CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff CCSF Technology - Employees Survey Your responses to this survey will help CCSF develop a current picture of the use of and needs regarding technology at the College. Questions have been updated for relevance since the survey was last conducted seven years ago. Previous results are available online under Reports - The survey separates three areas of technology use: General, Instructional, and Counseling. Whether you are a novice user, tech expert or tech skeptic, we hope you will take the time to respond. This survey should not take more than 20 minutes of your time. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Judy Seto at DEMOGRAPHICS Please begin by responding to these six initial questions. Your responses will be anonymous and it's going to help us better serve you and our students. Throughout the survey, you will be asked the same question about your position at CCSF to help navigate you to the appropriate sections. *1. What is your position at CCSF? j Administration lk m j Classified Staff k l m j Department Chair k l m Instructional Faculty m j k l j Counseling Faculty k l m j Librarian k l m j Other Student Service Faculty/Other Faculty k l m *2. Do you work full- or part-time? j Full-time k l m j Part-time k l m *3. Are you affiliated with Credit or Non-Credit courses? j Credit k l m j Non-Credit k l m Both m j k l j None Applicable k l m Page 1 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff *4. How many years have you been employed at CCSF? j 3 years or less k l m j 4 to 8 years k l m 9 to 14 years m j k l j 15 or more years k l m 5. What department are you affiliated with? Department Please choose one. 6 If not listed, please specify: *6. What is your primary (Campus or Center) affiliation? j Airport k l m j Chinatown/Northbeach lk m j Civic Center/Alemany k l m Downtown m j k l j Evans k l m j Fort Mason k l m Gough m j k l j John Adams k l m j Mission k l m j Ocean k l m Southeast m j k l GENERAL USE OF COMPUTERS AND RELATED TECHNOLOGY Page 2 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 1. How well is your office computer holding up? It is fine for the foreseeable future. m j k l j It is fine for now, but will need replacement in the next few years. k l m j It needs replacement soon - it's starting to be a problem. k l m j It urgently needs replacing: it is insufficient for my needs. k l m Not applicable. m j k l Comments: 2. Overall, how well do your computer skills match your job needs or requirements? j Completely k l m Generally m j k l j Somewhat k l m j Not at all k l m j Not needed for my job k l m 3. If your computer skills are not completely matched to your job, please specify the main reason: d e f c Not sure what skills I need d e f c No time for training d e f c Not sure where to go to get training d e f c Supervisor not supportive of training needs d e f c Other If other, please specify: 5 6 Page 3 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 4. Indicate your frequency of usage for the following and rate how well your knowledge matches your job needs or requirements: How frequently do you use this software? How well does your knowledge of this software match your job requirements? Word processing (Word) 6 6 Spreadsheets (Excel) 6 6 Database (Access) 6 6 Presentation (PowerPoint) 6 6 Publishing for Print Media 6 6 Banner 6 6 Sars Grid 6 6 Open Office 6 6 Pages 6 6 Google Docs 6 6 Google Calendar 6 6 Google Sites 6 6 Insight (Learning 6 6 EasyGrade 6 6 Micrograde 6 6 Gradebook 6 6 Publisher's gradebook 6 6 Photoshop 6 6 Paint 6 6 Windows Photo Editor 6 6 iMovie 6 6 Windows Movie maker 6 6 Adobe Premier 6 6 Final Cut Pro 6 6 Audacity 6 6 CoolEdit 6 6 Adobe Audition 6 6 Dreamweaver 6 6 CCSF's Website CMS 6 6 Web4 grading 6 6 (Publisher) Management System) Page 4 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff Edustream 6 6 Dropbox 6 6 5. What other types of software do you use which is not listed above? (Banner Users, specific Banner questions will follow later in another survey) 6. What software have you not used which might be useful to you in performing your job? 7. In general, do you believe CCSF policies regarding computers and related techology are appropriate and adequate? j Yes k l m j No k l m j Unsure k l m Any comments regarding CCSF computing policies? 5 6 8. Do you believe document imaging (digitizing paper documents) will help you to manage document storage and retrieval? j Yes k l m No m j k l Page 5 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 9. Which of the following portable devices do you own (or have regularly available to you)? e f c Laptop or Netbook e f c Tablet (iPad, etc.) e f c "Smart" phone (e.g. iPhone, Blackberry, Droid phone) e f c Cell phone (not "smart phone") e f c Handheld audio player (audio-only mp3 player, such as iPod Shuffle) e f c Handheld video player (e.g. video-capable iPod such as iTouch) e f c Nintendo DSi d e f c E-Book Reader (Kindle, Nook) d e f c Digital camera or digital video camera (NOT part of cellphone) d e f c Other If other, please specify: 10. Do you have a CCSFmail ( account? j Yes k l m j No k l m 11. If you have a CCSFmail ( account, do you access your CCSFmail account from a mobile device? j Yes k l m j No k l m 12. Do you use CCCConfer? j Yes k l m j No k l m Page 6 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 13. What is your purpose for using CCCConfer? (check all that apply) e f c For meetings with students e f c For meetings with colleagues e f c For office hours e f c For training e f c For presentation e f c Other If other, please specify: 14. Do you use the online student hiring employment process (SHEP)? j Yes k l m j No k l m 15. Indicate your frequency of usage for the following services during the last year and rate how satisfied you were: Frequency of Use Satisfaction CCSF Computer Help Desk 6 6 Techology Learning Center 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (TLC) training session Technology Learning Center (TLC) drop in services Insight Training Session (face-to-face) Insight Training Session (online) 16. Have you enrolled in @ONE online courses? Yes m j k l j No k l m 17. Have you used @ONE Hands-on Institute? Yes m j k l j No k l m Page 7 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 18. Do you use the phone system's extension lookup feature (i.e. the electronic directory accessible via the phone)? j Yes k l m j No k l m 19. When you need help where do you go? (check all that apply) e f c Call the Service Desk e f c Complete a School Dude Ticket e f c Ask a colleague d e f c Use online documentation d e f c Ask Ed Tech (TLC or TMI) Others (please specify) 20. In general, do you feel adequately informed about events which affect email, internet & phone systems at CCSF? Yes m j k l j No k l m j Unsure k l m Additional comments: 5 6 Page 8 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 21. In which of the following areas (if any) do you experience the most problems or difficulties related to computers and technology. Rate degree of difficulty. Minor problem (1) (2) (3) (4) j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Adequate training j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Computer Setup/repair j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Internet access/connection j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Incompatible computer j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Technical assistance/user Major problem (5) support systems/software Incentives and rewards for innovation Funds to purchase or upgrade hardware Funds to purchase or upgrade software Support from my department/unit *22. Your position at CCSF: (Your response to this question will route you to the next applicable section of the survey) Administration jm lk j Classified Staff k l m j Department Chair k l m j Instructional Faculty k l m Counseling Faculty m j k l j Librarian k l m j Other Student Service Faculty/Other Faculty k l m INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES AND COURSE ACTIVITIES *** IF YOU ARE NOT TEACHING CLASSES, SCROLL TO QUESTION #30. Page 9 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 1. How often do you use the following Educational Technology tools: Never Once Twice Three or more times Granicus j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n EduStream j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Contribute j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Google Mail j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Google Sites j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Google Calendar j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Google Drive/Docs j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Google Chat j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Google Groups j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Insight j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Publisher's website j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n iTunes U j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Education YouTube j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n CCC Confer/Elluminate j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Wimba/Voice Tools j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Skype j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Virtual Technology j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Clicker software (e.g. j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n ( Live! Campus iClickers) What software have you not used which might be useful to you in teaching? 2. Is your email address on your syllabi? j Yes k l m j No k l m j Do not have syllabi k l m 3. Do you accept student coursework submitted electronically? j Yes k l m j No k l m Do not assign coursework m j k l Page 10 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 4. If you have a faculty or course webpage, please indicate where? Google Site m j k l j Contribute k l m j Commercial source (Word press, etc) k l m j Fog k l m CCSF CMS m j k l j Not applicable k l m 5. If you have a faculty or course webpage, please indicate what you put on your website: (check all that apply) d e f c Contact information d e f c Instructor bio (info about me) d e f c Course syllabi d e f c Other course related materials d e f c Not applicable Other (please elaborate): 6. How often do you update your website if you have a faculty or course webpage? j Never k l m j Once a semester k l m Twice a semester m j k l j More than three times a semester k l m j Not applicable k l m 7. Do you use a publisher's website/learning management system? j Yes k l m j No k l m Page 11 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 8. If you use a publisher's website/learning management system, what tools do you use in it? (check all that apply) e f c Quizzes e f c Internal Email e f c Assignments e f c Gradebook e f c Forums e f c Email (Walled Garden Email) d e f c Quickmail d e f c Wimba d e f c Elluminate Live! d e f c Not applicable 9. Have you been trained to use Insight, CCSF's learning management system? j Yes k l m No m j k l 10. How much need do you have for more of the following features of "smart" classrooms: I have enough Classrooms with computers I need some more I need lots more j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m already setup for instructor use Classrooms with mounted projectors Classrooms with document cameras Classrooms with interactive boards Classrooms with sound amplification Classrooms with assistive listening 11. How well are your student lab computers holding up? j They are fine for the foreseeable future. k l m j They are fine for now, but will need replacement in the next few years. k l m They need replacement soon - it's starting to be a problem. m j k l j They urgently need replacing: they are insufficient for our needs. k l m Page 12 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 12. Please indicate your use of the following instructional resources and course activities: Not using Currently using No longer using Want to use but have not yet Standard print textbooks j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Online textbooks j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Self-published course j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Animoto j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Google docs & student j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Google calendar and forms j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Youtube j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Blogging software j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m CCCConfer j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Tech-enhancing a course j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Overhead projector (LCD) j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Presentation software (e.g., j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Computer lab assignment j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Self-paced tutorials j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n E-mail j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Discussion boards, group j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Course web page j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Chat sessions with students j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Publishers websites j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Publisher-produced content j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Publisher-produced online j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m readers CCSFmail using Insight Financial aid scholarship workshops/presentations PowerPoint, Prezi) software Computer simulations or courseware Class sessions in a computer lab or classroom with computer equipment mailing list or other asynchronous communication tools (Insight) Interactive, web-based assignments (Insight) Interactive, web-based quizzes (Insight) (real time) Page 13 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff workbooks (e.g., antiquated/epacks) Publisher-produced j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Teaching a telecourse j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Materials I found via the j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m SurveyMonkey j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Jing j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Quia j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Wikis j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Camtasia j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Audacity j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m software or LMS (HoughtonMifflin, Cengage, Prentice Hall, McGrow-Hill) Developing and teaching a course online Internet Materials I found using the CCSF Library's database(s) website Social networking tools (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) 13. If you would like to but have not or no longer use any of the above instructional resources and course activities, please indicate why: j Don't have time k l m j Don't know how to start k l m No incentive m j k l j Department not supportive k l m j Tools not available k l m j Other k l m If other, please elaborate: 5 6 Page 14 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 14. Please indicate what you use Insight for? (check all that apply) e f c Credit online class e f c Credit face-to-face class If you have not been trained, why not? 15. What computer and media support equipment do you use to support your teaching in the classroom? e f c Multimedia Cart with projector, VCR, DVD, speakers from Broadcast Media Services d e f c TV with VCR & DVD cart delivered to classroom by Broadcast Media Services d e f c TV and VCR owned by your department d e f c Computer with an LCD projector from CCSF AV or your department d e f c Video camera to record and playback student projects from Broadcast Media Services d e f c Video camera to record and playback student projects from your department d e f c Personal laptop connected to LCD projector mounted in classroom d e f c Personal laptop connected to LCD projector stored on a cart d e f c Personal laptop and personal LCD projector d e f c iPad or other mobile device connected to an LCD projector-CCSF provided d e f c iPad or other mobile device connected to a CCSF LCD projector-personal d e f c iPad or other mobile device connected to an LCD projector-both personal d e f c Clickers d e f c Document reader (ELMO) d e f c Overhead projector (transparency) 16. If you use a computer and LCD projector while you teach, what are you primarily accessing? j The Internet k l m j Files stored on the laptop k l m j Files stored in email k l m j YouTube, iTunes U k l m j DVD playback k l m Page 15 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 17. Please rate the availability of wifi in your classroom(s): Wifi is sufficiently available Wifi is available but not Wifi is needed, but not to meet needs reliable available My need for wifi as an Wifi is not needed j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m instructor My students' need for wifi in the classroom 18. When you use a computer and LCD projector in the classroom how often do you experience: Daily Problems connecting to the A few times each week Once a week or less Never j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Internet Not enough classrooms with LCD projectors Difficulty connecting laptop to LCD projector Burned out bulbs in LCD projectors 19. Do you need any of the following for your instruction? d e f c Video use in the classroom d e f c Online courses d e f c Instructional video production services d e f c Video production training Page 16 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 20. What is your best judgment about the way computers and educational technology resources have benefited your teaching: No Benefit (1) (2) (3) (4) j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Enjoyment of my teaching j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Increased student retention j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Access to new resources for Major Benefit (5) my teaching Creativity in presenting material to students in new ways Student response to the content of my course(s) Increased communication with students Ability to help students experiencing problems with course materials Overall quality of my teaching 21. When you need help posting online materials, what do you do: j Use online documentation k l m j Call the Service Desk (Help Desk) k l m j Ask a colleague k l m j Ask students in the TLC Lab on Ocean Campus k l m j Call the Educational Technology Department (TLC and TMI Coordinators) k l m j Other k l m If other, please specify: Page 17 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 22. When you need help with media support equipment in your classroom, what do you do: (check all that apply) e f c Use online documentation e f c Call the Service Desk (Help Desk) e f c Ask a colleague e f c Ask a student e f c Call or email Broadcast Media Services e f c Call Audio Visual in the Library d e f c Other If other, please specify: 23. What do you want to do with technology in the classroom that you currently cannot do? 5 6 24. Is there a need for more computer labs in the library? j Yes k l m j No k l m 25. Is there a need for more computer classrooms in the library? j Yes k l m j No k l m 26. Is there an increased need for media rooms for video? j Yes k l m j No k l m Page 18 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 27. Which of the following LLR technology-based resources are you aware of? e f c Periodical databases e f c E-reserves e f c Computers for students e f c Language tutorials e f c Language-learning technology workshops e f c CCSF Library of Foreign Language Film Clips (currently accessible to foreign language department faculty only) e f c Ebooks d e f c Subject guides & customized online research guides for specific courses d e f c Embedded librarians in online courses d e f c Online research skills workshops d e f c Reading lists in the online catalog d e f c Audio-visual equipment for classroom use (EG, portable LCD projection for classroom use, video playback or recording for classroom use) d e f c Audio-visual materials for classroom use (BMS, equipment only deliveries on Ocean Campus total over 40,000 hours annually, faculty either provide their own materials or check materials out from the library) d e f c Laptops for employee checkout d e f c Language tutorials d e f c Other Page 19 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 28. Which of the following resources do you need more training on? Periodical databases m j k l j E-reserves k l m j Computers for students k l m j Language-learning technology workshops lk m jmCCSF Library of Foreign Language Film Clips (currently accessible to foreign language department faculty only) lk j Ebooks k l m j Subject guides & customized online research guides for specific courses k l m j Embedded librarians in online courses k l m Online research skills workshops m j k l j Reading lists in the online catalog k l m j Audio-visual equipment for classroom use (EG, portable LCD projection for classroom use, video playback or recording for classroom use) lk m j Audio-visual materials for classroom use (BMS, equipment only deliveries on Ocean Campus total over 40,000 hours annually, faculty lk m either provide their own materials or check materials out from the library) Laptops for employee checkout m j k l j Learn to back up and restore your files, bookmarks, etc. k l m 29. For information competency instruction, which is your preference? j Bring students to the library k l m j Have librarians visit my classroom k l m j No opinion/Not applicable k l m *30. Your position at CCSF: (Your response to this question will route you to the next applicable section of the survey) Administration jm lk j Classified Staff k l m j Department Chair k l m j Instructional Faculty k l m Counseling Faculty m j k l Librarian m j k l j Other Student Service Faculty/Other Faculty k l m COUNSELING RESOURCES Page 20 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 1. How often do you use the following technology? Daily A few times each week Once a week or less Never Banner j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Content Management j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Google Apps j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Sars-Grid j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Degree Audit (CAPP) j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Electronic Ed Plan j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m GroupWise j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n CCSFmail j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m Shared Department Drives j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n System (CMS) (i.e. Z: CSCD, N: NSCD, etc.) Caseload/Appts. Excel Spreadsheet Dropbox 2. How often do you use the following websites? Daily A few times each week Once a week or less Never ASSIST j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n C-ID j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m CCSF Articulation j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Content Management j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m CSUMentor j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Insight j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m UC Pathways j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Decision Support System j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n System (CMS) (DSS) Other If other, please provide web address and purpose for use: Page 21 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 3. What kind of training would you like on the following technologies and websites? (check all that apply) Introduction Updates Creative Uses by Colleagues Banner j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Content Management j k l m j k l m j k l m Google Apps j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Sars-Grid j k l m j k l m j k l m Degree Audit (CAPP) j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Electronic Ed Plan j k l m j k l m j k l m GroupWise j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n CCSFmail j k l m j k l m j k l m Shared Department Drives j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m ASSIST j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n CCSF Articulation j k l m j k l m j k l m CSUMentor j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Insight j k l m j k l m j k l m UC Pathways j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Decision Support System j k l m j k l m j k l m Dropbox j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Skype j k l m j k l m j k l m Other j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n System (CMS) (i.e. Z:CSCD, N:NSCD, etc.) Caseload/Appt. Excel Spreadsheets (DSS) If other, please provide web address and purpose for use: 5 6 Page 22 CCSF Technology Survey of Faculty and Staff 4. How often do you use the following features in Banner? Daily A few times each week Once a week or less Never *SCOUN (Counselor Menu) j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Print SWRHIST (Student j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n history by alpha order) Print SWRHT01 (Student history by term) Print SWASDOC (Student transcript from another college/university) Print SPACMNT (Transcript Eval, Grad PetitionCertificate-Degree Status) Other Banner screens not on *SCOUN, please indicate the screen(s): 5. Do you know which Banner printer to print to (the printer’s name)? j Yes k l m No m j k l 6. What technologies would you like to see implemented at CCSF? 5 6 Comments (Optional) 1. Is there anything else you would like to tell us regarding technology at CCSF? 5 6 You have reached the end of the survey. Thank you very much for completing the survey! Page 23 Page 24