Sample Outcomes and Measures Using Student Health Services as an... OUTCOME POSSIBLE COMMENTS

Sample Outcomes and Measures Using Student Health Services as an Example
Student Learning
Students will exhibit behaviors
that contribute to their
continued, long-term health.
Service Area
Student Health Services will
provide relevant, timely health
education programs to CCSF
Return visits for
vaccination boosters
Return visits for follow-up
Scheduling of
annual/periodic exams
A list and/or archive of
annual SHS programs,
informational pieces, etc.
Survey question(s) (as
part of a larger
satisfaction survey) that
asks students about their
awareness of SHS health
education programs,
whether they found them
relevant, their perceived
efficacy of said programs,
By auditing the number of students who were
set to return to the health center for some sort
of follow-up or continual care, you could gain a
sense of what percentage of your students are
exhibiting these long-term health behaviors and,
perhaps more importantly, what percentage are
not. Depending on what the data reveals, you
could then delve into determining a “cause”, if
you will, for why students may not be following
through on their return visits. Based on the
results of your “why”, you could then develop a
targeted strategy to attempt to intervene and
affect positive change.
Sometimes having observable data—was it done
or not, yes or no—is enough. This is often the
case with service area outcomes or those that
deal specifically with office operations. (Did we
do what we said we were going to do or not?
How do we know?) For something like this,
though, it may be beneficial to allow students to
offer specific feedback so as to invite them to
provide some guidance in terms of identifying
what’s relevant, how they hear about the
programs (so as to guide marketing outreach),
and so forth.
Joanna M. Oxendine, M.Ed.
August 2015