
ITAC Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 1:10-3:00pm, Batmale 108
1. Approval of minutes from last meeting (1:10-1:15)
Old Business:
2. Plans for classroom projectors/smartboards (1:15-1:20)
3. Replacement computers for faculty/staff (1:20-1:25)
4. Update on the Education Plan Initiative (1:25-1:30)
5. Identity Management Project update (1:30-1:35)
6. Accreditation update (1:35-1:40)
In Fall we need to create a true, Board-approved policy (and procedures) for technology acceptable use,
including classroom tech. Please take a look at other schools' policies and share models you like.
7. Update on status of ITAC in Participatory Governance (1:45-1:50)
8. Tech Plan Revision – final review, edit, and approval to forward to Planning (1:50-2:30)
Current Draft of Tech Plan is at:
New Business:
9. ECAR CCSF Faculty Survey results (2:30-2:40)
We'll identify specific questions for further follow up; Research & Planning has the raw data files and can
cross-tabulate responses. Survey results are at:
10. Meeting schedule for Fall (2:40-2:45)
- Continue with Tuesdays 1-3pm? 4Th Tuesday of each month may be best, so we're not meeting the first
week of school, and so we don't conflict with October 20 SLO Flex Day. (December meeting would be
earlier, or cancelled.)
- Election of ITAC Chair and Secretary is done in August. New leadership is always welcome.
11. ITS Report, including Ellucian report on Banner and Help Desk (2:45-2:50)
12. Education Technology Department report (2:50-2:55)
13. Student report (2:55-3:00)
Future meetings:
Tuesday, August 25 1-3pm in Batmale 108, and the 4th Tuesday of each month?