Distributed: March 16 th
Due date: April 6 th (or earlier)
HONOR PLEDGE: write, sign and date the honor pledge at the top of the first page you hand in:
“I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination.”
Questions from “The Planetary System” Third Edition by Morrison and Owen:
(RQ=Review Question, QE=Quantitative Exercises) o CHAPTER 5: RQ2, (extra credit: QE2) o CHAPTER 6: RQ4. o CHAPTER 7: RQ2. o CHAPTER 8: RQ3. o CHAPTER 9: RQ5, (extra credit: QE1).
Write somewhere between a paragraph (3-4 sentences) and a page for each review question (unless your handwriting is extremely large). Use sketches to illustrate your answers where appropriate. For the numerical questions, make sure you include all your working step-by-step, including any assumptions you make, physical units (meters, kilograms etc) on all quantities, and state laws or formulae you are using in algebraic form before inserting actual values.
Web Questions: from http://www.astro.umd.edu/~hamilton/ASTR330/webexp.html
W6, W7, W8, W9, W10.
I do not expect to see any solutions copied from web pages.
The points allocation is TBD: the 10-question assignment will be 100 pts, or 10% of the course grade. The overall extra credit available will about 6 extra pts.
Type or write neatly.
Write your name at the top of all pages and staple or clips pages together.
Hand in work no later than the April 6 th
class. You may also leave work in my mail box in the Astronomy Department, or in the mailbox of Rachel de Naray. Or, bring it to my office or Rachel’s office during the office hours times.
The University guidelines on Academic Honesty will be adhered to when grading the work.