SPLIT - MINOR IN PSYCHOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY STUDENT NAME: _____________________________ ID #_________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________@twu.edu I, ________________________________________ am declaring a minor in psychology. I am aware that I am obligated to fulfill the requirements for a minor in psychology by successfully completing the following courses within the guidelines outlined below. PHIL 1023: Introduction to Philosophy - ………………………….. Semester ________ PSY 1013: Introduction to Psychology - ……...…………………... Semester ________ PSY 4113: History and Systems of Psychology …………………... Semester ________ PSY 3123: Human Nature - …………………………………..……Semester _________ or PHIL 3123: Human Nature Two of the following courses PHIL 2033: Logic and Critical Thinking - ………………………… Semester ________ PHIL 3053: Ethics* - ……..……………………………………...… Semester ________ PHIL 3073Bioethics* - ……………………………………….……. Semester ________ PSY 3333: Evolutionary Psychology - ………………..………..… Semester ________ *(Must be taken at Texas Woman’s University) Student Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Advisor Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___/___/___