McNair Scholars Research Paper Proofreading Checklist ☐ Type your document into McNair Journal Template example ☐ 10 – 15pgs in length (MAX is 15 pgs. including Reference page(s) and Images/Graphs) ☐ Single space * Times New Roman 12pt ☐ Title, Author and Mentor in 14pt Bold No ALL CAPS ☐ Include an abstract - a concise summary of the key points of your research (Do not indent). Should be a single paragraph double-spaced, between 150 and 250 words. ☐ One space after periods * Block format margins ☐ Bold for the main section headings * Italics for sub-headings ☐ Headings - follow APA when appropriate: Methods Results Discussion Conclusion References ☐ Spelling, grammar, typos, clear sentence structure ☐ Double check that all APA references are correct –use OWL style guide (be aware of upper/lower case specificities) ☐ Please no page numbers, headers or footers ☐ Block quoting 12pt (see APA) ☐ Images (.jpg), graphs (.docx), and tables (.xlsx) should be e-mailed with your document as separate files (multiple items should go in a folder.) All tables, graphs and images should be in an appendix, which is referenced in the text, rather than in the body of the work itself.