EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS & LOCKDOWN Denton, Dallas, Houston PRESENTED BY TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING OBJECTIVES Emergency Notification System Pioneer Alert Reporting University Priorities Lockdown Video Contact Information EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM PIONEER ALERT Delivers emergency messages from TWU DPS to an affected campus by the following methods: Campus computers Text messages E-Mail Cell Phone EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN PIONEER ALERT CRITICAL SITUATION USAGE Severe Weather (i.e. Tornado, Hurricane, Flooding, Inclement Weather) Health & Public Safety (i.e. Bomb Threats, Explosion, Active Shooter, Hazardous-Materials) General Information (i.e. Additional information concerning incident status) EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN PIONEER ALERT THE PIONEER ALERT SYSTEM IS TESTED ONCE EACH MONTH EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN PIONEER ALERT To receive notification by text message you must have a textcapable cell phone registered in the TWU Pioneer Alert System. Faculty, Staff, and Students are automatically put into the system; however, if you do not want into the system you must “opt” out. Faculty and Staff by signing into their Phoenix account and students notifying the “help desk”. All university administered computers on the university network are automatically registered in the Alert System and will receive Pioneer Alerts. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN REPORTING When do I call DPS? Examples: Anytime someone threatens to commit or commits an act of violence; Abuses or threatens a person; Uses abusive, indecent, profane, or vulgar language; Prevents or interrupts the use of a building; Places individuals in fear of injury WHEN IN DOUBT CALL! EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN REPORTING Call Out Immediately – Dallas, Denton or Houston call 940-898-2911 or 911 Provide specific details of event TWU DPS will determine appropriate response Response is based on type of Incident (Weather, Fire, Health, Active Shooter, etc.) EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN UNIVERSITY PRIORITIES DURING AN INCIDENT Safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors Provide information to responding police officers: type of Incident/event who, what, when, where, why how many, how much Allow police to resolve the incident EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN Faculty and Staff have been trained in each university building. When an emergency occurs they will lock their building’s outside doors mindful of their own safety. Buildings in which the entry/access system has been installed will be locked remotely by DPS. Notification by Pioneer Alert Trained Building Personnel Lock Perimeter/Outside Doors EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN Lockdown Staff will post signs on outside doors EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN DO NOT contact TWU DPS to find out specific circumstances. Once more information can be released-you will be notified by Pioneer Alert. EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN Lockdown Checklist (suggestions): Close and barricade doors Turn off lights Close blinds Block windows Turn off radios and computer monitors Keep occupants calm, quiet, out of sight Keep yourself out of sight, take cover/protection Silence cell phones Place signs on exterior windows if injured in area EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN During the lockdown Do not allow anyone to enter or exit the area Consider the safety of many vs. the safety of few BEST TO STAY IN PLACE UNTIL INSTRUCTED BY EMERGENCY PERSONNEL EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN Training Films available on WEB www.fbi.gov/.../run-hide-fightvideo http://www.sorm.state.tx.us/media/ videos/active-shooter-emergencypreparedness twu campus watch 15 CONTACT INFORMATION For more information contact TWU DPS @ 940-898-2911 or go to www.twu.edu/DPS EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND LOCKDOWN