Followup Patient - Child Questionnaire

Clinical Genetics Follow-up Visit
(updated 9/18/12)
Today’s Date: _________
Please complete the following questionnaire as well as you can. Don’t be concerned if you don’t know
some of the answers.
Please list everyone who is attending visit today: _________________________________________
Who lives at home with the child? _____________________________________________________
After your visit, the genetics doctor will dictate and fax a summary of the visit. Please list the
names and fax numbers of EACH of your child’s doctors that you wish to receive the summary.
** Is child currently on formula? __________ Which type? __________________________________
How many ounces?___________________ How often? ______________________________
Interim developmental history:
Have there been any new concerns regarding the child’s development since the last visit?
Please describe any new developmental skills the child has learned since the last visit (i.e. walking now,
talking in sentences, rides a bike):_________________________________________________________
Has the child lost any skills or abilities since the last visit?  No
 Yes
If yes, describe _______________________________________________________________________
Please provide information about the child’s last developmental evaluation or IQ/developmental testing:
Where? (DEI, school, Doctor’s office, FDLRs, etc.)
Results of testing:
School information:
Child’s school or Daycare: ____________________________________ Grade: ___________
Does your child attend special classes or receive special help?
 Yes
 No
If yes, specify:________________________________________________________________________
Are there any behavior problems?
 Yes
 No
Describe ___________________________________________________________________________
Does the child receive:
Physical therapy services?
 Yes
 No How often? _____________________
Occupational therapy services?
 Yes
 No How often? _____________________
Speech therapy services?
 Yes
 No How often? _____________________
Please describe any progress the child has made in therapy (i.e. speech, physical) since the last visit:
Interim medical history:
Since the last visit, has your child:
Results or Reason?
Had an eye examination?
Had a hearing test?
Been in the hospital overnight?
Had surgery?
Been diagnosed with a major medical
Had any special tests or evaluations?
(i.e. CT, MRI, ultrasound, EEG, ECHO,
sleep study, swallow study, VCUG,
X-rays, etc.)
Currently taking any medicines?
Please list information about any specialists who have evaluated your child since the last visit:
Doctor’s last
Specialty (i.e. neurology,
GI, ENT, eye doctor, etc)
Reason or problem for seeing this doctor:
Date of last
Does your child currently have any complaints regarding:
Please list
Eating, sleeping, growth
Ears, nose, throat, & mouth
Stomach, intestines, bowels
Kidneys, bladder, genitals
Muscles, bones, spine, chest
Neurological system
Psychological/behavior problems
Hormone problems or diabetes
Blood conditions/sickle cell disease
Allergies, immune system
Family history Update:
Are you currently pregnant?________ or planning to have more children?_________________________
Please describe any changes in the family (i.e. births, deaths, illnesses, serious medical problems, birth
defects) that are new since the last visit:
Relation to child