Labratory Report Template

ES 442: Analog and Digital Communications
Experiment No. 0X
Title of the Experiment (18 Font, Times New Roman)
Name of Author (12 Font Times New Roman)
Submission Date: (10 Font, Times New Roman, Italic)
List the equipment used for this lab. (12 Font, Times New Roman)
Sonoma State University
ES 442: Analog and Digital Communications
Experiment No. 0X
Pre-Lab Questions:
Answer to all the pre-lab questions first. (12 Font, Times New Roman)
Sonoma State University
ES 442: Analog and Digital Communications
Experiment No. 0X
Write three or four lines about the main objectives of this experiment. (12 Font, Times
New Roman)
Sonoma State University
ES 442: Analog and Digital Communications
Experiment No. 0X
(12 Font, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, justified)
Write at least one page but not more than two pages. Write about
- How the system works, provide theory
- Discuss different building blocks of the system
- Where it is used (area of applications)
Sonoma State University
ES 442: Analog and Digital Communications
Experiment No. 0X
Block diagram of the system:
Circuit schematic of the system:
Show the circuit schematic of individual blocks or the schematic of the entire system.
Sonoma State University
ES 442: Analog and Digital Communications
Experiment No. 0X
Measurement Results:
Show the simulation and measurement results for the experiment. You must provide
proper labeling and reference to the lab activity number to get the full credit.
Sonoma State University
ES 442: Analog and Digital Communications
Experiment No. 0X
(12 Font, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, justified) Your judicious comments based
on your work about the architecture, performance, limiting factors, etc of the system.
Any comments about the improvement of the system will be awarded with extra
(12 Font, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, justified) Concluding remarks about what
you have achieved/learnt by doing this project.
Sonoma State University