City College of San Francisco APPROVED Minutes

City College of San Francisco
from ITPC Meeting on August 27, 2012
Committee Members: Craig Persiko, Joe Jah, Anthony Costa, Eric Raznick, Shawn Yee, David
Resources: Carol Reitan, Cynthia Dewar, Lidia Jenkins.
Guests: Tim Ryan, James R. Hall, Doug Re.
The meeting was called to order at 11:15 am.
I. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the May meeting were approved.
II. Future Meetings: 9/24, 10/29, 11/26 from 11 am - 12:50 pm.
Old Business
III. Implementation of policy to require CCSFmail accounts for all students. (Raznick)
A. Eric is working with various departments in creating an implementation plan. The
first piece is that new students will be required to use CCSFmail. The CCC Apply
application needs to be changed. The second is we need to let students know that
if they have opted out previously that beginning October 1st they must begin to
use CCSFmail. There are many departments that use the CCSFmail account and
they are part of this change. Many institutions of higher education follow this
model and have looked at the legal decision to require the use of an institution
email. Communication is important. CCSF has a positive partnership with Google.
It needs to be clear that we use the term CCSFmail and NOT Google mail, Gmail,
i. If we want to entice students to use CCSFmail then we need to turn on as
many of the Google Apps that we can possible turn on.
1. Google Voice is not turned on.
IV. Non-credit Online Positive Attendance reporting status update: No formal update was
given. Tim will talk with Monika and MaryLou to get a report.
V. Scheduling when to require all credit faculty to report grades and attendance online:
The intention is to require all faculty to report grades and attendance online. ITS has to
support both online and paper reporting choices. Tim will check if the default is paper or
online. The breakdown is that online grading is only done by about 70% of the faculty.
Concerns about the impact of changing to a required policy were discussed. It was
suggested that AFT 2121 , DCC and Academic Senate are notified and that such a
change is not interpreted as a change in work conditions. Better training and more
Minutes from 8/27/12 ITPC Meeting
documentation will be included. The goal is to vote on the change in policy at the 9/24
ITPC meeting. Members discussed the idea of receiving a PDF of the grades that were
submitted with consideration to FERPA. Eric would also look at how dates are reported
in Web4 and the possibilities of improvements.
VI. Network Security / Firewall Status Update: Tim reported on changes in server platforms
that will be used for firewall updates. The network connectivity problem this morning was
related to the Checkpoint Firewall. A routine change was made but the end result was
that the staff desktops were not able to access the internet. Student lab and the wifi
system were not impacted. Only the Ocean Campus was impacted. Going back to the
previous version of the change fixed the problem. The Palo Alto firewall subscription is up
next year so IT is planning for the future. An intrusion identification system, Alien Vault,
is going to be rebuilt, probably by the end of the year. It is open-source and is a third
system and provides some benefit at no cost. It is still running across three server
platforms as it was set up in spring 2012. IT removed all of the groups of blocked IP
addresses in May. There are still about 100-200 individual IP addresses that have been
added over time. At one point they were a threat and have not been unblocked. If these
were unblocked there might be some increased activity in Firewall, etc. activity. Tim said
that the 100-200 could be removed by the next ITPC meeting. Members asked for a
regular report about the sites that are being blocked and be given some sort of an idea
for the criteria for blocking. Staffing is a challenge with all of these tasks. Desktop Antivirus is being re-evaluated. Other desktop anti-virus software is being looked at.
Currently CCSF uses MacAfee. ITS will educate the College community regarding
information security. In terms of viruses, it is common to find 10% of machines are
affected. ITS found last semester that our infection rate was less than 5%. Our goal is to
keep at or below 5% of computers with viruses. CCSF has about 5500 computers that are
loaded with anti-virus software. The software needs constant updates. The process for
Wi-Fi has been changed. New wifi users sign up using their student number and their
birthdate. Returning students will use the password that they used before. This is the
same for all users. So far 9360 students have signed up. Students have to re-enter the
information (login on the web page when first connecting) once a week. There are over 90
access points. There are about three more that could be put out. Right now the 4th floor
of the library and Smith Hall are the biggest access points. Chinatown is among the least
used. ACRC in-person and email is still the primary point of support for students. There
is no phone support for students. Faculty and staff can use the Service Desk. From 8 am
to 5 pm, approximately every hour, M-F, Wi-Fi accounts are created. The initial sign-up
needs to be done from the CCSF network. ITS can turn on a guest feature temporarily or
groups can be given a guest ID. ITS can turn on the guest feature with 24 hour access.
Switch of Faculty Email from Groupwise to CCSFmail or Microsoft Office 365:
Doug reported on the comparison between CCSFmail and Microsoft Office as a choice for
faculty/staff email. It was pointed out that per CCSF’s contract with Google, CCSF’s
data will not be mined. Both systems were discussed with the pros and cons. Doug will
create accounts for ITPC members on Google and Microsoft 365. ITS will set up a demo
for each choice. The demo will take place outside of the ITPC meeting time.
Tech Plan Status Update: Craig reported that the Tech Survey will hopefully be
sent out sometime in October.
New Business
IX. Accreditation status, update, related to IT: The information that Tim reported in VI will
be included in the report to ACCJC. The task is to come up with an annual plan for
equipment updates. IT is involved in the Program Review process with the inclusion of the
planning for equipment in the PR process. The next status report is due September 7th. It
will be presented to the Board of Trustees on September 27th and this will be part of the
October 15th response to ACCJC. A fifteenth workgroup has been created to address
campus sites.
X. Acceptable Use Policy: We already have two overlapping policies and it was agreed that
we need to have a clearer policy ASAP. Tim will send out info on the two existing
XI. Adjourned at 1:14 pm
Submitted by Cynthia Dewar
Minutes from 8/27/12 ITPC Meeting