Astrobiology of Titan and early results from Cassini-Huygens Lecture at Penn State Astrobiology Workshop for Educators July 28th 2005 Dr Conor A Nixon University of Maryland/NASA GSFC/Cassini CIRS Team Overview • Saturn system summary. • Titan - the enigmatic moon. • Why go back? • The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft. • Latest and greatest Cassini pictures and results. • Huygens landing. • Where do we go from here? Facts about Saturn (i) • Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun, 9.5 times as far as the Earth. • Saturn is the 2nd largest by mass and radius. • Saturn is mostly composed of the same materials as the Sun: H2 and He. • Other common elements such as C, N, O, P are hydrogenated: CH4, H2O, PH3, NH3 etc. • Condensates such as NH3 ice form the visible cloud deck: there is no ‘surface’ like the Earth. Facts about Saturn (ii) • Saturn has the most extensive ring system of any planet in the solar system. • Saturn rotates with a period of 10 hours 40 minutes (interior) with an axial tilt of 26°. • Saturn has 2nd most moons (47, for now!), after Jupiter (63). • Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is the 2nd largest in the solar system. The Giant Moon • Titan was the sixth moon ever to be discovered, in 1655 by Dutch astronomer Christian Huygens. • Named due to its massive size, Titan was originally thought to be the solar system’s largest moon. • Through a large telescope, Titan appears as a fuzzy pale orange ball. Even Voyager 1 saw little detail. Obscured by clouds • Titan’s size was originally over-estimated: we are looking at dense, thick layers of opaque haze, not the surface. • Voyager 1 snapshots of the planet’s edge (1980) showed that the haze was multi-layered. • Voyager 1 finally solved the question of size, by using radio waves to penetrate the haze. • Titan’s diameter of 5150 km is larger than Mercury, but smaller than Ganymede. Atmospheric Composition • We now know that the atmosphere is largely composed of nitrogen. Which other planet is like this? • In addition, the atmosphere contains several percent of methane, and many compounds of H,C,N: but no free O2. Earth vs Titan Atmospheres Titan’s surface • This artist’s impression shows lakes of liquid hydrocarbons (‘natural gas’), such as ethane on the surface of Titan - is this likely? Got to have chemistry… • Titan’s atmosphere is like one giant chemistry lab: UV light from the distant Sun splits up some of the native methane and nitrogen molecules. • The pieces of these molecules are then free to bond together in new ways, forming heavier chemicals which are expected to condense and rain out. • Over billions of years, huge lakes of liquid hydrocarbons should have accumulated on the surface, at least, that’s what we thought… The mystery deepens… • This image shows one of the best-ever pictures of Titan taken from the Earth (HST). • A huge bright, icy continent was spied on the leading side of Titan. • BUT - no dark lakes of liquid hydrocarbons. • What could be wrong with our theory? Organics to pre-biotics? • The presence of simple organic (‘carbon containing’) molecules on Titan led scientists to speculate whether any more complex, ‘pre-biotic’ molecules may have formed too. • Khare, Sagan and colleagues experimented by passing a DC current though a reaction vessel containing 90% N2 and 10% CH4 to simulate Titan’s atmosphere. Tholins • This experiment produced a tarry, reddish-brown goo which formed on the walls of the reaction vessel. • This was named ‘tholin’, after the Greek word for mud! • Tholins have been intensively studied in the lab as possible analogs for Titan and Triton hazes. • Khare et al also found that by the simple addition of HCl, 16 amino acids were produced. • What are amino acids and why are they so important? Amino Acids From Tholin • Chemically, an amino acid is a carbon molecule which has three types of bonding other than simple C-H bonds: C=O, C-OH, and CNH2. • Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and essential to cellular life as we know it. They are sometimes called prebiological molecules. Water on Titan • Titan is much too cold for surface liquid water, with a temperature of 95 K (-178°C). • Life as we know it on Earth cannot survive without liquid water. • However, it has been proposed that water could exist temporarily in melt pools produced by impacts. • Large melt pools hundreds of meters deep might take centuries or even millenia (if mixed with ammonia) to freeze completely. Liquid assets • This is long enough for interesting organic chemistry to take place! • Chemical reactions in surface melts could add oxygen from water to the N, C, H in the tholin to make carboxylic acids, purines and pyramidines. • As well as the surface, Titan may well have a subsurface ocean like Europa. • This is needed in many models to allow methane to escape from the interior, and replace the methane lost in the atmosphere by chemistry. Astrobiology on Titan? A New Mission to Saturn • The Voyager 1 and 2 missions which had flown by Saturn and Titan in 1980-1981 had raised almost as many questions as they had answered. – What is the surface like? Are there lakes or seas? – Why is Titan the only moon with an atmosphere? – Where does the methane go to/come from? – Is Titan similar to a prehistoric Earth? • A new mission was needed, one which wouldn’t just fly past while snapping a few shots, but go into orbit for years, examining the system in detail. Cassini-Huygens • Cassini was designed to answer these questions. The orbiter is designed for a 4-year prime mission. • The European Space Agency added a Titan descent probe, called Huygens. • Cassini-Huygens is a huge international science cooperation… Cassini Instruments • Cassini carries 12 separate scientific instruments: – 4 are cameras or spectrometers for UV, IR, and visible light. – 6 are fields and particles instruments: dust analyzers, magnetometers, charged particle detectors… – 2 are radar and radio science experiments. Both of these can ‘see’ through the haze to the surface, if close enough to Titan. Huygens Instruments • Huygens carries six scientific instruments onboard: – ACP - the Aerosol Collector Pyrolyzer. • ACP collects aerosol samples for onboard chemical analysis. – DISR - the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer. • Takes Pictures! – DWE - the Doppler Wind Experiment. • Uses the radio signal to measure probe swinging and drifting. – GCMS - the Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer. • Analyzes the composition of the atmosphere. – HASI - the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument. • Measures the physical and electrical properties of the atmosphere. – SSP - the Surface Science Package. • Determines the physical properties of the surface. Huygens is prepared… • Huygens is 2.7 meters across and built like a clam-shell. • The probe is here attached to the front heat shield (r). Ready to go… • Cassini on display before launch, fall 1997 • Cassini at launch pad, on rocket, awaiting fairing. Blast-off! • Cassini-Huygens was launched at 4:43 a.m. EDT on October 15th 1997 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Cassini takes the scenic route to Saturn… Going Into Orbit! A Grand Design • Having finally reached Saturn orbit, Cassini is now on the 13th of 76 planned orbits in the prime 4-year mission, including 45 close Titan encounters. What has Cassini discovered so far? • Trying to tell all of Cassini’s accomplishments in the first 12 months is already impossible in a 1-hour talk! • They include: – new information about the fast-moving clouds on Saturn, and its atmospheric composition. – fascinating insights into the nature of the moons: Phoebe, Iapetus, Enceladus, Rhea, Hyperion, Dione, Tethys. – Fabulous pictures and scientific information about the rings and magnetosphere. • Let’s concentrate however on Cassini’s new insights about Titan. From a distance… • Cassini first Titan fly-by on July 2nd 2004 was quite distant, but already showed amazing new details of the ‘veiled world’. • This UV filter image has been falsely colored to show detail. Purple haze • This false color UV night-side image from TB (12/16/04) shows the many haze layers as revealed by scattered Full Moon • This is a composite image (TA flyby). • Red and green show methane: north hemisphere is redder. • Blue shows UV: high atmosphere and detached hazes. Beyond the visible • This T0 sequence shows VIMS images of the day/night terminator, taken in several near-IR filters (?, 3.3, 4.7 m) CIRS Infrared Spectrum • June 10 2004 The missing atmosphere… • From TA INMS atmospheric sampling. The upper atmosphere possesses much heavier chemical species than we would have guessed. Through the haze.. • On 10/26/04, Cassini made its first close pass of Titan. • This series (l-r) shows how multiple frames and image processing techniques are used to sharpen the initial picture. • Here we see bright and dark terrain, and S polar clouds. Land O lakes? • This image of the south pole shows white clouds and an intriguing dark feature with a sharp boundary. • This could be a lake of hydrocarbons, or just a depression filled with solid tholin. Radar Mapping • TA was the first chance to use RADAR up close! • Here is the same image twice, but the top one has been falsely colored to aid interpretation: pink shows ‘rougher’ terrain, green is ‘smoother’. • Size: 300x150 km. ‘Cat-scratches’ • The second RADAR pass in February showed dramatically different terrain. • These E-W linear markings have been dubbed ‘catscratches’, but their origin (aeolian, tectonic?) is actively debated at the present time. ‘Circus Maximus’ • RADAR also confirmed that an annular feature seen by ISS was a huge, 440 km impact basin. Xanadu Smile • The VIMS instrument saw this bright spot coinciding with the Xanadu ‘smile’. This could be an impact crater or volcano. Titan Cryovolcano? • The VIMS team recently revealed this picture (TA) of a possible volcano, with two outflowing ‘arms’. Destination Titan! • Huygens entered Titan’s atmosphere at 5:13 am ET on January 14th 2004. • The entry angle was 65 degrees, with Huygens moving at 6 km/s. Mission Timeline • 180 km - 2.5m pilot chute opens: removes back-cover. 2.5 seconds later the main 8.3m chute opens. • 160 km - front shield released: instruments deploy. • 125 km - 3m drogue chute opens for quicker descent. Targeting Titan • The Huygens landing site was targeted for 190°W, 10°S. • This image shows the landing site of the probe as seen from Cassini. • The red circle shows the Huygens camera FOV at 20 km altitude. Jigsaw Puzzle • This mosaic was reconstructed from 30 images, and shows an area 30 km with 20 m resolution. • The probe was swaying more and rotating in the opposite direction to expectations: so piecing the snapshots together was not easy! River to the shore? • This composite of three images shows what looks like a branching river draining to a shoreline. • Rainfall on Titan would presumably be liquid methane. Splash or Bump? Titan ‘boulders’ • Huygens bumped rather than splashed on Titan’s surface. • This image shows the ground near the spacecraft. • The ‘boulders’ are probably water ice. • The below-center ‘boulder’ is actually just a pebble, 6 in across. What have we learned? • Titan has not given up its secrets easily! • But we have learned: – Titan appears to be mostly dry; no widespread methane or ethane oceans or seas. – Methane condensation produces clouds around the south pole with possible rainfall. – The surface is young, indicating resurfacing by outflows, tectonics, impacts in last 100-300 Myr. – Photochemistry is active high in the ionosphere. What is still unanswered? • Again, we have raised many new questions: – are we seeing lakes near the south pole, or something else? – are we seeing cryovolcanos? – if not, where does the methane come from and go to? – what are the cat scratches? – when, what and how were the ‘shorelines’ near the landing site made? THE END… … FOR NOW!