TLA Job Description

Theme Living Advisor (TLA)
Sauvignon Theme Communities
Position Title:
Theme Living Advisor (TLA)
Residential Life, Administration and Finance
Position Offered: Student Assistant/Federal Work Study
7-9 Hours/Week @ $10.00/hr.
Position Summary
By joining the Sauvignon Community students seek and commit to active involvement in a living community teams structured
around a specific theme, which are designed to foster positive community, investment, and pride in the students’ living
environment. The Theme Living Advisor (TLA) will work in a specific building in conjunction with the Community Service
Advisors and one or two other TLAs. This team of CSAs and TLAs play a critical role in helping residents to take ownership of
their community and their living environment. To effectively implement and manage the Sauvignon Community, each TLA will
work with their students to educate them about their respective theme and to facilitate community building through a
variety of activities and programs.
Office of Residential Life Mission
Our mission is to provide a learning environment that promotes the academic and personal development of our students.
Office of Residential Life Values
Community: A physical space, human interaction, and/or shared experience that develops respect for and dignity of
all members
Academic Success: A commitment to our students’ intellectual academic achievements and their pursuits of life-long
Holistic Development: A consideration for the entirety of one’s experience, encompassing their intellectual,
physical, and spiritual and emotional well being
Human Awareness and Diversity: An exploration of self and an understanding of one’s own diverse perspectives and
identities, in relation to others and the global society
Responsibility: A choice that one makes to adhere to community standards while assuming accountability for their
words and actions
The TLA participates in helping the department accomplish the above through her/his connections with residents and fellow
Themed Communities
Alicante-Expressive Arts
Burgundy-Leadership & Service
Fume Blanc-Academic Success
Marsanne- Global Engagement
Job Requirements
Meetings with your Supervisor
a. You will have regular one-on-ones with your Supervisor during the academic year.
i. Schedule dependent with discussion with supervisor.
b. You will be required to submit a weekly report prior to your on-on-ones detailing community concerns and
your community building efforts for that week.
Programming Requirements
a. Coordinate two educational programs related to alcohol use and civility / inclusiveness with your CSA within
the first 6 weeks.
Individually coordinate 2 programs (at a minimum) related to your theme community per semester.
Implement Community Building Activities throughout the year incorporating your theme.
Know your residents.
Support CSA programs/activities through attendance, participation, and/ or coordination.
You are required to attend the entire length of any programs that you are coordinating.
Coordinate the annual Theme Community week in the Fall
During the Spring Semester you will help create, plan, and implement an End of the Year Celebration as a
TLA staff for the theme communities and its participants.
Building Meetings
a. You will co-facilitate any building meetings with the CSA’s for that building and your fellow TLA for that
Face Time with Residents
a. Setup interactive meetings with your suites once a month (first meeting go over TLA contract and have
residents sign)
b. Be a presence in the community and have 1:1 interactions with residents as needed
Required In-services, Events, and Trainings
a. Attend and participate in ALL training programs prior to the beginning of each semester. These trainings
are mandatory.
i. Pre-service, May 6,2016.
ii. Fall training will begin on Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 5pm.
iii. Spring training will begin at Sunday, January 22, 2017.
b. Attend Seawolf Welcome Weeks Activities and participate as a staff member of the Office of Residential
Life. Big Nite is a mandatory event for all Campus Life Staff.
c. Attend monthly campus life meetings.
d. Attend Weekly In-services, which will be 2 hours long and will take place every week on Friday between
1pm-4pm or otherwise planned. In-services will generally include TLA meetings and/ or Sauvignon East or
West Staff Team meetings.
e. Meet a minimum of every two (2) weeks with the CSAs and other TLAs from your building.
f. Take an active part in the selection process for the 2017-2018 Theme Living Advisor staff by helping with
Individual Interviews (February –March) and Residential Life Workshops.
 Creativity, dependability, and a commitment to the Reslife staff team.
 Excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills.
 A dedication to working towards a socially just community.
 Satisfactory completion of University 238 course (B or better.)
 Minimum cumulative, and semester, GPA of 2.5 at time of application. Must maintain 2.5 GPA throughout
 Good judicial standing with Residential Life and the University.
 Minimum of 2 semesters completed at SSU by Fall 2016. Prior on-campus living experience.
Work Schedule:
Connecting with Theme Living Students
(Organizing and leading community building activities, check-ins,
planning and attending programs, etc.)
3-4 hours
Administrative (Emails, tracking students’ progress)
Meetings with Supervisor/Staff
Monthly Meetings with Suites
1-2 hours
2-3 hours
1 hour
7-9 hours a week
How to Apply for this Position:
Go to beginning on November 2, 2015, to access and submit your online
Attend an Information Session.
Residential Life Position Informational Sessions will be held on:
 October 27th at 7 pm in the Sonoma Valley Room located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center
 November 4th at 7 pm in the Knights Valley Room located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center
January 26th at 7 pm in the Knights Valley Room located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center
Sign up for the Leadership Class, UNIV 238.
To receive priority access to UNIV 238 at the beginning of registration which begins on November 13th, you will
need to complete the online application form (except for the uploading your Fall 2015 transcript and letter of
recommendation). If this requirement is completed by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 you will be
guaranteed a priority seat in UNIV 238. If this requirement is completed after 11:59 pm on Wednesday, November
11, 2015, you will still be guaranteed a seat in UNIV 238, but you might have fewer choices in which section you will
be able to take.
Submit all pieces of the online application no later than 4:30 pm on February 5, 2016. (This includes Fall 2015
transcript once grades have been posted as well as the letter of recommendation)
Sign up February 8th-11th, 2016 for individual interviews and for a four week workshop series that will begin the
week of February 15th in the Residential Life Office. The workshop series is a requirement for all new candidates
who have not held a CSA or TLA Position.
Direct questions about the TLA position to one of the following:
Tramaine Austin-Dillon, Area Coordinator, Residential Life, 707-664-3735,
Julia Rose, Area Coordinator, Residential Life, 707-664-3711,