WORD document with full instructions

Course SLO Assessment: Fall 2012 Review & Spring 2013 Plans
Course Coordinator or designee should complete this form for every unique course offered in Fall or Spring. Be sure there is ONLY ONE
ENTRY per course. (ourses with multiple sections must coordinate and provide one entry only.)
*NOTE:* Everything entered on this form will be publicly available through www.ccsf.edu/slo.
TIME: As this in the only online reporting form you will complete for courses this semester, we have combined all our questions into one
form. It should take about 15 minutes to complete. Please make sure you have the time before starting.
Word document that you can use to prepare for this reporting form (with full instructions):
In addition to this summary report, detailed information and evidence should be maintained in department or individual files and web
pages. Sample ongoing note-taking documents :
**Outcomes Assessment Plan:
**Individual Assessment Notes:
SUBJECT (choose from list: example: GEOL)
COURSE NUMBER ( example: 10L)
ASSESSMENT STAGE (choose from list the stage this course is at in its long-term assessment cycle.)
0. Course currently has no SLOs, but will have them this coming semester.
1. SLOs are developed and regularly updated.
2. SLO assessments are developed and in use.
3. Assessment data/results are being analyzed and discussed.
4. Changes are being implemented and course will be reassessed.
5. Course has undergone at least one full closed -loop cycle, and assessment is continual.
Assessment website
Department binders (on file)
Faculty binders (on file)
FALL 2012 REVIEW: Did you complete any SLO-related activities for this program in Fall? (yes/no)
If no...Skip this entire section and go directly to the Spring 2013 Assessment Activities section
If yes…. Did you conduct SLO assessments (measurements) for this course in Fall? (yes/no)
If no…Go directly to next bolded question below.
If yes… What assessment methods did you use? (Choose all that apply
 Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific learning outcomes
 Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
 Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
 Student self-assessments ( such as reflective journals and surveys)
 Student satisfaction surveys
 Classroom response systems (such as iClickers or computers)
 Capstone projects or final summative assignments
 External data (e.g., licensing exam rates, placement rates)
 Student focus groups
 Other:
Describe the assessments you completed.
What outcomes did you address? Copy and paste from course outline. (If answer is ALL, then just write ALL.)
How many total students completed your assessments over the semester? (If you don’t have exact numbers, provide
best estimate)
Summarize the data you received from your assessments. (If you haven't summarized data from Fall yet, just note
when you plan to do so.)
In Fall, did you review/discuss/analyze these data and plan changes? (yes/no)
If no…Go directly to next bolded question below.
If yes… With which of the following groups did you share your data for review and analysis? Choose all that apply
 Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)
 Faculty and staff in my same department
 Faculty and staff from related departments
 Faculty and staff from across the college
 Faculty and staff from other colleges
 Students
 Staff
 No consultation planned
 Other:
Through which of the following methods did you share your data for review and analysis? Choose all that apply
 Face-to-face meetings
 Teleconferencing or skype
 Email
 Phone
 Website review and commentary
 Shared documents files
 None
 Other:
What next steps did you plan to improve your course/program/service? Include timeline. How did you decide to
address the needs and issues that were revealed by the assessment?
What outcome(s) will be supported by these plans? (If answer is ALL, then just write ALL.)
In Fall, did you make any course changes in Fall to improve student learning? (yes/no)
If no…Go directly to next bolded question below.
If yes… Which of the following changes did you complete in Fall? Choose all that apply.
 Updated course SLOs via the Curriculum Committee
 Revised the course sequence, prerequisites, or content via the Curriculum Committee
 Revised course assessment content and methods
 Increased use of class discussions and in-class group work
 Developed/increased outside-class opportunities for student dialogue, mentoring, and peer review
 Improved grading criteria and guidance on assignments (such as stated goals and rubrics)
 Created new or revise existing activities/assignments
 Updated or revised lecture content
 Created or expanded existing repository (website or hands on) of resources for students (rubrics, activities,
news links, book or journal references, online tutorials)
 Used new equipment or supplies to modify class activities
 Engaged in professional development about best practices for this subject
 Improved communication
 Other:
Provide details of the changes you implemented.
What learning outcome(s) were supported by these changes? (If answer is ALL, then just write ALL.)
Did you complete any other assessment-related activities in Fall? (yes/no)
If no…skip to Spring 2013 Assessment Activities.
If yes… What other outcomes-assessment activities did you complete Fall semester?
What learning outcomes(s) were supported by these activities? (If answer is ALL, then just write ALL.)
Is this course being offered this semester? (yes/no)
Will you be conducting SLO-assessment activities of any kind for this course this Spring? (yes/no)
If no... What is the semester you plan to start or continue assessment activities in this course?
 Summer 2013
 Fall 2013
 Spring 2014
 Other:
What activity(ies) will you do that semester? (Check all that apply.)
 Revision of learning outcomes and identification of assessment methods
 Assessment of learning outcomes
 Analysis and discussion of assessment data and next steps
 Implementation of planned curricular changes and reassessment
 Other:
If yes…. Will you be conducting assessments (measurements) this semester? (yes/no)
If no…Go directly to next bolded question below.
If yes… Does this class satisfy a General Education requirement at CCSF for Area C -- Natural Sciences?
If no…What assessment method(s) will you use this semester? Choose all that apply
 Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific learning outcomes
 Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
 Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
 Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)
 Student satisfaction surveys
 Classroom response systems (such as iClickers or computers)
 Capstone projects or final summative assignments
 External data (e.g., licensing exam rates, placement rates)
 Student focus groups
 Other:
Describe in more detail the assessment methods (measurement tools) you will be using. (Be sure to include
estimates of numbers of students and sections that will be assessed.)
What learning outcome(s) do you expect to address with these assessments? Copy and paste from the course
outline. (If answer is ALL, then just write ALL.)
Briefly describe criteria you will use to determine if the outcomes have been achieved. (e.g., using a rubric, % of
students demonstrating proficiency).
If yes… SPRING 2013 -- CONDUCTING ASSESSMENTS + AREA C PLAN -- During Spring 2013, Area C classes are
part of a pilot study on assessing CCSF's General Education Outcomes.
What assessment method(s) will you use this semester? Choose all that apply
 Analysis of exam, quiz, or homework items linked to specific learning outcomes
 Assignments based on rubrics (such as essays, projects, and performances)
 Direct observation of performances, practical exams, group work
 Student self-assessments (such as reflective journals and surveys)
 Student satisfaction surveys
 Classroom response systems (such as iClickers or computers)
 Capstone projects or final summative assignments
 External data (e.g., licensing exam rates, placement rates)
 Student focus groups
 Other:
Which learning outcome(s) will you be assessing that map(s) to Area C outcome: "apply models to explain the
behavior of commonly occurring phenomena" Copy and paste from course outline or GE mappings you
completed in Fall 2012 (find online on website).
Describe in more detail the assessment methods (measurement tools) you will be using.
Briefly describe criteria you will use to determine if the outcomes have been achieved. (e.g., using a rubric, % of
students demonstrating proficiency).
Are you willing and do you have time to commit to being part of an area C work group? As part of our pilot
assessment, a faculty work group will help review the GE Area C outcomes and develop a rubric for
comparing results for "apply models to explain the behavior of commonly occurring phenomena."
 Not at this time
 Yes -- sign me up!
What additional learning outcome(s) do you expect to address with these assessments? Copy and paste from
the course outline. (If answer is ALL, then just write ALL.)
Briefly describe criteria you will use to determine if the outcomes have been achieved. (e.g., using a rubric, % of
students demonstrating proficiency).
Will you also be reviewing and analyzing data this semester?? (yes/no)
If no…Go directly to next bolded question below.
If yes… With which of the following groups will you share your data for review and analysis? Choose all that apply
 Instructors of the same course (at CCSF)
 Faculty and staff in my same department
 Faculty and staff from related departments
 Faculty and staff from across the college
 Faculty and staff from other colleges
 Students
 No consultation planned
 Other:
Through which of the following methods will you share your data for review and analysis? Choose all that apply
 Face-to-face meetings
 Teleconferencing or skype
 Email
 Phone
 Website review and commentary
 Shared documents files
 None
 Other:
Describe, further, your plans for conducting review and discussion this semester. (Provide more details, as
Will you also be implementing changes Spring semester? (yes/no)
If no…Go directly to next bolded question below.
If yes… Which of the following changes are you planning for Spring Semester? Choose all that apply.
 Update course SLOs via the Curriculum Committee
 Revise the course sequence, prerequisites, or content via the Curriculum Committee
 Revise course assessment content and methods
 Increase use of class discussions and in-class group work
 Develop/increase outside-class opportunities for student dialogue, mentoring, and peer review
 Improve grading criteria and guidance on assignments (such as stated goals and rubrics)
 Create new or revise existing activities/assignments
 Update or revise lecture content
 Create or expand existing repository (website or hands on) of resources for students (rubrics, activities, news
links, book or journal references, online tutorials)
 Use new equipment or supplies to modify class activities
 Engage in professional development about best practices for this subject
 Improve communication
 Other:
Provide brief details of your planned changes for Spring semester.
What learning outcome(s) do you expect to address with these changes? Copy and paste from the course outline. (If
the answer is ALL, then just write ALL.)
Will you be conducting any other assessment-related activities in Spring? (yes/no)
If no…skip to SHARE HIGHLIGHTS section.
If yes…What other outcomes-assessment activities are you planning for Spring semester?
What outcome(s) will be supported by these activities?
OPTIONAL: Tell us about positive outcomes that have come to you, your students, your department, or the college as a whole from sloassessment of this course.
OPTIONAL: If contacted, are you willing to write up a short narrative of your highlights for the main CCSF SLO website?
If you want to review your answers, you can click on the Back button.
When you're ready to submit, click on the Submit button to ensure processing of this form.
Online reports with these data are available at http://www.ccsf.edu/ccsf/en/about-city-college/slo/results_2013_spring.html