ASTR 330: The Solar System Announcements • Homework #4 due back today: October 31st. • Mid-term exam #2 is Tuesday, November 7th. • Homework #5 also distributed then. • Extra credit term paper: choose subjects and register with me by November 14th. • Submit extra credit papers by December 5th. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Lecture 18: Jupiter and Saturn Picture credit: NASA/JPL Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System The Outer Solar System • We now have ‘left’ the inner solar system in the lecture course, having looked at the Sun, the terrestrial planets, meteorites, comets and asteroids. • We now turn our attention to the outer solar system, beyond the asteroid belt, in the realm of the giant planets. • The four giant planets of the outer solar system of course have no solid surface, unlike the inner planets, so no record of aging through cratering or tectonics, and no volcanology to study. • However, the moons of the outer planets in many respects resemble the terrestrial planets: we will discuss these beginning next week. • Let us begin our discussion of the outer planets by looking at the spacecraft missions which gave us most of our information. Picture credit: NASA/NSSDC Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Pioneers 10 & 11 • The Pioneer missions of the early 1970s dramatically increased our knowledge of Jupiter and Saturn. • Pioneer 10 (launched 3/2/72) carrying 15 scientific experiments on board was the first spacecraft to pass through the asteroid belt, and the first to study Jupiter close-up (12/3/73). Its last communication was on 4/27/03. • Sister ship Pioneer 11 (launched 4/5/73) also reached Jupiter (12/2/74), and then sling-shotted on to visit Saturn (9/1/79). Last communication was on 11/95. Picture credit: NASA/NSSDC Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Pioneer Mission Highlights • Pioneer 10: • First spacecraft to pass through asteroid belt. • First close-up pictures of Jupiter. • First in-situ maps of Jovian radiation belts and magnetic field. • Discovery that Jupiter is mainly liquid. • Pioneer 11: • Close-up images of jovian Great Red Spot, and first good view of poles. • Determined the mass of Callisto. • Discovered 2 moons of Saturn, and one new ring. • Charted magnetic field, measured Titan’s temperature. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Voyagers 1 & 2 • Where Pioneers 10 & 11 blazed the trial, Voyagers 1 & 2 followed. • Voyager 1 (launched 9/5/77) reached Jupiter first, in March 1979. Using a ‘sling-shot’, it reached Saturn in November 1980. Making a close fly-by of Titan, it then headed on a course to leave the solar system. Currently at 90 AU and still functioning, V1 is the furthest human-made object. • Voyager 2 (launched 8/20/77) encountered Jupiter in July 1979 and Saturn in August 1981. Further gravity-assist maneuvers allowed it to continue to Uranus (1/86) and Neptune (8/89), the only spacecraft to ever reach these worlds. Voyager 2 is also still functioning as it leaves the solar system, currently at 70 AU. Picture credit: NASA/NSSDC Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Voyager Mission Highlights • The Voyager missions rank as perhaps the most ground-breaking and successful interplanetary missions ever. • Highlights include: • Discovery of the Uranian and Neptunian magnetic fields. • 22 new satellites discovered (3 Jupiter, 3 Saturn, 10 Uranus, 6 Neptune). • Discovery of volcanoes on Io and geysers on Triton. • Aurorae of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune. • Many new ring features, including Jovian rings, Saturnian spokes etc. • Storms on Neptune (Great Dark Spot). Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Galileo • Previously, the Pioneer and Voyager missions had made fast fly-bys of the outer worlds. The next logical step was to send an orbiter. • Galileo was a dual orbiter and atmospheric entry probe sent to Jupiter. • Plagued by many delays, Galileo was finally launched on 10/18/89 by the Shuttle Atlantis. Technical problems began right away, when the folded main antenna refused to unfurl. • Galileo went into orbit in December 1995. • The probe was released in July, and entered the atmosphere just as the orbiter was firing its rockets to brake into orbit. • Galileo was finally directed into impact with Jupiter in September 2003, to prevent it from ever crashing into and contaminating a moon (especially Europa). Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Galileo Spacecraft Picture credit: NASA/JPL Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Probe Mission Highlights • The probe (mass 320 kg, diameter 1.3 meters) entered the atmosphere at 172,200 km/h using a heat shield to protect itself, and later a parachute to brake and descend. • The probe entered a hotspot near the equator, which was largely cloud free. It survived for about 58 minutes as it dropped through the atmosphere, eventually being crushed or vaporized at 22 bars and 450 K. The probe mass spectrometer gave us our first in situ measurements of the elemental composition. Picture credit: NASA/NSSDC Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Galileo Highlights • Many, many highlights include: • First multispectral images of Earth’s Moon, and confirmation of far-side impact basin. • First close flyby of an asteroid (Gaspra) and discovery of first asteroidal moon: Ida’s Dactyl. • Only direct observations made of S-L 9 impact with Jupiter. • Downward revision of Jovian water abundance and lightening activity. • Re-surfacing of Io since the Voyager visits. • Evidence for oceans under Europa crust. • High speed winds seen on Jupiter; new radiation belt discovered. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Cassini-Huygens • Cassini is the current mission to Saturn, which carries a European-built probe called Huygens. Look carefully at the picture below: where is the probe being dropped? • Launched in October 1997, Cassini made 4 gravity assists: Venus x2, Earth, and finally Jupiter in December 2000, en route to Saturn. • Cassini arrived on July 1st 2004, went into orbit as the first artificial satellite of Saturn, and began a 4year prime mission. • Cassini carries 12 scientific experiments on board: cameras, spectrometers, and detectors for radio waves, charged particles and magnetic fields, and more. Picture credit: NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Comparison of Giants • Jupiter and Saturn are both large, but have substantial differences, apart from the prominent rings of Saturn. • Jupiter is more massive, larger and 2x closer than Saturn, and orbits the Sun in just over 1/3 the time. • Jupiter also rotates faster than any other planet: quite remarkable given its size. • Jupiter has the most moons (at present). Jupiter Saturn Diameter (km) 142984 120536 Mass (Earth=1) 317.8 95.2 Density (g/cm 3) 1.3 0.7 Semi-major axis (AU) 5.2 9.54 11.86 29.42 Spin Period (hrs) 9.8 10.6 Number of Moons 62 31 Orbital Period (yrs) Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Internal Structure • The densities of Jupiter and Saturn are slightly more than, and slightly less than water, respectively. • Note that these are less than a third the density of the terrestrial planets. • Densities tend to increase with size, therefore, if Jupiter was mostly rock and metal, it should be much denser than the Earth. • The fact that it is not, tells us that the planet must be made of lighter stuff which also is harder to condense. • In fact, we know already that these giant planets are largely made of hydrogen and helium, the two lightest elements. • There must also be a small dense core of yet unknown composition. Picture credit: NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System States of Hydrogen • At the very outer layers, Jupiter has a hydrogen gaseous atmosphere of H2 molecules – very thin: not shown here. • Below this, the outer 25% by radius of Jupiter is liquid molecular hydrogen (H2). • Most of the inner 75% is hydrogen metal, a liquid state where the single electron and proton are separated, and is hence electrically conducting. • In the very core resides some denser compounds, made of silicon, oxygen, heavy volatiles and metals. • Saturn is similar to Jupiter, but the metallic part is a smaller fraction of the planet. Picture credit: Kaufmann and Comins (book) Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Cores and Fusion* • The core of Saturn is a similar size to the core of Jupiter (contrary to the previous diagram): about 10-15 Earth masses. • Hence Saturn may be considered to be a ‘Jupiter’ which is depleted in hydrogen and helium. • How much more massive would Jupiter need to have been, to fuse hydrogen and become a star? • Answer: about 80 times heavier; however, if it was just 13 times bigger, it would be able to fuse deuterium and generate some nuclear energy. • Interestingly, if Jupiter was 10 to 50 times bigger, it would actually be smaller! The increased mass would cause further gravitational compression, which would more than compensate for the extra mass. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Internal Energy • Both Jupiter and Saturn radiate more energy than they receive from the Sun: Jupiter 2X as much (4x1017 watts) and Saturn 3X (2x1017 watts). • This energy is not in the visible part of the spectrum, but in the infrared (i.e. heat). • If Jupiter was in heat balance with incoming solar energy (i.e. radiating the same as it receives) then it should be about 107 K. In fact, it is closer to 130 K! • This sounds like a greenhouse effect, but in fact it is not. These planets are warmer because they really are generating their own energy. • The answer lies in gravitational contraction, the same process once used to explain the power source of the Sun, before fusion was understood. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Helium Rain • In the simplest form of the model, material ‘falling’ inwards in a gravitational field releases energy, which becomes heat (imagine a large asteroid impacting the Earth). • However, this simple theory, where the whole planet gradually contracts, does not account for the present-day energy source: this phase should have been finished by now, and the planet much cooler. • In fact, the present-day energy release comes from a sort of differentiation in the interior. • In the past, helium would have been ‘dissolved’ in the hydrogen, and the two well-mixed together. But as the planets have cooled, helium has began to ‘condense’ out of the hydrogen solvent, like sugar crystals in cold water. • Nowadays, we have helium droplets ‘falling’ or raining down inside the interior, moving towards the center under gravity. •This explains why Saturn releases comparatively more energy for its size than Jupiter: it is colder, and so comparatively less helium is now dissolved. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System He/H Abundances • We can test this theory by measuring the He/H fraction in these planets. • If the differentiation is going on, then we expect the outer layers of the planet, the atmosphere, to appear depleted in He compared to the starting value (assumed to be like the Sun). • So, we expect He/H (Saturn) to be less than He/H (Jupiter), which in turn should be less than He/H (Sun). • This is exactly what we find for the mass fractions: He/H (Sun) = 0.28 He/H (Jupiter) = 0.24 (Galileo probe) He/H (Saturn) = 0.21 (Voyager) • The theory and the observations agree well so far. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Atmospheric Composition • What do we expect the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn to be composed of? • Firstly, hydrogen and helium of course, the light elements which must make up most of the mass and give us the low densities. • Other common reactive elements (C, O, N, P, S) are likely to be in hydrogenated form: combined into molecules with as many hydrogen molecules as possible: CH4 (methane) NH3 (ammonia) PH3 (phosphine) H2S (hydrogen sulphide) H2O (di-hydrogen monoxide?) • Also, we expect to see the other ‘noble’ gases: Ne, Ar, Xe, Kr. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Measuring the Composition • How do we normally measure atmospheric composition? 1. Remote sensing, i.e. spectroscopy. 2. In situ measurements, i.e. a probe and mass spectrometer. • We expect difficulties in making spectroscopic identifications from the Earth however: the monatomic gases (e.g. He) absorb only in the ultraviolet: blocked by the Earth’s ozone layer. • Hydrogen absorbs in the infrared: but very weakly. Also, many infrared wavelengths are blocked by H2O, CO2 etc. • Remote sensing measurements progressed through the 20th century. • Methane was identified first on Jupiter and Saturn, along with ammonia on Jupiter, around 1940. In 1960s H and He were finally detected, along with Saturn’s ammonia. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer • The best measurements we have of atmospheric composition come from the Galileo Probe Mass Spectrometer: • Note that this table gives the gas abundances in terms of molecules, not mass. Figure credit: NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Trace Species and Chemistry • Jupiter’s atmosphere also contains some other trace species, other than the hydrides and noble gases. • We see some hydrocarbons, such as acetylene (C2H2) and ethane (C2H6), which are produced by the action of sunlight on methane (CH4) in the upper stratosphere. • This process, of breaking molecules apart by sunlight and then chemically re-combining them, is known as photochemistry. • Photochemistry is the cause of the Earth’s ozone, and the complex chemicals we find in cometary heads. • We also see the gas carbon monoxide, produced by a hot reaction at 1200 K: CH4 + H2O CO + 3 H2 Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Volatile Species • A full table of gaseous abundances is given in Morrison and Owen, Table 13.1. These abundances refer to the upper atmospheres of the planets: once we get down into the cloud layers, then several species are able to condense, like water in the Earth and CO2 on Mars. • Of course, the name we give to such species which can change physical state is volatiles. • The question of the water abundance on Jupiter remains contentious. When the Galileo probe dropped into the atmosphere, it found no water at all, even though water should be the third most abundant species (after H2 and He). Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Icy Planetesimals* • The gas abundances of minor species on Jupiter lead us to a surprising conclusion about Jupiter’s formation. • We expect that the core of Jupiter was formed from the same planetesimals which became comets, so Jupiter should have the same relative abundances of elements as comets. • In fact, Jupiter has the same heavy-element abundances as the Sun, and is not depleted in argon and nitrogen like comets are. (Jupiter’s atmosphere is depleted in helium, which rains out in the core, and neon, which dissolves in hydrogen). • Hence, the type of planetesimals which formed Jupiter seem to be different from the cometary ones. These planetesimals must have formed cold (<37 K) to retain the highly volatile nitrogen and argon, at about the current position of Neptune. These objects were also the major repositories of mass in the solar system outside the Sun. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Temperature-Pressure Profile • The graph (right) shows the variation of temperature and pressure in Jupiter’s atmosphere. • The initial determination was carried out by the Voyagers and Pioneers, using the technique of radio occultation (observing a radio emitter go behind the planet). • The profile was then confirmed by the Galileo entry probe. Saturn is similar to Jupiter, but colder. Figure credit: Arizona Press Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Appearance of Jupiter • Jupiter seen through a telescope in visible light shows a pattern of alternating bright and dark bands. • The brighter, white-colored bands are known as ‘zones’ while the dark, reddish-brown bands are known as ‘belts’. • At the equator we have the white ‘equatorial zone’, and further north or south the bands are named after the Tropical, Temperate and Polar latitude ranges of the Earth. However, these regions are ‘tropical’ and ‘temperate’ in name only! Figure credit: Charles Cowley, U Michigan Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Red spots, White and Brown Ovals • To either side of the equatorial zone, in the tropical belts, we see prominent white and brown oval features. Further south, lies the Great Red Spot, which has been observed we believe for over 300 years now! Figure credit: James Schombert, U. Oregon; NASA Voyager 1 Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System What are the white ovals? • Three white oval features were observed to persist from 1939 until they suddenly merged in 2000, • The visible image of the ovals (upper right) was taken by the HST, while the infrared image of the same region (bottom) was taken by Galileo. • This shows that the white ovals are dark in the IR, i.e. they are topped by high cold clouds. Picture credit: NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Brown Ovals • The brown ovals or barges, which we see near 18° north, are thought to be holes in the upper clouds, through which we glimpse the deeper levels below. • These ovals, which are dark in the visible, are much brighter than the surroundings viewed in infrared. • Hence, we are seeing hotter, deeper levels of the atmosphere. • The Galileo probe unfortunately entered one of these regions: unfortunately, because many of the instruments which were designed to analyze clouds found very little clouds to measure! Picture credit: NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Great Red Spot • The Great Red Spot at 22° south is the most remarkable feature of Jupiter. Measuring 18,000 by 12,000 km, it could easy swallow up the Earth! Its size may be one reason for its longevity. • The Voyager image (right) shows the GRS in false color to emphasize cloud structure and turbulence. • But what is it? It is a huge anticyclone, with an anti-clockwise rotation period of about 6 days. The top protrudes well above the surrounding cloud layers. • Clearly, it is a high-pressure storm center, but we still do not really know the mechanism, or even what causes the red color! Picture credit: NASA Voyager Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Clouds Of Saturn • The false-color image below has been made by combining information at several infrared wavelengths. • The blue color is the main cloud layer of ammonia ice crystals, while the green and yellow regions show overlying haze layers. Picture credit: HST/Arizona Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System ‘Dragon Storm’ • Amongst the many new insights to come from Cassini, are dramatic pictures of a band known as ‘storm alley’ in Saturn’s southern hemisphere. • The so-called ‘Dragon Storm’ of mid-2004 appears to be a flare-up of a longlived storm deep in the atmosphere. • The D.S. was a source of lightening and radio emission bursts, and so is probably a thunderstorm. Picture credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Winds on Jupiter • Jupiter has many prominent features which we can track. •The equatorial and polar clouds rotate in different times, so we must use a different concept when we wish to talk about Jupiter’s rotational period. • The method used is the rotation period of the radio emissions (System III), giving a time of 9 hrs, 55 mins for the deep interior. • Relative to System III, Jupiter exhibits alternating eastward and westward flowing jets of material at different longitudes. Figure credit: Nanjing University Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Winds On Saturn • In general, the appearance of Saturn is much less interesting than Jupiter: the cloud features are harder to detect and track. • Saturn also has a measured radio rotation period (System III), which is 10 hrs 39 minutes. • Saturn also has a strong eastward jet, but whereas Jupiter’s has a velocity of 360 km/hr, similar to jet streams on the Earth, Saturn has an amazing 1600 km/hr jet extending to 40° either side of the equator. • Again, beyond the equator we see the alternating pattern of eastwards and westward jets. Picture credit: Nanjing University Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Types of Clouds • Until now we have concerned ourselves with the visible appearance of Jupiter, in the light and dark bands. Now let us examine the vertical cloud structure. • There are three main ways in which clouds can arise: 1. Condensation clouds: liquid droplets or ice crystals of condensed volatile. For the Earth, we mean water. On Jupiter, we can have ammonia or more exotic condensates occurring as well. 2. Dust clouds: very prominent on Mars. We can also have dust clouds on Earth, or, dust particles may serve as seeds for liquid droplets. 3. Photochemical haze, or smog. Produced by chemical reactions which bind molecules into long chains, usually powered by sunlight. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Photochemical Smog* • On the Earth, the raw materials of smog are anthropogenic emissions. But on the outer planets, the raw materials are the hydrogen-rich gases in the atmosphere. • The formation of haze begins with the absorption of solar UV light by molecules such as CH4, which breaks apart into CH2 and other fragments. The pieces then chemically recombine to form C2H2, C2H6 etc. • The absorption of UV by molecules and hazes also causes the thermal inversion in the atmospheres: i.e. the temperature minimum at the tropopause and subsequent temperature rise in the stratosphere. We see a stratosphere on the Earth for similar reasons. • Note that the haze layer is thin: it is above the visible cloud tops which we see in visible images, which are lower condensate clouds. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Jupiter Condensate Clouds • Below the haze layers, there are expected to be at least three cloud decks: 1. A high, cold cloud layer of ammonia cirrus, at about 0.6 bar pressure. This is thought to cause the whitest cloud regions on visible images. 2. A cloud of ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH) – formed from NH3 and H2S – at 1.6 bar. We believe that this level gives rise to the orange-brown appearance of much of Jupiter. However, NH4SH is white, so we believe that some impurities are dissolved. 3. Water clouds beginning at 4-5 bar. Figure: Nanjing University Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Probe Results • The Galileo probe found much less cloud than expected. • Observations seem to indicate that the probe went into a ‘hole’ in the clouds (one of the brown hot-spot regions), and so only faint evidence for the upper two cloud levels was found, and none for the deep water cloud. Picture credit: NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Vertical Picture • Let us now try to explain the full picture of Jupiter’s bright and dark bands in a vertical context. • The white zones are thought to be regions of upwelling, warm air from the deep interior, carrying volatile species. As the air rises, it cools, and the various cloud layers form. These appear cold in the IR because we see the high cloud tops. • The brown belts are the regions of sinking cool air which is largely depleted of volatiles. Paradoxically, these cooler belts appear warmer in the infrared, because we see through to the deeper warmer levels. Picture credit: Nanjing University Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Saturn Cloud Layers • Saturn is thought to have the same three cloud levels at Jupiter. • Saturn is colder however, and all three of the cold layers are thicker. • This results in a more uniform appearance than Jupiter: we are less able to see through the very first and upper cloud layer. • Saturn’s cloud layers are about 200 km deep, compared to 80 km on Jupiter. This is due to the weaker gravity of Saturn, 2.5 times less at the 1-bar level, which cause less compression. Figure: Nanjing University Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Jovian Magnetic Field • Jupiter and Saturn both have magnetic fields. • Jupiter’s field is many times stronger than that of the Earth, with an an equatorial value of 4.3 gauss compared to the Earth’s 0.3 gauss. • The magnetic dynamo on the Earth is driven by convection within the electrically conducting layers of molten iron. • On Jupiter, the conducting material is the liquid metallic hydrogen of the interior. • The orientation of Jupiter’s field is inclined at 10° to the rotation axis (like the Earth) but in the opposite polarity: the magnetic north is near the rotational south pole. Picture credit: JPL/NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Saturnian Magnetic Field • Saturn has a much weaker field: only 0.2 gauss. • Saturn’s field is also in the opposite sense to the Earth’s field, but there is no inclination to the spin axis: the north magnetic pole is exactly on the south rotational pole. • Our understanding of magnetic field generation is still incomplete, although we expect field reversals from time to time. • We not have an adequate theory for explaining the alignment of the spin and magnetic axes: we expect there to be some offset. Picture credit: NASA Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Saturn’s Aurorae • Saturn’s magnetic field leads to aurorae similar to those observed on the Earth. • The mechanism is similar: charged particles from the solar wind flow along field lines and crash into the poles, heating the molecules which then re-radiate energy at specific frequencies. • This HST picture shows UV emission from hydrogen molecules, overlaid on visible light pictures. Picture credit: NASA/JPL/University of Colorado Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Jovian Radio Emissions • It is also interesting to note that both Jupiter and Saturn emit radio waves. • Jupiter has intense radio emissions of two types: 1. Decametric (10s of meters) wavelength radio emissions: which are highly erratic, and linked to the inter-action with the moon Io. 2. Decimetric (10s of cm): a more continuous emission. • The radio emissions are non-thermal: i.e. they are not caused by heat. The cause is the interaction of charged particles – electrons and ions – spiraling in the planet’s magnetic field. Io volcanoes are one source of charged particles. Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 Listening To Saturn • Saturn also generates radio emissions at much longer wavelengths: typically several km, like AM radio. These waves are reflected from the Earth’s ionosphere, so were not detected until we sent the Voyager spacecraft. The cause is electrons from the solar wind being deflected in the magnetic field of Saturn. November 22nd sounds July 25th sounds • Listen to some sounds of radio emission from Saturn’s aurorae. The sounds have been pitch-shifted lower into the human hearing range, and sped up in time by factors of 2 and 25 respectively. Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Iowa ASTR 330: The Solar System Quiz-Summary 1. Which were the first spacecraft to reach Jupiter and Saturn? 2. Which spacecraft have told us the most about Jupiter and Saturn? 3. What does the density of the outer planets tell us about composition? 4. Describe the main liquid and solid layers of Jupiter? Is Saturn the same or different? 5. Both Jupiter and Saturn are wamer than we would expect if they were purely in the thermal balance with incoming sunlight. How do we explain this phenomenon? Is there additional proof of this hypothesis? 6. In what chemical form are many of the reactive atoms, such as C, N, O and S? 7. What do the elemental ratios tell us about planetesimals? Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006 ASTR 330: The Solar System Quiz-Summary 8. Describe the banded appearance of Jupiter. What are the zones and belts? Which are brighter (a) in the visible (b) in the infrared? 9. What is meant by System III longitude, and why is it used? 10. Relative to System III, what sort of cloud movements do we see at the equator of both planets? 11. Is the equatorial jet of Saturn stronger, weaker, or the same as Jupiter’s? 12. Describe the main layers of condensate clouds in Jupiter’s atmosphere, and relate these to belts and zones. 13. Compare and contrast the Jovian and Saturn magnetic fields to that of the Earth? 14. What causes the non-thermal radio emissions? Dr Conor Nixon Fall 2006