Science drawing Conclusions -Amber Smith.pptx

Science drawing Conclusions:
Autism and vaccines
Who I am.
• I was a researcher at WSU’s Sleep and
Performance Research Center for three years.
• I am a mathematician.
• I am a teacher.
• I am not a doctor or biologist.
Scientific Method
Image courtesy William Harris
Math Stuff
When reading research the most important
number to see is the p-value. This is a loosely
a measure of the likelihood of our hypothesis
being true.
Formally this is the probability of getting a test
statistic at least as extreme as the one
representing sample data (Triola 401).
Suppose you read that something has a p-value of .0003.
This means the likelihood of the alternate hypothesis being
true is .9997 or 99.97%.
More Math Stuff
There is a big difference between correlation
and causation.
Correlation (positive)- As one thing increases
the other increases.
Causation- Since one thing happens then the
other thing happens with greater frequency.
The first is easy to show the second is much
How to look at Data
• Look at all the Data.
• Listen to the experts. They have been doing
this a while.
• Find out backgrounds of individuals who are
both the experts in their field and the
• Be willing to change your mind if the evidence
suggests or insists you should.
Science can be Wrong
• The P-value essentially measures this
• New results come out and our body of
knowledge grows.
• Science works toward consensus. Through
repeated experimentation.
• Science fixes itself.
• If it flies in the face of the data it is not
Who is creating the data?
• Be wary of who is trying to sell you something.
Scientific Publications
When I published my papers had the form:
• Introduction
• methods
• Results/Conclusions
• References
• Funding
Why should you trust scientific
• They are peer reviewed.
• If the work is not replicable it is bad for our
• We disclose who we are paid by.
• If we lie we are usually publicly flogged.
• In 1999, concerns were raised that vaccines
containing the preservative Thimerosal™
might increase the risk of autism and/or other
neurodevelopmental disorders.
• Between the mid-1980s through the late-1990s, we compared the
prevalence/incidence of autism in California, Sweden, and Denmark
with average exposures to Thimerosal containing vaccines. Graphic
ecologic analyses were used to examine population-based data
from the United States (national immunization coverage surveys
and counts of children diagnosed with autism-like disorders seeking
special education services in California); Sweden (national inpatient
data on autism cases, national vaccination coverage levels, and
information on use of all vaccines and vaccine-specific amounts of
Thimerosal); and Denmark (national registry of
inpatient/outpatient-diagnosed autism cases, national vaccination
coverage levels, and information on use of all vaccines and vaccinespecific amounts of Thimerosal).
Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2003; 25:101-106 (DOI:10.1016/S07493797(03)00113-2 )
analysis comparing the average cumulative ethylmercury dose received from vaccines by birth-year cohort from 1981 to 1998, and the
annual number of incident cases of autism in children aged 2 to 10 years diagnosed in Denmark from 1983 to 2000.
The body of existing data, including the
ecologic data presented herein, is not
consistent with the hypothesis that increased
exposure to Thimerosal-containing vaccines is
responsible for the apparent increase in the
rates of autism in young children being
observed worldwide.
• Triola, Mario (2010) Elementary Statistics 11th
edition: Boston: Pearson.
• Paul Stehr Green et all (2003). Autism and
Thirmosal caring Vaccines. American Journal of
Preventive Medicine Volume 25, Issue 2 , Pages