Student Final Report

Please type report;
Answers must be in complete sentence form;
One sentence answers will not be accepted;
All answers must be complete and reflective, giving specific examples of situations
related to your objectives, your internship experience, and your classroom learning;
5. Give examples of what you have learned and tasks you have completed when possible.
These are examples of complete answers:
Did your Internship site offer you the opportunities you expected in helping you to
accomplish your job objectives? Please explain.
“While I do feel as though I accomplished my objectives, it was in many unexpected ways that I
learned what it takes to be a successful Court Appointed Advocate for battered women. For
example, my #2 objective was “by mid-semester, be able to independently assist women before
court in preparation of seeing their abuser and coaching them through the court process”. I met
this goal but did not realize how much listening would be involved as the women processed
their feelings and anxieties about seeing their abuser in court. I found many of the skills and
theories learned in Introduction to Behavior Therapy and Psychology of Women very helpful. I
used reflective listening and reframing to assist the clients. I accomplished all objectives using
similar tools and guidance of my supervisor.”
Would you recommend this business/organization to other students from your field? Why or
why not?
“Yes I would recommend this organization to anyone majoring in Psychology or Social Work
who feels advocacy at this level is interesting. I would explain to potential Advocates that this
work is stressful and there is limited potential for movement into a management role. If
someone is easily traumatized by stories of abuse and socio-economic hardship, I would not
recommend it.
My supervisor, Sally, was great and easy to work with. I would recommend Advocacy House to
anyone looking in this profession.”
Please provide a written reflection about your internship experience. This should be discussed
with your faculty member and/or supervisor. Please attach additional pages to this document
as needed. This report will be forwarded to your faculty; please keep a copy for your file.
[Semester] [Year]
[Student’s Name]
[Internship Site]
[Supervisor’s Name]
Description of internship responsibilities
Describe some of the real-world issues you encountered and describe how these issues are
related to the courses, program of study, and your learning experience at TWU.
Describe how you worked with others with different viewpoints. How did you contribute to a
collaborative team environment?
How was your experience in a professional, service-oriented, and/or civic environment
personally meaningful? How do you think this experience will affect your future?
How do you think your knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs have changed as a result of your
9. Student Final Report Rev. 11/15
Thinking about your learning objectives and your chosen internship experience, discuss how
the experience has prepared you for when you begin working in your chosen field.
Did your Internship site offer you the opportunities you expected in helping you to
accomplish your job objectives?
What was the most significant learning experience you gained from your Internship work
Would you recommend this business/organization to other students from your field? Why or
why not?
After completing the Internship process, is there anything TWU can do to make this
experience more beneficial for future students in this program?
If you signed the Website Agreement form agreeing to have a statement/quote included on
the TWU website highlighting why you feel this is a beneficial program, please list your quote
Student’s Signature
Supervisor’s Signature
9. Student Final Report Rev. 11/15