School of Social Sciences APPLICATION FOR STUDENT TRAVEL FUNDS DEADLINE: JANUARY 30, 2014 Students, graduate or undergraduate, interested in applying for travel funds from the School of Social Sciences should fill out the Application for Student Travel Form. The completed form should be submitted to the appropriate Faculty Sponsor*. Upon review, the Faculty Sponsor should sign the form and submit it to the School office. There is a Faculty Travel Committee consisting of three people elected on an annual basis who review applications to determine who will be awarded travel money. Based on criteria outlined below, the committee makes its recommendation to the Dean, who makes the final decision on disbursements. Once the decision has been made, the Dean’s Assistant will contact the awardees outlining their awarded amounts. Travel fund recipients submit their claims to the Dean’s Assistant to be processed. After the claim is completed and the required receipts attached, it is signed by the administrative manager, returned to the dean’s assistant for copying and record keeping, and then sent to Customer Service for the processing to be completed. The budget for the travel awards may vary each year and come from a variety of sources. Application Criterion I. You must be a currently matriculating student at Sonoma State University. II. Travel must take place between January 13, 2014 and May 9, 2014 III. Purpose of Funding Request Applications are evaluated using a point system: A. Participate in travel or activity as part of SSU course or thesis research. (4 points) B. Present a formally prepared scholarly paper, invited address or creative work. (4 points) C. Organize a session or panel, or serve as chairperson or discussant in a symposium. (3 points) D. Present in a workshop or institute. (3 points) E. Participate in a workshop or institute for purposes of professional training. (2 points) F. Serve on an executive committee of a conference organization. (2 points) G. Attend conference for purposes of staying current in the field. (1 point) H. Attend an organizational meeting of a professional association as official representative of SSU. (1 point) . 1 School of Social Sciences APPLICATION FOR STUDENT TRAVEL FUNDS DEADLINE: JANUARY 30, 2014 IV. Allocation of Funds Funds are limited. The committee shall have the discretion to allocate funds in such a way as to allow a larger number of candidates to receive some level of funding. V. The Travel Committee A committee consisting of three full time tenured and/or tenure track faculty members from the School of Social Sciences will review requests for travel money and recommend which candidates shall receive funds and how much each candidate shall receive. VI. Applying for Travel Funds Application Deadline: January 30, 2014 Requests for travel, with supporting documents, shall be approved by the sponsoring faculty and submitted to the School Office no later than January 31, 2014. There is no entitlement to allocated funds if a trip is cancelled. The allocated funds go back to the School for redistribution. VII. Travel Reimbursement Claims Students must adhere to all University travel policies 1) Travel authorization form must be submitted prior to travel. 2) Travel expenses cannot be reimbursed to individuals prior to the trip--even if hotels, airfare, etc. have been booked and charged to a credit card. Questions should be directed to your Faculty Sponsor. *For purposes of travel funds, the Faculty Sponsor is the member of the faculty most directly associated with the purpose for which the funds are being requested. 2