URSICA application.doc

Undergraduate Research, Scholarly Inquiry and Creative Activities (URSICA) Course Proposal
Monroe Community College
Submitted by:
Contact James Cronmiller (jcronmiller@monroecc.edu) or Thomas Blake (tblake@monroecc.edu) for
1) Course Number and Title:
2) Section(s): ______________________________________________
Faculty have the option to apply an URSICA designation to an individual section or multiple sections of a
3) Department Name:
4) Academic Division:
5) Have you informed your Chairperson that you are intending to teach this course using a research-based
approach? Yes No
6) Please provide us with a copy of the course information sheet you plan to use in this “UR” course.
7) For a “UR” designation, assignments, projects, and/or classroom activities that incorporate Undergraduate
Research, Scholarly Inquiry, and/or Creative Activity must amount to a minimum of 20% of the course
work and account for 20% of the grade. In the space below, please list the “URSICA” assignments that
constitute this 20% and attach a copy of each type of assignment as it is presented to students. Please note
that if your course includes multiple “versions” of the same type of assignment that comprise the 20%, you
need only include and elaborate on one of these assignments. For example, if you have multiple projects of
the same type (e.g., labs or papers), you only need to illustrate how one of them meets URSICA criteria.
If your course is strictly undergraduate research, such as a faculty-mentored study or independent study,
please provide your proposal, including student responsibilities and goals. Please refer to our minimum
criteria and guidelines for assigning a course URSICA based on Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate
Please submit the completed form(s) to James Cronmiller (Biology) or Thomas Blake
(English), URSICA Coordinators.