November 19th, 2015 minutes

SHAC Meeting Minutes 11.19.15
Student Health Advisory Committee/
Student Health Activities Club
What is SHAC ?
The Student Health Advisory Committee is a student group that
assists and advises the Student Health Center by identifying
campus health-related issues and expressing student perspectives.
SHAC’s guidance and interactions help publicize and enhance the
quality of Health Center services as well as the health and
wellbeing of the campus community.
The Student Health Activities Club is also a student group that
works to better the health of Sonoma State students and the
surrounding community. The Activities Club members host events
on campus with the goal of promoting the health and well-being of
students. Members may also participate in group related volunteer
work that can occur off campus to help members of the
SHAC webpage as a resource
Examples of previous SHAC projects –
Stress Less Fair, Doggie Play Day, Marrow Drive, Condom
Roses Open Forum, Articles in Newspaper, Survey,
Outreach tabling about Health Center Services
Officers & Contact Information:
Chair/President – Austin Hartford
Vice President of Activities Club- Leticia Calderon
Advisory Committee Vice Chair- Matt Goodin
Treasurer – Briana Salazar
Secretary – Megan Humphrey
Events Coordinator- Angela Egbuchulam
PR – Evan Morgan
Officer at Large –
Sub Committee Members
Nursing Rep- Shauna Fassino-
AS Rep- Bianca Rose
Jaquay Butler
Briana Taggart
Member at Large – Delilah Milner-
Ellie Sternfeld-
Erin Durflinger-
Mia Liu-
Sarah Molina- sarahmolina76@yahoo
Welcome and Introductions
What is SHAC?
We are the Student Health Advisory Committee/Activities Club. Our goal is to be the student voice to the
Health Center, by discussing and bringing awareness of current campus health topics. As an Activities
Club we are able to host health related events for the students. Some events already completed/in the
works for this year: Doggy Play Day, Mental Health Awareness week, Free HIV testing, Blood Drive
Student Feedback to the Student Health Center – include health issues of potential interest or concern as
well as feedback about Health Center services and operations.
 Feedback on: Therapy Dogs at Mental Health Promotion Fair & Mental Health Awareness Week
o The therapy dogs and mental health awareness week overall was a success! Students found that
the dogs were a good break after classes and that the lawn area worked well for foot traffic.
CAPS provided lots of different tables with a variety of activities. The most noted advertisement
was the awareness hearts strung beside Salazar. The only suggestion for next time would be to
better promote the event; tabling and social media were the most agreed upon ideas.
 Great American Smoke-out
o Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, students are asked to take part in a pledge to stop all
tobacco products for 24 hours! Students who participate will receive Quit Kits with various tools
to help with quitting, as well as a free flu shot! The event will continue from now until December
 Signup sheet for volunteers to help DAAC with Free HIV testing
o Tuesday December 1st from 10AM-12:30PM, SHAC is participating with DAAC to provide free
anonymous HIV testing in the Health Center. Volunteers are needed, 3 per time slot – 10:3011:15 and 11:15-12:30. Tabling for the event will be held on Monday November 30th from
11:40-1pm in front of the student center. Hope to see you there!
AS Update
 Matt & Biancao On Friday the 13th, AS approved the change from ten $1000 scholarships to twenty $500
scholarships. The goal is to provide more funds to more students. The application for the
scholarship will be up shortly on OrgSync, watch for campus wide advertising if interested.
o Friday 20th, AS will be voting on suggested ideas for bike safety within the residencies. The idea
is to provide better, more secure bike locks for the residents.
o Current student AS cost $105 per semester. The fee is used to fund various organizations on
campus: JUMP, ASP, student government, the children’s school, etc. However, the university
takes about $100,000 to pay for EO1000fees. The issue is that since student pay for the services
the university shouldn’t be benefitting from them. If interested in learning more, contact Bianca
o Friday 20th AS will also be discussing the idea of providing more support to CAPS.
o Friday December 4th AS will be discussing “SSU gone wild” with the idea that the campus does
not condone the publicizing of such grotesque videos using the school title. Issues of sexual
assault, drug use, and other seemingly bad behavior have been witness on the site.
o Peer advising has noticed an increased lack of classes in comparison to last year. They would
like to hear particularly from students who could not get into classes (GE and major courses).
Health Center Announcements
Accreditation surveyor is Dr. Kanitta Charoensiri, DO, MBA
Two days of surveying occurs to approve a standardized three year accreditation which the health center
volunteered to participate in. Ensures the health center if following all standards. Dr. Charoensiri believes that
we are a “great student health organization…[could tell] providers really care.” Students felt the same way and
believe the health center is very efficient.
 Free Anonymous HIV testing Tuesday 12/1/15
Last meeting of the semester 12/10/15! Lunch will be provided!
Semester Meetings are every other Thursday in the Student Health Center’s Conference Rm #175 at
noon on Thursdays, 12/10