This form is a PROGRESS REPORT for reporting on assessment work done during the Fall or Summer 2014
Semester. You can edit this report throughout the semester. * Be sure there is ONLY ONE ENTRY per course/program/service. * Everything entered on this form will be publicly available. * TIP: Computers, internet, browsers – all are apt to crash when we least want them to. SAVE YOUR WORK in a separate file first. Then copy and paste into the actual form. Want some hints to help with this form? View our online instructions:
2a. Subject
(choose from the drop down list)
2b. Course
(Example: "10".
Other acceptable examples: "10A"
OR "10A, B, C"
OR "10, 11, 15, and 20" -- you can make one entry for multiple courses as long as your answers pertain to
ALL those courses.)
2c. Course Title.
(Examp le: “Intro to
1a. Name of Coordinator (Enter name of the person in charge of submitting progress reports and whom we will contact if we have questions about this report.)
1b. On which of the following units are you reporting? (one answer – see choices below))
Based on answer to 1b, you will be directed to the appropriate page as shown below:
3a. Department (choose from the drop down list)
3b. Program Type
Certificate of Achievement (credit)
Certificate of Accomplishment (credit)
Certificate of Achievement (noncredit)
Certificate of Accomplishment (noncredit)
3c. Program Title (Example: Geology (for
Geology Major) or GIS (for GIS certificate))
3d. Which of the following best represents the assessment methods you are or plan to use for measuring outcomes for this program?
Assessment of all program completers through exit surveys or similar devices
Assessment of one capstone class or project
Coordinated assessment of courses within the program.
Other (describe below) a. Department (choose from drop-down list) b. Program Title (Example: Career
Counseling – workshops, New Students
Orientation, Vendor Maintenance,
Transcripts, etc.)
Indicate your assessment/analysis coverage and frequency (long-term sustainable planning).
7a. Assessment Stage (Example: Department X has assessed one of 4 outcomes, implemented improvements, and reassessed the same outcome. They have thus closed the loop on that one outcome. They are at stage 5 and will remain there as they now proceed with the assessment of their remaining outcomes.)
1. Outcomes exist, assessments are in development, but no further progress yet.
2. Outcome assessments have been developed and have been implemented once only, with no further progress yet.
3. Outcome assessment data/results are currently being analyzed and discussed, but no further progress yet.
4. Improvements or changes based on assessment results are being implemented or have been implemented, but no further progress yet.
5. Course/program/service has undergone at least one full closed-loop cycle
– implemented improvements have been assessed. Process is now on a continual cycle of repeated assessment and review.
7b. How many outcomes does your course/program/service have? (whole # required | no text)
7c. How many of these outcomes have been assessed to date? (Enter a whole number only. No text.)
7d Assessment data are reviewed and analyzed with an eye for course/program/service improvements with what frequency? (Choose most appropriate answer.)
Every semester
Every year
Every 2 years
Every 3 years (recommended maximum)
7e. During this reporting period, did you make any course/program/service improvements? (yes/no)
If answer to 7e was
Yes, go to Page 8: Implementation of Improvements
No , skip to Page 9: Assessment Data Discussion and Analysis
11. Describe and provide details of improvements you implemented during this reporting period. (These improvements can include new assessments, refined outcomes, new processes, added services, modified activities, and more.)
9. During this reporting period, did you review/discuss/analyze outcomes-assessment data from the current or previous semesters? (yes/no)
If answer to 9 was
Yes, go to Page 10: Assessment Data Discussion and Analysis Review
No , skip to end of Form: Page 11: Future Assessment Plans
10a. Describe all the assessment method(s) you used to gather data this semester and the outcomes to which they pertain?
(Describe only those assessments for which you plan to report data in this or a later progress report.
The more detail and examples you provide, the better. Sample assessments can include quizzes, surveys, assignments, direct observations, interviews, focus groups, licensing exam and placement rates, banner data, external data, and more.)
10b. Data you reviewed during this reporting period was gathered when?
10c. How and with whom did you discuss, review, and analyze your data? (Examples: faculty and staff in the same program, other programs, other colleges; students; external accreditors; employers; etc.)
10d. How many individuals were assessed?
(How many people (students or if reporting on AUOs or SSOs -- your served constituents) completed the assessment and provided data that you reviewed? Enter a whole number. No text.
10e. Summarize the data you received from your assessments, the criteria you used to determine success, and the analysis you completed. (Example: 75% of students received a score of 3 or higher (out of 5 total points) on all rubric elements for our capstone assignment except the one having to do with critical thinking. A score of 3 was considered to have met the outcomes measured. Our benchmark goal is to have 70% of our students meet the outcomes. Based on these results, we feel we are doing fine in all areas except critical thinking. OR Our surveys combined with focus group interviews indicate we are meeting 3 outcomes, but missing the mark in 2 outcomes.)
10f. IF APPLICABLE: What future improvements do you plan to implement based on assessment data? Include timeline. (How did you decide to address the needs and issues that were revealed by the assessment, if any?)
10g. CHECK BOX IF TRUE: Yes, the above future improvements require resources that will be requested during the next annual PROGRAM REVIEW cycle. Examples: additional staff, equipment, software, consulting services, etc.
11a. When will you next be conducting outcomes-assessment activities for this course/program/service?
CHOICES: Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Summer 2015, Other:
11b. Provide brief details of above plans. (We recognize these plans are tentative and modifiable.)
11c. Extra, extra! (Describe any additional items completed over the past semester and not yet captured in this report. Also include any positive outcomes that have come to you, your students, your department, or the college as a whole from outcomes assessment of this course. We will share some of these highlights on our college website.)
If you want to review your answers, best to first submit this version of the form. You can go back and review afterwards.
Click on the Submit button to ensure processing of this form. BUT FIRST check the box at the bottom of this page that indicates you would like a copy of your responses sent via email (and which you can use to edit your report at a later date).