Ukrainian Crisis: Views in NATO, Russia and Ukraine Bruce Stokes Katie Simmons Director, Global Economic Attitudes Associate Director, Research Pew Research Center • Established 1996 • Funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts • Non-profit, non-partisan fact tank in Washington • Survey topics: U.S. domestic politics and economic conditions, values, U.S. image abroad, global views toward major powers, terrorism, democracy, country conditions, aging, economy • Since 2002, we have surveyed in 82 countries, surveying in 40 nations in 2015 • June 30, 2016 2 Methodology • Surveys conducted across eight NATO member countries as well as Russia and Ukraine from April 6, 2015 to May 15, 2015 totaling 11,116 respondents • Based on nationally representative telephone interviews in Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom & the United States and face-to-face interviews in Italy, Poland, Russia & Ukraine conducted under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International. The survey in Ukraine excludes Luhans’k, Donets’k and Crimea. • The margin of sampling error for the complete set of weighted data is ±2.8% - ±4.1% June 30, 2016 3 KEY TAKEAWAYS June 30, 2016 4 European NATO Members Reluctant to Use Force to Defend Allies If Russia got into a serious military conflict with one of its neighboring countries that is our NATO ally, do you think our country should use military force to defend that country? 56% U.S. 53 Canada 48 EU median Note: EU median includes France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK. June 30, 2016 5 Russians Express Growing Pride in Russia, Confidence in Putin in International Affairs 100 % Start of unrest in Ukraine 66 A lot of confidence in Putin 52 47 63 51 42 46 37 Very favorable view of Russia 0 2007 June 30, 2016 2009 29 2011 2013 2015 6 Ukrainians Want Donbas to Remain Part of Ukraine; Russians Want It to Secede Thinking about the future of the Luhans’k and Donets’k regions, would you prefer that they … 11% Remain part of Ukraine on same terms as before crisis 21 Remain part of Ukraine with greater autonomy from Kyiv 35 Become independent states 24 4 2 10 Become part of Russia 10 Don't know Ukraine Russia 51% 33 Note: In Russia, question read “Thinking about the future of the self-declared republics of Luhans’k and Donets’k ...” June 30, 2016 7 NATO VIEWS June 30, 2016 8 Poland Most Worried about Russian Military Threat How much of a military threat, if at all, is Russia to its neighboring countries, aside from Ukraine? Major threat Minor threat Not a threat Poland 70% UK 53 France Germany June 30, 2016 8 38 44 10 34 38 15 48 U.S. Canada 7 40 49 Italy 4% 36 51 Spain 19% 59 44 13 33 42 4 8 9 Many NATO Members Oppose Supplying Ukraine with Arms Against Russia In response to the situation involving Russia and Ukraine, do you __ NATO sending arms to the Ukrainian gov’t? Oppose Poland 36% U.S. 44 45 France 42 59 Spain 66 Italy 65 June 30, 2016 46 41 UK MEDIAN MEDIAN 50% 43 Canada Germany Support 40 25 22 77 19 52 41 10 Key NATO Countries Reluctant to Use Force to Defend Allies If Russia got into a serious military conflict with one of its neighboring countries that is our NATO ally, do you think our country should or should not use military force to defend that country? Should not U.S. 37% Canada 36 UK 37 Poland 49 48 48 53 Italy June 30, 2016 53 47 France MEDIAN 56% 34 Spain Germany Should 47 51 40 58 38 42 48 11 U.S.-German Disagreement Over Ukraine U.S. Germany % % Support for NATO sending arms to the Ukrainian gov’t 46 19 +27 Support for Ukraine becoming a NATO member 62 36 +26 Our country should use military force to defend NATO ally against Russia 56 38 +18 Decrease economic sanctions on Russia 10 29 -19 Support for Western countries providing economic aid to Ukraine 62 71 -9 June 30, 2016 Diff 12 U.S. Partisan Divide on What to Do about Russia-Ukraine Democrats Republicans % % U.S. should use military force to defend NATO ally against Russia 47 69 +22 Support for NATO sending arms to the Ukrainian gov’t 39 60 +21 Increase economic sanctions on Russia 23 40 +17 Support for Ukraine becoming a NATO member 59 71 +12 Russia is a major military threat to its neighbors 56 67 +11 Russia is to blame for violence in eastern Ukraine 39 50 +11 Support for Western countries providing economic aid to Ukraine 60 69 +9 June 30, 2016 Diff 13 RUSSIAN VIEWS June 30, 2016 14 Views of Russian Economy Souring How would you describe the current economic situation in Russia? 100% Bad 83 76 73 64 56 50 50 44 38 32 20 13 0 2002 June 30, 2016 2007 24 Good 2012 2015 15 Russians Blame Sanctions and Falling Oil Prices for Economic Woes Which one of the following is causing the most harm to our economy? 33% 33 Falling oil prices 25 Current gov't econ policies 8 June 30, 2016 Western sanctions None (VOL)/Don’t know 16 Russians Overwhelmingly Support Putin’s Foreign and Domestic Policies Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Vladimir Putin is handling … Disapprove Relations w/ China 4% 85 13 Relations w/ Ukraine 83 11 Relations w/ EU 82 14 Energy policy 73 23 Economy June 30, 2016 90% 10 Relations w/ U.S. Corruption Approve 70 29 62 17 Russian Views of Western Powers Plummet Russian who have a favorable view of … 100 % 79 61 78 64 62 56 63 51 50 37 30 35 Germany 27 31 EU 15 U.S. 12 NATO 0 June 30, 2016 2002 2007 2011 2013 2015 18 UKRAINIAN VIEWS June 30, 2016 19 Surveying Ukraine in 2015 June 30, 2016 20 Western Ukrainians Increasingly Critical of Kyiv Kyiv government is a bad influence 2014 2015 % % 42 59 +17 West 28 54 +26 East 59 65 +6 Ukraine Change Note: Ukraine sample does not include Luhans’k, Donets’k and Crimea. June 30, 2016 21 Ukrainians Want Assistance from West Do you support or oppose __ for our country? Oppose Getting economic aid from Western countries Support 17% 71% 22 Joining the EU 67 Getting arms from NATO 32 54 Joining NATO 32 53 Joining the Eurasian Economic 72 Union with Russia 12 Note: Ukraine sample does not include Luhans’k, Donets’k and Crimea. June 30, 2016 22 Eastern Ukrainians Favor Negotiations Over Military Force To end the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which one of the following solutions do you think is best? Use military force 23% Ukraine 19% 31 West East Both/Neither (VOL) 13 Negotiate a settlement 47% 17 22 40 56 Note: Ukraine sample does not include Luhans’k, Donets’k and Crimea. June 30, 2016 23 All Pew Research Center reports and data are available online at June 30, 2016 24