, but a significant number of bonus points were given to encourage attendance. The workshops were set up so that students worked in groups on a variety of physics problems. Each workshop consisted of students working a set of problems related to the topic(s) covered in lecture that week. The problem sets contained a mixture of conceptual questions, ranking tasks, estimation questions, typical homework problems, and context-rich problems. The Effectiveness of Interactive Tools and Collaborative Strategies on Student Performance in Christine M. Rolka and Anja Remshagen The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of contextualized learning, particularly the use of robots and animations, and collaborative learning strategies on student Students in PHYS 2211 who attended at least two-thirds of the workshops performed better and passed at a substantially higher rate than those who did not attend workshops regularly. The DFW rate, in particular, is almost double for the students who did not attend workshops, compared with the ones who did. The course grades for students who came to workshop regularly was over one letter grade higher than for the students who did not attend regularly. In PHYS 2212, the DFW rate was lower for workshop attendees as well. Workshop attendance did not have a noticeable effect on conceptual understanding. In both courses, gains were almost indistinguishable between those who attended workshop and those who did not. Results indicated no statistically significant differences in final grade between the two groups, though grades were slightly higher for students in the animations with 25 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) Introductory Computer Science performance. Students attended twice-weekly studio session where they engaged in hands-on activities in either animations only or robotics with animations. Using Literature to Promote Algebraic Thinking Christopher Jett LEGO Science Project Danilo Baylen and Cristine Goldberg The purpose the project was to infuse literature into an upper-level mathematics content course and expose preservice teachers to ways to incorporate literature into their pedagogical practices to provide students with access to rigorous mathematics. Literature was infused in the course to make explicit links to children’s literature as a way to promote algebraic understandings and make connections to other areas. Students were placed into literature teams and made book presentations as literature circle teams. The investigators in this project focused on students’ attitudes toward science teaching and perceptions about various activities that robotics group. Additionally, what appeared to have the most impact on student achievement was attendance and the hands-on exercises. Students reported they enjoyed engaging in interesting, real-world applications of learned concepts because these exercises helped them see results and to develop a product to show others. The incorporation of literature in the course influenced students’ thinking about mathematics. Students reported higher levels of self- confidence in mathematics and expressed reduced levels of mathematical anxiety. Secondly, students maintained that the literature aspect of the course assisted with their enthusiasm about mathematics. There were no significant pre-post differences in students’ self-efficacy in science teaching or their attitudes toward 26 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) promote student engagement in science learning. Sixteen undergraduate teacher education students enrolled in an MEDT 3401 Instructional Technology course participated in this project. All students completed three preactivity surveys and three post-activity surveys. Also, students worked in pairs to create an instructional activity focused on science and using LEGOs with technology. At the end of the activity, students wrote reflection papers about the LEGO experience. Workshops in Physical Chemistry Farooq Khan and Lucy Garmon The goals of the project were to introduce “Workshops” in CHEM 3521 (Quantum Chemistry) with an emphasis on conceptual learning and Fermi problems; and to develop modules that enhance online delivery of instruction in CHEM 3522 (Chemical Thermodynamics) in science or science teaching. Students reported that the educational activities that engage them in learning science are hands-on activities inclass exercises, small group activities, lecture, project-based assignments, in-class discussions and oneon-one tutorial. Early childhood education students’ top picks were hands-on and inclass activities. Middle grades education student identified small group activities. Special education students chose handson activities and oneon-one tutorial. Participants identified various benefits of completing the LEGO project especially in planning a lesson, teaching science, integrating technology, and using non-traditional instructional tools. During 2012-2013, the average scores on standardized examinations (developed by the American Chemical Society and administered as finals) increased substantially when considered as percentiles based on national norms. 27 UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) Enhancing Flash Tutorials that Teach Conceptual Concepts in Computer Science Michael Orsega Using Video Podcasts to Enhance Student Learning in Introductory Biology Labs Nancy Pencoe which workshops had previously been incorporated. Project builds on previous study using Flash tutorials to supplement instruction in an introductory computer science course. Four laboratory sections were split into two groups – one used the Flash tutorial and the other used a PDF transcript of the tutorial. The investigator in this project developed instructional podcasts for students to study prior to attending the laboratory class, with the idea of making better use of laboratory time since students will be prepared to begin the laboratory exercise immediately upon arriving to the class session. 28 Students in the Flash tutorial group worked significantly longer (20.94 minutes) than those in the PDF group (16.62 minutes). Students who used the Flash tutorials also made more pre-post improvements in learning than did their PDF counterparts, although the difference was not statistically significant. Analysis is ongoing, as these data are unusually complex. The Phase 2 mini-grants (see Table 21) were designed to help faculty members develop hands-on materials that students could use to enhance their understanding of science and mathematics concepts beyond the introductory courses. Thus, the Phase 2 mini-grants do not incorporate research studies that examine pedagogical innovations. Faculty members will begin using the materials in Fall 2013. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 29 Table 21: FY13 Faculty Mini-Grant Projects (Phase 2 Mini-grants ) Project Title Faculty Investigators Demonstrations and Projects Teaching Electricity and Magnetism Research Projects for Experimental Physics Enhancing Advanced Analytical Chemistry Improving Instruction in Nuclear Physics Using Spectroscopy to Conceptualize Chemical Kinetics Videos to Invert the CS 3151 Classroom Chestnut, Neal Building Applied Skills in Energy: Photovoltaic Panels Rose, Shea (PI) and Hollabaugh, Curtis (Co-PI) DeSilva, Ajith Gaquere, Anne Hasbun, Javier Hansen, John Remshagen, Anja 2. State the funding rate for mini-grants at your institution (i.e. number of grants funded vs. total number of proposals received)? Discuss how proposals were judged and awarded. All proposals were reviewed by the three-member UWise leadership team (Gaquere, Mruthinti, Sykes) using the RFP’s scoring rubric (see Table 22). The FY13 UWise program funded all 12 proposals. Although there was no “competition,” faculty members understood that the award criteria were both detailed and stringent; thus, weak grants were not submitted. All grants adhered to the detailed project description and PIs participated in the year-long workshops conducted by the external consultant. In essence, only highly qualified grants were submitted and funded. Table 22: Review Criteria for Awarding Mini-grant Proposals Criteria Possible Points Identified need is challenging and compelling. 15 Potential of the project to impact instruction and student learning. 15 Goals are significant and relate to the UWise (BOR STEM Initiative) goals. 10 Research questions are clear and measureable. 10 Plan includes activities that are based on identified need and will lead to successful implementation of project. 30 Evaluation statement for this proposal is linked to the research questions. 10 Budget expenditures are reasonable, justified, and directly linked to proposed plan. 5 Plan for disseminating results 5 Total Possible Points 100 3. For any of the mini-grants listed, do you have evaluation data or other evidence suggesting the efficacy of the projects? Also, please discuss the broader impacts for these projects (i.e. changes to instructional approaches, changes to departmental policies, etc.). Each mini-grant recipient completed a final research report that included results and conclusions. Each report was reviewed to determine effects on teaching and learning. As outlined in the table of mini- UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 30 grant projects, most projects that focused on reducing DFW rates or increasing student achievement resulted in positive gains for students. For example, in the project Workshop for Introductory Physics (PHYS 1112) the percentage of students earning a grade of D or F or withdrawing from the class was 4.26% for workshop attendees, while it is 46.15% without workshop. A second project, which focused on 2000-level physics courses (PHYS 2211 and 2212) resulted in a higher passing rate for students who attended at least two-thirds of the workshops. Further, the DFW rate was double for non-workshop attendees compared to the rate for students who were regular workshop attendees. A project on the effects of supplemental instruction (SI) on students’ achievement in 1000-level math courses showed positive effects. The course average for students who attended 15 or more sessions was 84%, compared to 67% for students who attended between 1 and 14 sessions. For MATH 1111, the average final course grade for high risk students who attended 15 or more SI sessions was 79.5. For MATH 1113 it was 79.1. Faculty were also asked to complete a brief online survey about their experiences working on their projects, the support received, additional support needed, perceptions of the research process, and changes to teaching practices that resulted from their mini-grant work. Eight faculty members (67%) completed the survey. Results revealed: 75% agreed that engaging in the project helped them become a more effective teacher 88% agreed that it increased their awareness of how to conduct research on instructional practices 75% agreed that it increased their interest in researching instructional practices 50% agreed that it changed the way they thought about assessing student learning 50% agreed that it changed the way they engaged with students 63% agreed they would be interested in doing more research on their practices, even without financial support 100% said they would be interested in conducting more research on their instructional practices either on their own (38%), one-on-one with a facilitator (38%) or as part of a small group with a facilitator (25%). When asked what they found most rewarding about conducting their mini-grant studies, faculty provided comments such as: Getting the department to institutionalize the changes. Measuring the impact of my teaching practices on student success. Probably reading the comments from students who said that it helped them. The report. I was able to really delve into the results of the work that I did during the Spring semester. It was extremely informative in terms of my teaching and what I was doing right and not so well. In addition, I learned so much about statistics that I'd like to do more of it. Faculty also indicated they felt supported in their projects through the facilitation, but some said they could have used even more support. Going forward into FY14, this support will be provided by the Director of UWG’s new Center for Teaching and Learning. B. Service Learning Opportunities (i.e. FOCUS-derived projects) 1. Briefly describe the operation of your institution’s service learning opportunity or FOCUS-derived project for FY2013, including the following: UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 31 a. Name of project(s) or other branding UTeach. UTeach West Georgia is an innovative and highly successful teacher preparation program for students majoring in science and mathematics and is one of three UTeach institutions in the state selected to replicate the UTeach model. The national replication program was specifically created to attract the widest range of bright science and mathematics majors into secondary teaching careers, to prepare them with an advanced field-intensive curriculum, and to promote field retention through induction support and ongoing professional development. b. Key Partners for your Project (i.e. Departments/Schools at your institution, participating P-12 schools/school districts, area businesses, etc.) UWG College of Arts and Humanities UWG College of Education c. Data regarding participants (students taking part in project, number/classes of P-12 students engaged through project, number of teachers taking part, etc.) Whereas 20 UWise students sought out the UTeach experience in FY12, only one student from the FY13 cohort did so. The decrease is likely due to revisions in the program in Year 2 (2012-2013) that changed the “workshop” format of the Summer Bridge Program to a credit-bearing, academic experience. These purposeful changes were the result of solid data that identified challenges associated with the potpourri of science and math content in the Summer 2011 workshop and Fall 2011 XIDS course. However, the portion of that XIDS course that was successful (i.e., learning about K-12 teaching as a career) was not a good fit in the new credit-bearing math course. Alternatively, faculty attempted to incorporate exposure to K-12 teaching through several guest lectures during the 2012 Summer Bridge evenings. However, the dramatically decreased participation of UWise students in the UTeach “try out” courses in Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 make clear that this approach was not successful. This issue will be revisited as the UWise faculty refine the program for the 2013-2014 academic year. Parenthetically, we note that the XIDS course scheduled for Fall 2013 (Khan and Mruthinti, two concurrent sessions, N = 36) What do you know about STEM professions? – per the writing of this annual report – has been revised to explicitly incorporate two sessions taught by COE colleagues, as well as a service learning component worth 10% of the grade. d. Primary activities and their operation UWise students who also participate in UTeach enroll in UTCH 2001 – and possibly UTCH 2002 – to “try out” K-12 science and mathematics teaching under the supervision and instruction of the UTeach Master Teachers. e. Any outcomes data demonstrating the project’s efficacy or effectiveness. One UWise student (FY12) has selected K-12 science and/or mathematics teaching as a viable career option. This student is enrolled in the advanced UTeach courses. One FY13 UWise student enrolled in the UTeach “try out” sequence (UTCH 2001 and 2002). UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 32 C. Institution-Specific Projects 1. Identify your institution-specific project(s) outlined in your proposal for FY2013 (i.e. 4-Year Undergraduate Research Experience, Academy for Future Teachers, MESA, summer bridge programs, peer learning communities, STEM tutoring/learning centers, etc.). Discuss any specific branding. 2012 Summer Bridge Program: The UWise Summer Bridge Program is designed for incoming freshmen who intend to major in a STEM field. During the month long summer bridge program conducted in July, 2012, the 27 students who took part in the Summer Bridge program were registered for university credit bearing classes. All of the students were registered for XIDS 2100 Arts and Ideas: UWise, a three credit hour course on critical reading and writing, which counts in area C2 of the core. All of the students were also registered for XIDS 2002 What Do you Know About UWise?, a two credit hour course that included instruction in essential topics from mathematics, science, education and cognitive coaching, which counts in area B2 of the core. In addition, some students were also registered for a one credit hour PWLA course to be eligible for Financial Aid. XIDS 2100 met for two and a half hours each morning, and the XIDS 2002 class met for three hours each afternoon. Additionally, the students attended supervised study halls and lectures by guest speakers. The students also took part in weekend excursions to the Georgia Aquarium (Atlanta, GA), the US Space and Rocket Museum (Huntsville, AL) and to a local organic farm (Carrollton, GA). The content in the two XIDS class was connected to the weekend excursions. UWise provided all expenses associated with housing and meals; further, the project paid students a stipend of $300 for their work in providing evaluation data to help answer questions about the effectiveness of the program. 2. Provide data regarding the level of participation in each of these projects (i.e. number of faculty participants, number of student participants). Discuss their scope (i.e. oriented toward incoming freshmen, upperclassmen, STEM majors, education majors, all students, etc.) FY13 faculty participants (N = 39). See Tables 2-9. FY13 paid student participant, excluding participatory evaluation (n = 52). See Tables 10-15. FY13 Summer Bridge Program students (n = 29). Seventeen of these 29 are also included in the item immediately above, which is entitled “paid student participant (n = 52).” Roles of faculty and students are described above. All students are STEM majors, with approximately 60% of student participants being freshmen. 3. Discuss the activities and operation of your institution-specific project(s), including any efforts to connect multiple projects for synergistic impacts. The activities and operation of the institution-specific projects are described in detail in section 1(A) of this annual report. UWise most obviously connects with UTeach for synergistic impact. 4. Provide any available outcomes data demonstrating the efficacy or effectiveness of the project(s). Outcomes data are clearly described in section 1(B) of this annual report. UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) III. 33 Future Efforts A. Please discuss dissemination efforts for best practices or research findings identified through participation in the USG STEM Initiative. UWG faculty members made multiple presentations about the UWise project at the International STEM SoTL Conference at Georgia Southern University in March, 2013. Our external evaluator also presented on the project at the STEM SoTL Conference. B. Please identify any external grants (e.g. NSF, Department of Education, private/foundation) for which you have applied based on support received for the STEM Initiative. Indicate whether any applications have been successful. NSF – WIDER Planning Grant (funding in progress, with a September 15, 2013 start date) At the time of the submission of this report, UWG received notice from the National Science Foundation that our NSF-WIDER grant has been recommended for funding with a start date of September 15, 2013. The NSF WIDER program is designed to help institutions of higher education transform themselves into supportive environments for faculty development. The primary purpose of University of West Georgia’s Wider Implementation of STEM Educational Reforms (WISER) grant builds on lessons learned from two years of implementation with the USG STEM Initiative. WISER, a planning grant, is designed to examine ongoing teaching and learning practices and innovations, and find ways to increase the institution’s commitment to supporting faculty members in the use of evidence-based teaching and learning practices. Building on the success of recent small-scale programs and initiatives to increase faculty use of these practices, the overarching goals of this project are (1) to facilitate the creation of a shared vision across the STEM disciplines for using evidence-based teaching and learning practices to (a) improve student learning, (b) increase the number of majors, (c) increase retention and (d) increase timely graduation, and (2) to create a plan to institutionalize this vision. The planning grant will be funded at $250,000 over two years. The PI of the WIDER project, the Dean of the UWG College of Science and Mathematics, was the UWise Project Coordinator for FY12. He remained an enthusiastic supporter of the UWise project in FY13, although his new role as dean required him to relinquish oversight activities to two new cocoordinators (Gaquere and Sykes). Gaquere and Sykes, as well as UWise co-PI Mruthinti are co-PIs for the NSF WIDER grant. The NSF grant builds upon the faculty development activities inherent in the minigrants in the UWise Initiative. NSF Noyce Grant (funded) The NSF Noyce grant for $1,198,667 runs from September, 2012, through August, 2017. The PI is Dianne Hoff, Dean of the College of Education. The co-PIs are Christopher Tabit, Chair of the Department of Biology, and Jill Drake, Professor of Mathematics Education. Christopher Tabit is also a co-Director for UTeach. The Noyce project at the University of West Georgia (UWG) in partnership with the Carroll County School System and the Carrollton City Schools provides scholarships to 32 undergraduate students who pursue their professional teacher certification as juniors and seniors and complete their STEM baccalaureate degrees. In addition, the recruitment component of the UWG Noyce project gives meritbased stipends to 500 freshman and sophomore students to test-drive STEM teaching by UWG UWise – USG STEM Initiative FY13 Annual Report (August 30, 2013) 34 enrolling in an introductory teaching course, participating in course-embedded early field experiences, and earning a B or better in the course. It also supports 50 internships, which enables freshman and sophomore students to work in STEM summer programs with in-service teachers and K-12 students. Finally, the UWG Noyce project affords Noyce Scholars induction workshops and mentoring during their first year of teaching. The UWG Noyce project employs the UTeach teacher preparation model. Students major in mathematics or a science discipline and earn their teaching credential through specially designed, inquiry-based education courses. The project contributes to new knowledge by exploring two broad questions: 1) What is the impact of student support systems on the teacher preparation experience for Noyce Scholars? and 2) What is the impact of participation as a Noyce Scholar on their teaching and on student learning? In order to answer these questions, long term data about students are collected to assess supports that lead to graduation; pedagogical approaches for preparing STEM teachers; and the impact on P-12 student achievement. Some of the data from this project contribute to UTeach national data bases on STEM teacher preparation methods. Noyce Scholars, therefore, not only participate in research-based preparation for teaching themselves, they also are part of ongoing research that informs teacher preparation across the country. NSF S-STEM (submitted) This project, entitled “Scholarships to Motivate Academically Ready and Talented STEM Students” was recently submitted, with a requested start date of July 1. The PI is Swamy-Mruthinti, the co-PI of the UWise project. Co-PIs are Farooq Khan (dean of the College of Science and Mathematics and FY12 UWise program coordinator), and Scott Gordon (Associate Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics). This proposed project is designed to increase the number of low-income, underrepresented, and academically talented students entering the STEM workforce, by providing a total of 100 scholarships (over a period of 5 years), based on financial need. The recruitment efforts will give preference to women opting for STEM fields, most particularly females who are underrepresented minorities. The goal is to provide financial assistance coupled with student support services to enable these students to graduate on time (in 5 years) so that they can enter the STEM workforce or proceed to graduate school. C. Will your institution’s STEM Initiative program for FY2014 involve any notable changes from your FY2013 program? If so, please explain any changes and the rationale for them. After considerable dialogue among the faculty members involved in the 2012 Summer Bridge Program, it was determined that the Summer Bridge XIDS 2002 class was trying to cover too many different disciplines and topics. Students’ feedback indicated that the science topics seemed not to be related to each other and that too little time was spent in each science discipline to do anything meaningful. The faculty also arrived at a consensus that having a strong mathematics background is the key to students performing well in all of their STEM classes. Based on all these observations, it was decided that in the 2013 Summer Bridge Program (FY14 UWise Program), the XIDS 2002 class would be replaced by MATH 1111 (College Algebra). The College Algebra class will frame problem solving with topics and applications from the sciences since all of the UWise students will be math and science majors. The mathematics faculty worked with faculty from across the College of Science and Mathematics to determine appropriate applications and topics to incorporate into the UWise MATH 1111 curriculum.