REGISTRATION FORM The 5th Annual Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative Conference April 7-8, 2016 First: MI: Last: Male Female Birthday (mm/dd): Academic Degree: Email address: Do you want your email address to appear on the participant list? yes No Check here if a reasonable accommodation of a disability is requested. Phone: You will be contacted by conference management. Organization: Fax: Address: City, State, Zip: If from Florida, what county: Professional Profile: Physician Nurse Community Representative Other: “Burning Question” I would like the faculty to address during the program: Send questions via email to Bobbi Rose at How did you hear about this conference? Website E-Mail Colleague Brochure Other: ______ Registration Fees (US dollars): Attendee Type Nurse / Community Representative Nurse / Community Representative: single day Thursday Friday Physician Physician: single day Thursday Friday Discount, per person, for group of 4 or more Early Bird: (through March 16) $280 Regular: Mar 17 – Apr 3 $300 Late/On-site: April 4-8 $320 $195 $310 $215 $335 $230 $350 $220 -$25 $240 -$25 $260 N/A Total Due: For payment in US dollars: Enclosed is my check payable to USF HPCC in the amount of $ . Mail registration form with check to: In note field, write LK2016363/1186 USF Health Professions Conferencing Corp. ATTN: LK2016363/1186 P.O. Box 628263 Orlando, FL 32862-8263 Fax to (813) 224-7864 Credit Card: VISA American Express MasterCard Card number: ______________________________________ Expiration Date: _____ / _____ Amount to be charged: $________ security digits on back: _______ Name on card: _________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Does payment reflect more than one registration? Yes No If yes, please create a registration form for each participant, but put payment information on one form only.