Houston Community College District SYLLABUS FALL 2010 Cosmetology Program JUNIOR CLASS CSME 1551 ARTISTRY OF HAIR - THEORY AND PRACTICE CRN #60388 TIME: 10:30am-01:00pm DAYS: MTWR Instructor Information Instructor: Ventura Ramirez Email: ventura.ramirez@hccs.edu Phone: 713-718-6199 3100 Holman, Houston, Tex. 77004 Central Campus Room 115 SJC Start & ending date: Course Description: 08/30/2010-12/09/2010 This course concentrates on instruction in the artistry of hair design. Topics include theory, techniques and application of hair design. This course is a combination of 2 lecture and 8 lab hours (160 contact hrs.). Upon successful completion of the course the student will be awarded 4 semester hours. Course Focus: The focus of this course is to develop the competencies necessary to understand the theories, principles and techniques of hair design. The student will learn to compose hair designs using the Pivot Point philosophy that hair design is the art of composing lines, shapes, directions and textures using the medium of hair. Prerequisites CSME 1405, CSME 1401, & CSME 1453 CO-REQUISITES: CSME 2401 CSME 2539 NOTICE: PSI WRITTEN EXAM MUST BE TAKEN BETWEEN 1000-1200 HOUR Course Goals (includes core competencies, incorporation of SCANS, etc.) This course is designed to assist the student in attaining the following competencies: 1. Know the theory of hair structure.(SCANS) 2. Form hair by shaping, constructing and securing a variety of pin curls. 3. Finish by combing out constructed, dried pin curls. 4. Identify, describe and analyze factors that affect the selection of a hairstyle and the forming and finishing techniques suited to achieving the selected hairstyle.(SCANS) 5. Wave and curl hair using a combination of forming and finishing techniques including: 6. Pin curling Roller setting Iron setting Finger waving Blow waving/ styling 7. Demonstrate basic competencies for performing all forming and finishing activities in a safe and sanitary manner. 8. Demonstrate the ability to produce longhair designs using design principles. 9. Demonstrate the ability to execute uniform and graduated form hair sculptures. 10. Identify and outline the design principles in hair design using the Pivot Point terminology and philosophy. Performance Objectives: A. Given the specifications, guidelines, the student will identify and describe the structure of the hair; it is composition and chemical qualities in compliance with course competency: 1. Performance will be satisfactory if the student can successfully outline the composition and chemical components of the hair consistent with the guidelines given. B. Given the specification, guidelines and demonstration by the instructor, the student will design, develop and execute the hair designs in the assigned projects in compliance with course competencies 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Performance will be satisfactory if the assigned projects are completed consistent with project guidelines and in the assigned time frame. C. Given the guidelines for hair design, the student will identify and discuss the principles of hair design using Pivot Point terminology and techniques. Textbook Information Required Texts: The Scientific Approach to Hair Design; Pivot Point International chapters 19-35 The Scientific Approach to Ladies Hair Sculpture; Pivot Point International chapters 36-50- & 73-76 The Scientific Approach to Long Hair Designs; Pivot Point International chapters 24-28 & 38-45 Salon Fundamentals Textbook and Workbook; Pivot Point International chapters 3,5,7,8,9,10 Lab Requirements (if any) Students enrolled in this course are expected to participate fully in and complete the lab exercises assigned to them. They are to read and follow instructions carefully especially in relation to safety and sanitation precautions. This is a skill intensive course, students are expected to stay on task at all times and complete ALL LAB assignments. A lab project will be assigned to be completed by due date. Failure to complete lab assignments will result in a reduction of semester grade. Complete uniform required No uniform No hours, No cell, No radios DRESS CODE: Students in the cosmetology operator program are expected to be selfmotivated individuals and to stay on task at all times. Students must be dressed professionally and appropriately in accordance with the department dress code and must wear a lab coat at all times. Students who are not dressed in the proper uniform will not be allowed to clock in. Black lab coat with sleeves, white shirt with collar, black dress pants to ankles or skirt knee length no long skirts, black low broad shoes, closed toes and heel. Or Black Scrubs top & bottom, black sneakers, socks. No caps, scarves, heels Students with Disabilities The Disability Support Services (DSS) Office assists students with physical, learning or emotional disabilities in developing independence and self-reliance. Services include adaptive equipment and reasonable accommodations for admissions assistance, testing, and academic advising, registration and classroom instruction. Students with special needs or disabilities which may affect their ability to succeed in college classes or participate in college/programs/activities should contact the Disabilities Support Services (DDD) located at each college. Academic accommodations will be provided only after students have properly registered for services through designated disability services staff. The student is advised to contact the DSS Office at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the term. See additional procedures outlined in the HCCS Student Handbook. Disability support services can also be found online at these Web sites: http://www.rehab.state.tx.us http://www.ican.com Academic Honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. "Scholastic dishonesty" includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. "Cheating" on a test includes: 1. Copying from another student's test paper; 2. Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test; 3. Collaborating with another student during a test without authority; 4. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or part the contents of an un-administered test; 5. Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. Attendance and Withdrawal Policies You may be dropped from a course after accumulating absences in excess of 12.5 percent of the total hours of instruction (lecture and lab). For example: For a three credit-hour lecture class meeting three hours per week (48 hours of instruction), you can be dropped after six hours of absence. For a four credit-hour lecture/lab course meeting six hours per week (96 hours of instruction), you can be dropped after 12 hours of absence. 2 days absent contact dept. chair—3 days absent Early Alert Warning Departments and programs governed by accreditation or certification standards may have different attendance policies. Administrative drops are at the discretion of the instructor. Failure to withdraw officially may result in a grade of F in the course. Grading Policy A (90-99/Excellent) 4 B (80-89/Good) 3 C (70-79/Fair) 2 D (60-69/Passing) 1 F (Failing) 0 W (Withdrawn) 0 GRADE DETERMINATION: Attendance Unit Exams 20% 20% Mid-Term Exams 15% Final Exams 15% Work Journal 10% Projects, Skills, Assignments 10% Professionalism & Research 10% ________________________________ Total 100% Course Requirements for example: Testing, Projects, Assignments, Portfolios, Service Learning, Internships, etc. Students will be assessed a grade based on the following criteria: A. Practical examinations B. Written Examinations C. Weekly progress achievement charts D. Individual or group class projects E. Situational observation by instructor (i.e. attendance, ethics Conduct, and attitudes). Students will be required to prepare a portfolio of daily lessons and projects. A research topic will be assigned and a research paper of no less than 3 doublespaced typed pages will be due. This paper will be presented orally in the class as well. Unit exams will be done at the end of each unit of the textbook In addition a hairstyling portfolio will be assigned and due. Make-up policy There will be no make-up for missed unit exams. Make-up for a missed written mid-term or final test will be permitted only if the student informs the instructor in advance. The student must make arrangements to take the missed test no later than 3 days after the original test date. It should be understood that the make-up test will not be the same as the test given to the rest of the student body. Check with your instructor for his/or her classroom policy on late lab projects. 10 points off late exams or projects. Uniform carries a huge penalty, No complete uniform No Hours!!! Course Content Content of this course includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hairstyling Theory Thermal Styling Wet Styling Long Hair Styling Hair Sculpting/ Graduated form Course Calendar with Due Dates for Assignments and Testing Week 1 Reading Assignment: Chapter 08 Design Decisions Project: Show & tell 5 factors in design decision Quiz 1: Chapter 08 over pgs. 217-241 Week 2 Reading Assignment: Chapter 08 Client Consultation Project: Practice and Show how to communicate w/clients: Quiz 2: Chapter 08 over pgs. 242-244 Week 3 Reading Assignment: Chapter 08 Design Composition Project: Practice and Show design elements and design principles: Week 4 Reading Assignment: Chapter 09 Haircutting Theory Project: Show & tell Infection control & safety: Due 8/6 Quiz 4 Chapter 09 over pgs 253-278 Week 5 Reading Assignment: Chapter 09 Haircutting Procedures Project: Complete PSI 90 deg. Haircut: Chapter 05 pgs. 253-308 Week 6 Reading Assignment: Chapter 09 Haircutting Procedures Project: Complete 45 deg. Haircut Quiz 6 Chapter 09 the basic haircuts Week 7 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Hairstyling Theory Project: One each day Roller set/style; Pin curl s/s; Up-do; braid style: Quiz 1: Chapter 10 over pgs 309-329 Week 8 MID-TERM over reading assignments & projects Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Thermal Styling Project #1: Complete Chapters 19-35 in PP Hair Design book: Quiz 2: Chapter 10 over pgs 330-364 Week 9 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Wet Styling Project: Complete Chapters 24-28 in PP Long Hair Design book : Quiz 3: Chapter 10 over pgs 365-383 Week 10 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Long-Hair Styling Project: Complete Chapter 38-45 in PP Long Hair Design book: Quiz 4: Chapter 10 over pgs 384-392 Week 11 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 pgs. 309-392 Project: Complete PSI Curl Demo. & Blow Dry/thermal curl: Quiz 5: Chapter 10 reading Assignment Week 12 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Long Hair Design Techniques 10.5 Project: Create twists Quiz 12 Chapter 10 Twists Week 13 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Long Hair Design Techniques 10.5 Project: Create knots Quiz 13 Chapter 10 Knots Week 14 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Long Hair Design Techniques 10.5 Project: Create Overlaps Quiz 14 Chapter 10 Overlaps Week 15 Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Long Hair Design Techniques 10.5 Project: Create Braids, Loops, and rolls Quiz 15 Chapter 10 Long Hair Design Procedure Week 16 Final EXAM Chapter 8, 9, & 10 plus PSI exam items Other Student Information (clubs, tutoring, web resources, student services, etc.) Texas Cosmetology Commission web site: http://www.txcc.state.tx.us http://www.pivot-point.com; http://www.changeslive.com http://www.hairboutique.com ; http://www.clairol.com http://www.redken.com/ ; https://www.vipsalon.com