Site Leader-Driver Application

Site Leader/Driver Application
Dear Perspective Site Leader/Driver,
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Helping Hands Service Ambassadors- Site Leader/Driver! On behalf
of Volunteer Services and the Helping Hands Service Ambassadors (HHSA) Board of Directors, we would like
to extend our best wishes in this selection process.
HHSA has been working very hard to continue to enhance the service opportunities for the TWU student body
and the leadership opportunities for students who are interested. Therefore, we are looking for passionate,
enthusiastic and dynamic students who will really be committed to volunteerism, student leadership and direct
If chosen as a HHSA Site Leader/Driver, you are expected to site lead/drive regularly for projects, as well as
maintain a positive and progressive relationship with the Volunteer Services Coordinator, HHSA Board of
Directors and the HHSA student league of volunteers. You can expect to spend time learning about the
program, the office of Volunteer Services, the social issues and the work you will be doing once you are
selected. Additionally, there will be a Training that you are expected to complete at the beginning of each
The commitment and expectations are high, but please know that you will be surrounded, and supported, by
the Volunteer Services Coordinator and the HHSA Board of Directors.
Please read the attached application, fully and carefully, as it lays out your responsibilities and expectations as
a HHSA Site Leader/Driver.
Best of Luck!
Helping Hands Service Ambassadors Board of Directors
Revised February 2, 2015
 2.0 Cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
 Must be in good standing with the institution
 Current TWU student
 Must have a strong commitment to volunteerism and direct service
Participant Selection:
 Participants are chosen through applications
Site Leader Responsibilities
 Commit to site leading on a regular basis
 Participate in all Site Leader/Driver Training and Orientations
 Uphold all university and program policies at all times
Contact: Helping Hands Service Ambassadors Board of Directors at or Jennifer
Oparaodu at or 940.898.3626
Applications should be turned in by 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 14, 2015 to the Center for Student
Development in the Student Union.
Revised February 2, 2015
General Information (incomplete applications will not be reviewed)
Please return to Helping Hands Service Ambassadors Board of Directors at the HHSA General Meeting or the
Center for Student Development.
Name: _____________________________________________ TWU ID: __________________________
Cell Phone: _________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Gender: ________________________________
Shirt Size: _____________________________________
Local Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ______________________
□ 1st Year
□ 2nd Year
□ Junior
□ Senior
□ Graduate
Major/ Minor: _________________________________________ Estimated GPA: ___________________
Supplemental Questions (incomplete applications will not be reviewed)
1. Have you volunteered with Helping Hands Service Ambassadors before?
If yes, what year?
□ 2010
□ Yes
□ No
□ 2011 □ 2012 □ 2013 □ 2014 □ 2015
2. How many hours per week can you dedicate to Site Leading? ___________
3. Do you have a TX Driver’s License?
If yes, would you be interested in driving a 12 passenger van?
□ Yes
□ No
Essay (incomplete applications will not be reviewed)
Please answer the following questions in essay form and attach on a separate page. Answers should be typed,
double-spaced, and no more than 2 pages.
1. What motivates you to serve as a Site Leader/Driver with the Helping Hands Service Ambassadors?
2. Why do you think volunteerism and service are an important part of your college career?
Terms & Agreements (incomplete applications will not be reviewed)
Being a Site Leader/Driver with Helping Hands Service Ambassadors requires time, energy, and a strong
commitment. By signing this statement you are agreeing to invest that time, energy and commitment if
selected. Additionally, you agree to participate in all activities, trainings, and orientations and abstain from the
use of drugs and alcohol while participating with Helping Hands Service Ambassadors. Most of all, you are
choosing to dedicate yourself to the goals of the Volunteer Services program and uphold all the policies set
Questions? Please contact the Volunteer Services Coordinator at 940.898.3626 or via email at
Revised February 2, 2015