Project Progress Report V1.0 01 March 2016

WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
Project Progress Report
Version 1.0
01 Mar 2016
Template for UK based forest carbon projects seeking verification to
the Woodland Carbon Code
Project Name:
[insert name]
[insert nearest town, county, country (E/S/W/NI)]
Grid Reference
[insert grid reference e.g. AB123456]
UK Woodland Carbon Registry
Unique Project ID
[insert unique ID]
Gross Area (ha)
[insert gross area]
Net Area (ha)
[insert net area excluding any open space]
Name of submitting organisation:
[insert organisation name]
Completed by:
[insert author’s name]
Completed & Submitted to
verification body on:
[insert dd/mm/yyyy]
Email contact:
[insert email address]
1. When completing each section of this document please refer to the requirements set
out in the relevant section of the Woodland Carbon Code and online guidance.
Boxes for text can be expanded if not large enough.
2. Your Project Progress Report and Monitoring Report will be made available in the UK
Woodland Carbon Registry once you are verified.
3. At the end of each section, a table allows you to indicate which Additional Evidence
you will make available to the verification body.
4. The Project Manager should keep a copy of the Project Progress Report and all
additional information for the duration of the project.
All statements made in this document are correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree/I
disagree [Delete as applicable]
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
For info: Updates to PDD template: Summary – Completed by FC
Version No
18 March 2015
Vicky West
01 March 2016
First Draft for Pilot
Comments post
pilot. PIU table 3.
Vicky West
For Projects: Version Control of completed Project Progress Reports:
Version No
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
1. Eligibility ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.0 Commitment
View online guidance .............................................. 4
1.1 Project Start Date and Duration
View online guidance .............................................. 5
1.2 Eligible Activities
View online guidance ............................................... 5
1.3 Eligible Land
View Online Guidance ............................................ 5
1.4 Compliance with the law
View online guidance ............................................. 6
1.5 Additionality
View online guidance ............................................... 6
2. Governance ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Registry
View online guidance .............................................. 6
2.2 Project Design
View online guidance ............................................... 7
2.3 Management Plan and Capacity
View online guidance .............................................. 7
2.4 Management of risks and permanence
View online guidance .............................................. 8
2.5 Management of Group Schemes
View online guidance ............................................... 8
2.6 Monitoring
View online guidance ............................................. 8
2.7 Carbon Statements and Reporting
View online guidance ............................................ 11
2.8 Woodland Carbon Code Trademark
View online guidance .......................................... 11
3. Carbon Sequestration .................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Units ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Carbon baseline
View online guidance ............................................. 12
3.3 Carbon Leakage
View online guidance ............................................ 12
3.4 Project Carbon sequestration
View online guidance ............................................ 12
3.5 Net carbon sequestration
View online guidance ............................................. 13
4. Environmental quality
View online guidance ................ 14
5. Social Responsibility
View online guidance ................. 14
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
1. Eligibility
1.0 Commitment
View online guidance
NOTE Earlier projects will not have completed a ‘landowner commitment’ at
validation. This should be provided at year-5 verification where:
 No commitment was provided at validation, or
 The landowner has changed since validation
If a signed commitment with current landowner already exists, go to Section 1.1
1) Is there a contract with or statement from the current land owner which confirms
their commitment to:
 Conform to this standard
 Permanent land-use change
 Manage land as per current Management Plan for the establishment period and
as per longer-term management intentions for the project duration and beyond
 Comply with the law
 Restock where projects involve harvesting
 Replant or undertake compensatory planting should and area of woodland be
lost to wind, fire, pests, disease or development
 Inform future landowner(s) of the commitment to the Woodland Carbon Code
and any carbon contracts
 Make true and accurate carbon statements about the project
 Abide by the WCC logo rules of use
Yes/ No [Delete as applicable]
2) Do you, as the project developer commit to:
 Conform to this standard
 Comply with the law
 Ensure the project/group, any PIU listings, sales to carbon buyers, retirement
for use of verified Woodland Carbon Units is accurately represented in the UK
Woodland Carbon Registry
 Make true and accurate carbon statements about the project
 Make carbon buyers aware of the WCC guidance on carbon claims and include
in contracts with buyers
 Abide by the WCC logo rules of use and make carbon buyers and landowners
aware of the WCC logo rules of use
Yes/ No [Delete as applicable]
3a) Do you, as the project developer commit to monitor and maintain verification for
the project duration as per WCC guidance? Yes/ No [Delete as applicable]
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
3b) if the project developer does not commit, is there a contract with the current
landowner to monitor and maintain verification for the project duration as per WCC
guidance? Yes/ No [Delete as applicable]
You shall provide the following additional evidence to confirm the landowner’s
Choose at least
Filename / Website / Further details
(eg cashflow.xls)
Contract with landowner
contains terms set out
Yes/ No
Signed statement from
landowner contains terms
Yes/ No
set out above
Specify what
Filename / Website / Further details
Other evidence
1.1 Project Start Date and Duration
View online guidance
No information required – See 2.6 Monitoring
1.2 Eligible Activities
View online guidance
No information required
1.3 Eligible Land
View Online Guidance
1) Please state the landowner’s name and contact details
Landowner Name:
Landowner Address
Landowner Postcode
Landowner Phone Number
Landowner Email
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
If the landowner has changed since the last validation/verification, you shall provide
the following additional evidence to confirm the owner and, if the land is leased, the
owner’s consent:
Choose at least one or
Filename / Website / Further details
To confirm owner:
specify what other evidence (eg cashflow.xls)
Solicitor’s letter
Yes/ No
Title deeds
Yes/ No
Land registry
To confirm owners
consent if leased:
Certified copy of
Yes/ No
Choose if leased or specify
what other evidence
Yes/ No
Specify what evidence
Filename / Website / Further details
Other evidence
1.4 Compliance with the law
View online guidance
1) As far as you are aware, does the project comply with all existing forestry
legislation in the UK at the time of completing this document? Yes/No [Delete as
2) As far as you aware are there any current, past (since the last
validation/verification) or pending prosecutions relating to the project? Yes/No
[Delete as applicable]
3) As far as you are aware, are there any injunctions or notices relating to the project
issued by the Environment Agency/SEPA/Natural Resources Wales or issued under
the Town and Country Planning Regulations? Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
1.5 Additionality
View online guidance
No information required
2. Governance
2.1 Registry
View online guidance
1a) Has the project been certified or approved by another carbon standard? Yes/No
[Delete as applicable]
1b) If yes, please state the carbon standard applied to/validated to and the relevant
unique ID from that standard:
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
2.2 Project Design
View online guidance
1) The project’s key aims and long term objectives remain as set out in the PDD
Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
1a) If No, Please confirm the project’s key aims and long term objectives and the
changes since the PDD:
Key aims and long term
Changes to aims and
objectives since the PDD:
2.3 Management Plan and Capacity
View online guidance
1) Does the project continue to be managed in accordance with the UK Forestry
Standard? Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
2) The longer-term management intentions of the project (incl. the woodland
management regime to be applied – e.g. no intervention, thinning only, regular
clearfell, CCF (and type)) remain as set out in the PDD Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
2a) If no, please clarify the current longer-term management intentions and the
change from the last validation/verification:
Current Longer-term
management intentions:
Changes to longer-term
management intentions
since the PDD:
3) Please state the name and contact details of any other parties involved in the
project (eg land managers). [Copy and paste table if more than one party].
Phone Number
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
2.4 Management of risks and permanence
View online guidance
1) If there are any new or increased risks to the project, please state them here, and
also the mitigation action you are taking to reduce the risk.
Risk Category – New or increased risks
Mitigation Action (if any)
2.5 Management of Group Schemes
View online guidance
No information required. Please use Group Scheme Progress Report if applying for
verification as a group
2.6 Monitoring
View online guidance
1 Dates: Please enter below key dates for your project
Implementation date (Start of tree planting)
Start date (End of tree planting)
Date of validation
Date verification due
Date(s) of survey:
[dd-mmm-yyyy to dd-mmm-yyyy]
2 Survey Team: Please enter below key information about the survey team, their
experience and relationship to the project
Surveyor Details
Name of surveyor
Contact details of surveyor (phone/email)
Relevant survey experience
Relationship to project
Project developer/ Group Manager
Land Manager
Independent - ICF member
Independent – other
Other (Specify)
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
3. Strata and number of plots
1. Please describe the survey area, whether and how it has been divided into strata and how many plots were assessed in each strata:
NOTE: If Open Ground was mapped, and therefore identified as a separate (non-surveyed) Stratum, indicate it as such. If Open
Ground was not mapped but was included to some extent in each stratum, please indicate the gross (rather than net) area of each
Survey Area
Stratum 1
Stratum 2
Stratum 3
Stratum 4
Stratum 5
Ground (if
Gross area of each stratum
(ha - incl OG if not mapped).
Net planted area of each
stratum (ha)
Species (List species with %
of each)
Anticipated spacing (m)
Anticipated stocking density
Plot radius (m) if circular or
length (m) if square.
Number of plots
You shall provide the following additional evidence to confirm the strata and plot layout across the site:
Choose at least one
Filename / Website / Further details
or specify what other
(eg cashflow.xls)
Appendix or separate document with
map of the site indicating the location of
Yes/ No
the strata and plots within each stratum.
Total area
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
4. Survey Results
4a) Please submit with this Progress report:
1. A ‘Plot Survey Sheet’ for each plot undertaken and
2. A ‘Stratum Summary Sheet’ for each stratum.
3. 2 or 3 Site-level photos (preferably geo-tagged)
4. Photos of each plot (preferably geo-tagged).
1 and 2 can be found in the ‘WCC Year 5 Monitoring – Data Collection and Summary Sheet
V1.0’ workbook.
4b) Please give here any further clarification of, or comment on, your survey results:
5. Quality Assurance
If an independent party quality assured a proportion of the fieldwork sample plots prior to
verification, please indicate who undertook this work and the proportion of the plots that
were quality assured.
Quality Assurance – Fieldwork
Name of quality assurer
Contact details
% or number of plots checked
Any issues found
If an independent party quality assured the ‘office’ calculations prior to verification, please
state who undertook this work and their contact details.
Quality Assurance – Calculations
Name of quality assurer
Contact details
% or number of plots checked
Any issues found
You shall provide the following additional evidence to summarise the monitoring
work undertaken:
WCC Unique Project ID or project
All projects
name(s) / Further details
Data collection and calculation
Yes/ No
Plot-based photographs and
Updated map of site with any
boundary changes marked.
Where required
Map of site demonstrating the
strata used for survey and
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
location of plots
Report or evidence from
independent quality assurance
Where relevant
6a) Is the project certified to the UK Woodland Assurance Standard? Yes/No [Delete
as applicable]
6b) If yes, please state whether via FSC or PEFC and provide the relevant certificate
You shall provide the following additional evidence to demonstrate certification to the
UK Woodland Assurance Standard:
WCC Unique Project ID or project
name(s) / Further details
certified projects
(eg cashflow.xls)
FSC or PEFC certificate for the
group or each constituent
Yes/ No
Note: You will be required to upload your FSC/PEFC certificate to the registry upon
WCC validation if you wish to demonstrate dual certification
2.7 Carbon Statements and Reporting
View online guidance
1a) Do you ensure that all carbon buyers (existing and future) are aware of the WCC
claims guidance? Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
1b) Statements or claims made by the landowner, project developer or corporate
buyer comply with Woodland Carbon Code guidance. Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
2.8 Woodland Carbon Code Trademark
View online guidance
1a) Do you abide by the Rules of Use as set out currently and as may be updated from
time to time by the Forestry Commission? Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
1b) Do you ensure that others with an interest in your project (eg landowner, project
developer or corporate buyer) who may also use this logo are fully aware of their
Rules of Use? Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
3. Carbon Sequestration
3.1 Units
Note: All projections and measurements of carbon sequestration must be expressed in
tCO2e. Positive values represent sequestration, negative values represent emissions.
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
3.2 Carbon baseline
View online guidance
No information required
3.3 Carbon Leakage
View online guidance
1) My assessment of leakage remains as stated in the PDD Yes/No [Delete as
1a) If no, please state how your assessment of leakage has changed, and calculate
the level of leakage (in tCO2e) for the duration of the project.
You shall provide the following additional evidence to confirm leakage assumptions
or calculations:
If leakage
Filename / Website / Further details
significant choose
Map of site and surrounding
area with leakage risks
Yes/ No
More detailed leakage
Yes/ No
Specify what
Filename / Website / Further details
Other evidence
3.4 Project Carbon sequestration
View online guidance
Carbon in Biomass, Soil and Emissions from Woodland Management
The following changes may make it necessary to re-evaluate project carbon
sequestration: Changes in actual species composition or areas of open space,
stocking density not achieved, extensive beat-up, change to long-term management
intentions. The Verification Body will inform you whether it is necessary to reevaluate your predicted carbon sequestration.
The predicted project carbon sequestration at my site remains as set out in the
PDD. Yes/No [Delete as applicable]
1a) If no, please clarify:
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
If recalculating, you shall provide the following additional evidence to confirm carbon
sequestration assumptions and calculations:
All projects
Filename / Website / Further details
Updated Carbon Calculation
Yes/ No
Specify what
Filename / Website / Further details
Other evidence
NOTE: You will be required to upload your updated Carbon Calculations to the
registry upon verification.
3.5 Net carbon sequestration
View online guidance
Please indicate the predicted and actual number of carbon units to be delivered within the
vintage under assessment. At the first (year 5) assessment, provided the actual stocking
density is at least 90% of the predicted density and there are no concerns about tree growth
or health, we will assume that all predicted units are delivered.
Table 3: Planned and actual units delivered within the Vintage under assessment
Vintage Start
Vintage End Date:
Total PIUs in
vintage to be
PIUs to Buffer
PIUs to Project
Predicted Units in
Vintage being
Actual Units in
Vintage being
PIUs to be
Extra WCUs to be
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
4. Environmental quality
View online guidance
1) If you have monitored environmental quality, please state the added benefits of the
project so far.
You shall provide the following additional evidence to confirm details of the
environmental impact or benefit of the project:
Specify what
Filename / Website / Further details
Evidence confirming the
environmental benefits of the
project so far
5. Social Responsibility
View online guidance
1a) If you have consulted any stakeholders since the last validation/verification,
please describe the consultation process and its outcome.
1b) If you have had any complaints or concerns about the project raised since the last
validation/verification, please describe how you have dealt with these.
2) If you have monitored social benefits, please state the added benefits of the project
so far.
WCC Project Progress Report V1.0
01 Mar 2016
You shall provide the following additional evidence to confirm details of ongoing
consultation or to confirm the social benefits of the project so far:
Filename / Website / Further details
Specify what
(eg cashflow.xls)
Evidence confirming ongoing
consultation or how complaints
Yes/ No
are dealt with
Evidence confirming the social
Yes/ No
benefits of the project so far.