i3 Grant Flyer

Reading Recovery:
Scaling Up What Works
Texas Woman’s University
Proven Results
o Reading Recovery is a
U.S. Department of Education
Investing in Innovation (i3) Grant
The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) recently
short-term early literacy
announced a $46 million award to train 3, 750 teachers
intervention designed for
across the nation as part of their plan to invest in and scale
first graders having difficulty
up the research-based, early literacy intervention.
learning to read and write.
o Descubriendo la Lectura is
As part of this initiative, Texas Woman’s University has
the reconstruction of
received a $2.8 million award to train 50 teachers a year
Reading Recovery for first
for five years starting in 2010-2011. These 250 teachers will
graders who are receiving
work with the lowest performing first grade students and
their initial literacy
10,000 other students in classroom and small group literacy
instruction in Spanish.
o USDE gives high ratings to
Reading Recovery’s
scientific research.
o Reading Recovery
produces measurable
results in weeks, not years.
o Reading Recovery provides
powerful professional
development linked to
student achievement.
Texas Woman’s University is partnering with 18 other
universities throughout the nation: Clemson University,
Emporia State, Georgia State University, Lesley University,
National Lewis University, New York University, Oakland
University, The Ohio State University, Saint Mary’s College,
San Diego State University, Shippensburg University,
University of Arkansas-Little Rock, University of Connecticut,
University of Kentucky, University of Maine, University of
North Carolina at Wilmington, University of Northern Iowa,
and University of South Dakota.
What can the i3 Grant do
for my district and can I
How can I qualify?
Any school in at least one of
the prioritized categories
Priority 1:
o The school has a
sizeable population of
ESL students, equal to
or greater than the
current state average.
For more information about
the i3 grant and how it can
serve your school or district
o The school is in Tier 1
on the state’s School
Improvement Grant
Dr. Anne Simpson
Director, TWU Reading
(940) 898-2441
The school is in a rural
LEA, as defined under
the Small School
Achievement (SRSA)
program or the Rural
and Low-Income
School (RLIS) program
authorized under Title
VI, Part B of the ESEA.
The school is a Title I
school in restructuring
or corrective action.
Priority 2:
o The school is a Title I
school in Program
Improvement (Year 1
or 2) or in a district in
Program Improvement.
Priority 3:
o Any other U.S. school
(public, private,
parochial, or charter).
What will my school and
teachers receive?
The participating teacher
will receive:
o Tuition and fees to TWU
for 6 hours of graduate
coursework. (Est. value:
up to $4,000.)
o A training stipend of up
to $1,500 per teacher to
cover related
educational expenses.
The participating school will
o Student books and
professional texts for
each participating
teacher (approx. value
o Funds for the purchase
of additional teaching
supplies and materials.
(up to $325 per teacher)
o International Data
Evaluation Center
(IDEC) fee per teacher.
o Fees to ISDs providing
the teacher leader (up
to $5,000 per teacher).