
Hospice & Palliative Medicine Practice Review Course
A model for identifying barriers to efffectve symptom management at the end-of-life. [Journal] / auth.
Jablonski A and Wyatt G. K. // Journal of Hospice Nursing. - 2005. - 1 : Vol. 7. - pp. 23-36.
A Model of Interdisciplinary Collaboration [Journal] / auth. Bronstein Laura R. // Social Work. - 2003. 3 : Vol. 48. - pp. 297-306.
A negotiation model for the doctor-patient relationship. [Journal] / auth. Botelho R.J. // Family
Practice. - 1992. - Vol. 9. - pp. 210-218.
A practical tool to identify patients who may benefit from a palliative approach: the CARING criteria.
[Journal] / auth. Fischer S. M. [et al.]. - 2006. - 4 : Vol. 31. - pp. 285-292.
Access to palliative care and hospice in nursing homes. [Journal] / auth. Zerzan J., Stearns S. and
Hanson L. // JAMA. - 2000. - Vol. 284. - pp. 2489-2494.
Achieving analgesia for painful ulcers using topically applied morphine gel. [Journal] / auth. Tran Q. N.
and Fancher T. // The Journal of Supportive Oncology . - 2007. - 6 : Vol. 5. - pp. 289-293.
Addiction: Part II. Identification and management of the drug-seeking patient. [Journal] / auth. Longo
L. P. [et al.] // American Family Physician. - 2000. - Vol. 61. - pp. 2401-2408.
Advance care planning throughout the end of life: Focusing the Lens for Social Work. [Journal] / auth.
Black K. // Journal of Social Work in Palliative and End-of-Life Care. - 2007. - 2 : Vol. 3. - pp. 39-58.
Advanced chronic pulmonary disease: innovative approaches to care. [Journal] / auth. Rocker G.M. [et
al.] // Journal of Palliative Medicine. - 2007. - 3 : Vol. 10. - pp. 783-797.
Advanced practice nurse controlled substances prescriptive authority: A review of the regulations and
implications for effective pain management at end-of-life. [Journal] / auth. Berry Patricia H. and Dahl
June L. // Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing. - 2007. - 5 : Vol. 9. - pp. 238-245.
An overview of neuropathic pain:syndromes, symptoms, signs and several mechanisms. [Journal] /
auth. Dworkin R.H. // Clinical Journal of Pain. - 2002. - 6 : Vol. 18. - pp. 343-349.
Assessing the capacity to make everyday decisions: a guide for clinicians and an agenda for futrue
research. [Journal] / auth. Lai James M. and Karlawish Jason // American Journal of Geriatirc
Psychiatry. - 2007. - 2 : Vol. 15. - pp. 101-111.
Benefits of training family caregivers on experiences of closure during end-of-life care. [Journal] / auth.
Kwak Jung [et al.] // Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. - 2007. - 4 : Vol. 33.
Clinical care of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. [Journal] / auth. Radunovic A., Mitsumoto
H. and Leigh P. N. // Lancet Neurology. - 2007. - 10 : Vol. 6. - pp. 913-925.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care [Report] / auth. National Concensus Project. 2004.
Hospice & Palliative Medicine Practice Review Course
Concerned regarding client decision-making capacity? Considerations for pracitce. [Journal] / auth.
Black Kathy and Osman H. // Case Managment Journals. - 2005. - Vol. 6. - pp. 50-55.
Criminal prosecutions of physicians providing palliative or end-of-life care. [Journal] / auth. Kollas C. D.,
Boyer-Kollas B. and Kollas J. W. // Journal of Palliative Medicine. - 2008. - 2 : Vol. 11. - pp. 233-241.
Cultural manifestations of grief and bereavment: a clinical perspective. [Journal] / auth. Hardy-Bougere
M. // Journal of Cultural Diversity. - 2008. - 2 : Vol. 15. - pp. 66-69.
Dying, dignity, and new horizons in palliative end-of-life care. [Journal] // CA: a cancer journal for
clinicians. - 2006. - 2 : Vol. 56. - pp. 84-103.
Effective teamwork and quality of care. [Article] / auth. Wagner Edward H. // Medical Care. - 2004. 11 : Vol. 42. - pp. 1037-1039.
Enhanced analgesia with opioid antagonist administration. [Journal] / auth. Loitman J. E. // Journal of
Palliative Medicine. - 2006. - 6 : Vol. 9. - pp. 1250-1253.
Enteral and parenteral nutrition in terminally ill cancer patients: a review of the literature. [Journal] /
auth. Dy S. M. // American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care.. - 2006. - 5 : Vol. 23. - pp. 369-377.
Esophageal stenting for the palliation of malignant dysphagia. [Journal] / auth. Mougey Adam and
Adler Douglas // The Journal of Supportive Oncology. - 2008`. - 6 : Vol. 6. - pp. 267-277.
Evaluation of prognostice criteria for determining hospice eligibility in patients with advanced lung,
ehart or liver disease. [Journal] / auth. Fox Ellen [et al.] // JAMA. - 1999. - 17 : Vol. 282. - pp. 1638-1645.
Healing Connections: On moving from suffering to a sense of well-being. [Journal] / auth. Mount
Balfour M., Boston Patricia H. and Cohen S. Robin // Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2007. - Vol. 33. - pp. 372-388.
Health care justice and hospice care. [Report] : Hastings Center Report Special Supplement33, no.2 /
auth. Sulmasy Daniel. - 2003. - pp. S14-S15. - available at:
Hospice care at the end of life. [Journal] / auth. Herbst Laurel // Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. - 2004. Vol. 20. - pp. 753-765.
How do we decide when a patient with nonmalignant disease is eligble for hopsice care? [Journal] /
auth. Kiran Joshi, Guthman Richard and Kishman Charles // The Journal of Family Practice. - 2006. - 6 :
Vol. 55. - pp. 525-529.
Improving access to hospice care: informing the debate. [Journal] / auth. Carlson Melissa D.A.,
Morrison Sean and Bradley Elizabeth H. // Journal of Palliative Medicine. - 2008. - 3 : Vol. 11. - pp. 438442.
Integrating POLST into palliative care guidelines: a paradigm shift in advance care planning in
oncology. [Journal] / auth. Bomba P. A. and Vermilyea D. // Jouranl of the National Comprehensive
Cancer Network. - 2006. - 8 : Vol. 4. - pp. 819-829.
Hospice & Palliative Medicine Practice Review Course
Inter-disciplinary approaches to assisting with end-of-life care and decision making. [Journal] / auth.
Connor Stephen R. [et al.] // American Behavioral Scientist. - 2002. - 3 : Vol. 46. - pp. 340-356.
Intersiscliplinary teams in healthcare and human services settings: Are they effective? [Journal] / auth.
Schofield R. F. and Amodeo M. // Health and Social Work. - 1999. - Vol. 24. - pp. 210-219.
Is there a higher risk of respiratory depression in opiod-naive palliative care patients during
symptomatice therapy of dyspnea with strong opiods? [Journal] / auth. Clemens K. E., Quednau I. and
Klaschik E. // Journal of Palliative Medicine. - 2008. - Vol. 11. - pp. 204-216.
Letting go of the rope--aggressive treatment, hospice care and open access. [Journal] / auth. Wright A.
A. and Katz I. T. // ew England Journal of Medicine. - 2007. - 4 : Vol. 357. - pp. 324-327.
Management of venous thromboembolism in patients with advanced cancer: a systematic review and
meta analysis. [Journal] / auth. Noble S. I. [et al.] // Lancet Oncology. - 2008. - 6 : Vol. 9. - pp. 577-584.
Measuring Hospice Care: the national hospice and palliative care organization national hospice data
set. [Journal] / auth. Connor Stephen R., Tecca Martha and LundPerson Judi // Journal of Pain and
Symptom Management. - 2004. - 4 : Vol. 28. - pp. 316-328.
Measuring Interdisciplinary Perceptions of Collaboration on Hospice Teams [Journal] / auth. Oliver
Debra Parker, Wittenberg-Lyles Elaine M. and Day Michele // American Journal of Hospice and Palliative
Medicine. - 2007. - 1 : Vol. 24. - pp. 49-53.
Meta-analysis of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in medically ill patients. [Journal] / auth.
Kannaan A. O. [et al.] // Clinical Theraputics. - 2007. - 11 : Vol. 29. - pp. 2395-2405.
Methylnaltrexone mechanisms of action and effects on opiod bowel dysfunction and other opoid
adverse effects. [Journal] / auth. Yuan C. S. // Annuals of Pharmacotherapy. - 2007. - 6 : Vol. 41. - pp.
Multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity in health research, services, education
and policy:1. definitions, oblectives and evidence of effectiveness. [Journal] / auth. Choi Bernard C.K.
and Pak Anita W.P. // Clinical and Investigative Medicine. - 2006. - 6 : Vol. 29. - pp. 351-364.
Narrative review: the promotion of gabapentin: an analysis of internal industry documents. [Journal] /
auth. Steinman M. A. [et al.] // Annals of Internal Medicine. - 2007. - 145 : Vol. 15. - pp. 284-293.
Neuropsychiatric complications of commonly used palliative care drugs. [Journal] / auth. Jackison N.,
Doherty J. and Coulter S. // Postfraduate Journal of Medicine. - 2008. - Vol. 84. - pp. 121-126.
Non-pharmacological interventions for breathlessness in advanced stages of malignant and nonmalignant diseases. [Journal] / auth. Bausewein C. [et al.] // Cochrane Database Systematic Review. 2008. - Vol. 2.
Opioid conversions in acute care. [Journal] / auth. Patanwala A. E. [et al.] // Annuals of
Pharmacotherapy. - 2007. - 2 : Vol. 41. - pp. 255-266.
Oxygen for relief of dyspnoea in mildly-or non-hypoxaemic patients with cancer: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. [Journal] / auth. Uronis H. E. [et al.] // British Journal of Cancer. - 2008. - 2 : Vol. 98. pp. 294-299.
Hospice & Palliative Medicine Practice Review Course
Pain Education in Family Medicine: An STFM Monograph [Report] : monograph / auth. Douglas Alan B.
[et al.]. - 2008.
Pain in terminally ill patients: guidelines for pharmcological management. [Journal] / auth. Thomas J.
R. and von Gunten C. F. // CNS Drugs. - 2003. - 9 : Vol. 17. - pp. 621-625.
Palliative Care [Journal] / auth. Morrison R. Sean and Meier Diane E. // New England Journal of
Medicine. - 2004. - Vol. 350. - pp. 2582-2590.
Palliative care in dementia: issues and evidence. [Journal] / auth. Hughes J. C. [et al.] // Advances in
Psychiatirc Treatment. - 2007. - 4 : Vol. 13. - pp. 251-260.
Parental grief after losing a child to cancer: impact of professional and social support on long-term
outcomes. [Journal] / auth. Kreicbergs U. C. [et al.] // Journal of Clinical Oncology. - 2007. - 1 : Vol. 25. pp. 3307-3312.
Pharmacologic management of neuropathic pain: evidence-based recommendations. [Journal] / auth.
Dworkin R. H. et al. // Pain. - 2007. - 3 : Vol. 132. - pp. 237-251.
Pharmacologic treatment of cancer pain. [Journal] / auth. Levy M. H. // New England Journal of
Medicine. - 1996. - 15 : Vol. 335. - pp. 1124-1132.
Predictors of six-month survival among patients with dementia: an evaluation of hospice Medicare
guidelines. [Journal] / auth. Schonwetter R. S. [et al.] // American Journal of Hospice and Palliative
Care. - 2002. - 2 : Vol. 20. - pp. 105-113.
Preserving life at the end of life: Shifting the temporal dimension of hope. [Journal] / auth. Strada A. //
Palliative and Supportive Care. - 2008. - 2 : Vol. 6. - pp. 187-188.
Progress in understanding grief, complicated grief, and caring for the bereaved. [Journal] / auth. ove
A.W. // Contempoaray Nurse. - 2007. - 1 : Vol. 27. - pp. 73-83.
Providing care at the end of life: Do Medicare rules impede good care? [Journal] / auth. Huskamp
Haiden A. [et al.] // Health Affairs. - 2001. - 3 : Vol. 20. - pp. 204-211.
Punctate midline myelotomy: a minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of pain in inextirpable
abdominal and pelvi cancer. [Journal] / auth. Hong D. and Andren-Sandberg A. // Journal of Pain and
Symptom Management. - 2007. - 1 : Vol. 33. - pp. 99-109.
Quality of life assessment fot routine oncology clinical practice. [Journal] / auth. Halyard Michele Y.
and Ferrans Carol Estwing // Journal of Supportive Oncology. - 2008. - 5 : Vol. 6. - pp. 221-233.
Recognizing and preventing medication diversion. [Journal] / auth. Cole B E. // Family Practice
managment. - 2001. - 9 : Vol. 8. - pp. 37-41.
Reduction of edema of lower extremities by subcutaneous, controlled drainage: eight cases.
[Journal] / auth. Clein L. J. and Pugachev E. // American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care. - 2004. 3 : Vol. 21. - pp. 228-232.
The creation of an advance care planning process for patinets with ESRD. [Journal] / auth. Davison S. N.
and Torgunrud C. // American Journal of Kidney Disease. - 2007. - 1 : Vol. 49. - pp. 27-36.
Hospice & Palliative Medicine Practice Review Course
The role of chemotherapy at the end of life: when is enough, enough? [Journal] / auth. Harrington
Sarah Elizabeth and Smith Thomas J. // JAMA. - 2008. - 22 : Vol. 299. - pp. 2667-2678.
The Role of Percieved Team Effectiveness in Improving Chronic Illness Care [Journal] / auth. Shortell
Stephen M. [et al.] // Medical Care. - 2004. - 11 : Vol. 42. - pp. 1040-1048.
The surgeon and palliative care. [Journal] / auth. Podnos Y. D. and Wagman L. D. // Annals of Surgical
Oncology. - 2007. - 4 : Vol. 14. - pp. 1257-1263.
The Team Handbook [Book] / auth. Scholtes Peter R., Joiner Brian L. and Streibel Barbara J.. - Madison,
WI. : Oriel, 2003.
Treatment of non-malignant chronic pain. [Journal] / auth. Marcus D.A. // American Family Physician. 2000. - Vol. 61. - pp. 1331-1338.
Trends in Hospice: palliative care growth. [Article] // Hospice Management Advisor. - Sept. 1, 2007.
Truth-telling at the end of life: A pilot study on the perspective of patients and professional caregivers
[Journal] / auth. Deschepper Reginald [et al.] // Patient Education and Counseling. - 2008. - 1 : Vol. 71. pp. 52-56.
Use of opioids in the treatment of severe pain in terminally ill patients--dying should not be painful.
[Journal] / auth. Moynihan T. J. // Mayo Clinic Proceedings. - 2003. - 11 : Vol. 78. - pp. 1397-1401.
Would you refer this patient to hospice? An evaluation of tools for determining life expectancy in endstage dementia. [Journal] / auth. Doberman Danielle J., Yasar Sevil and Durso Samuel C. // Journal of
Paliative Medicine. - 2007. - 6 : Vol. 10. - pp. 1410-1419.