2312.Spring2011. Exam One.doc

2312 Exam One
Dr. Brunet
Of the following, choose two to answer. Remember to write a complete essay, with an introduction,
points of discussion, and a conclusion.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Use this page as a cover sheet.
Due date : Anytime before Spring Break
The 16th and 17th centuries can be characterized as an age of religious and political change and conflict.
Characterize the Roman Catholic Church’s reaction to the Protestant Reformation and how did it differ
(or not) from the response of the rulers of Catholic states? What lasting effects did these
religious/political conflicts have on Europe? Finally, do you see ANY positive aspect of these conflicts?
Was the Protestant Reformation motivated by weaknesses in the Catholic Church and the Catholic
hierarchy or were there other factors involved? Explain. Do you think a “reformation” would have
happened without Martin Luther? Furthermore, once the Protestant Reformation was in full swing, was
it wholly religious in nature? Again, explain your reasoning.
What put the “human” in humanism and why was it important to the Renaissance? Was the
Renaissance a “rebirth”? If yes, what was reborn or if no, why not? Did the Renaissance produce
anything original? Give examples. Finally, was the Renaissance a “golden age”? Explain your answer.