Governance FEE Board 30 Oct 2015

Organisation and management of Forest Enterprise England
We will make sure that every year the land and forests we care for become even more special places
for wildlife to live, for people to enjoy and for businesses to thrive.
Forest Enterprise England mission statement
Forest Enterprise England (FEE) is an independent organisation, managed by the FEE Strategy Board.
This is the leadership team that sets the strategic direction of the organisation.
The remit of the Strategy Board includes forward planning, making decisions about how the public
forest estate is managed and run, monitoring performance and managing risk.
They ensure the organisation works to its mission statement, and that the public forest estate
 offers opportunities for people to enjoy their woodlands;
 protects and enhances its natural ecosystems for the benefit of wildlife, and
 delivers economic growth by supporting local businesses and rural employment.
The Board is made up of nine senior staff and two non-executive Board members who bring their
experience and expertise to the organisation.
Simon Hodgson
Chief Executive
Simon chairs the FEE Strategy Board, and takes overall responsibility for the management of Forest
Enterprise England, including all operational matters and strategic direction of FFE.
Keith Oates
Non-Executive Board Member
Keith was executive Deputy Chairman of Marks & Spencer plc, and was the founder and
subsequently chairman of Marks & Spencer Financial Services for 15 years. His previous experience
also includes serving as Chairman of Phaunos Timber, non-executive director of Diageo plc, BT plc,
the Financial Services Authority and the English and GB Sports Councils, and as a Governor of the
Mark Pountain
Non-Executive Board Member
Mark brings a wealth of experience in leadership and senior management. After a first career in HM
Forces, Mark has held senior roles in the public, private and third sectors around the world. Mark
has extensive experience of non-executive roles, and also chairs a community land trust.
Head of Human Resources
XXXXXX is responsible for delivering the organisation’s People Strategy which sets out to ensure FEE
has the appropriate staff resources in place to support the delivery of its corporate plan. She is also
responsible for the implementation of exemplary HR practice throughout the business.
Paddy Harrop
Head of Marketing
Paddy oversees FEE’s marketing and communications strategy. He is also responsible for delivering
the public engagement programmes for the public forest estate, including the implementation of
arts, learning and sports initiatives.
David Hodson
Head of Finance and Business Support
David oversees FEE’s financial management, business planning, procurement and IS functions. He is
also responsible for delivering the change programme for the devolution of the full range of finance,
procurement and IS services to FEE from both Central Shared Services and the FC England national
PK Khaira-Creswell
Head of Corporate Affairs and Governance
PK manages FEE’s corporate affairs. She deals with compliance and data handling, including Freedom
of Information requests, as well as writing FEE’s Corporate Plan. She works closely with FEE Chief
Executive Simon Hodgson and the Forestry Commission’s Chair Sir Harry Studholme to develop
positive working relationships with government ministers, Defra, MPs and Parliament, and is
responsible for Information Security on behalf of the organisation.
You can download FEE’s Corporate Plan here. <<Link to corporate plan>>
Mike Seddon
Director of Operations
Mike oversees the work of FEE’s Operations team including forestry, land management, recreation
and business investment. He is closely involved in the planning and delivery of FEE’s health and
safety and technical training.
You can find out more about FEE’s health and safety policies here. <<Link to H&S pages>>
Mark Street
Head of Estates and Commercial Developments
Mark is the senior Land Agent for FEE. He leads the professional property services to support the
management of the Public Forest Estate, particularly non forestry land such as quarries, agricultural
land and buildings. He represents Estates issues on the Strategy Board, supporting the wider
commercial developments of Forest Enterprise including Forest Holidays and advising the Board on
strategic land asset opportunities.
Miranda Winram
Head of Strategy and Insight
Miranda is responsible for ensuring the organisation’s strategic direction is communicated to the
Strategy Board, and throughout the wider organisation. She develops the tools by which FEE’s
success is monitored and measured.
Josie Sterling
FEE Governance Officer
Josie supports the work of the FEE Strategy Board by providing secretariat services.
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