
A&P Lecture Exam # 3(Chapter 7-9)
Chapter 7 The Axial skeleton system
1. Identify the bones of the axial skeleton
2. List the primary function of the axial skeleton:
Supports and protects organs in body cavities; Attaches to muscles of head, neck, and trunk;
Performs respiratory movements; Stabilizes parts of appendicular skeleton.
3. Identify the skull bone and suture
The Cranial Bones
Occipital bone
Parietal bones
Frontal bone
Temporal bones
• The Facial Bones
• Maxillae = maxillary bones
• Lacrimal
• Nasal
• Zygomatic
• Mandible
• Palatine
• Inferior nasal conchae
• Vomer
The four major sutures
Lambdoid suture
Coronal suture
Sagittal suture
Squamous suture
4. What bone does the occipital condyle articulate with?
5. In which bone is the forame magnum located?
6. Which two bones form the zygomatic arch?
7.Which bone contains the depression called the sella turnica? What’s located in this depression?
8.Which forms the bony nasal septum? Which condyle is more easily to be dislocated?
9. Identify the floor of the cranial cavity (Page 203).
10.Identify the bones containing paranasal sinuses?
11. What’s the fontanels?
12. What’s the primary and secondary curves of the spine? What is the importance of the
secondary curves of the spine?
13.Remember the number of the bones in the first three spinal curves.
14.How to differentiate the structure and function of vertebra. (Page 222 Table 7-2)
15.How are the true ribs distinguished from the false ribs?
Chapter 8 . The Appendicular Skeleton
1. Name the bones of the pectoral girdle (clavicle and scapulae).
2. Describe the structure and markings of humerus. (Greater tubercle, lesser tubercle,
deltoid tuberosity, olecranon fossa, coronoid fossa, trochlea, capitulum)(Page 237)
3. Which bone articulate with the scapula at the glenoid cavity.
4. List all the bone of the upper limb.
The Upper Limbs
• Consist of:
Ulna (medial)
Radius (lateral)
Eight Carpal Bones
Four proximal carpal bones
Four distal carpal bones
Metacarpal Bones
Phalanges of the Hands
Pollex (thumb)
5. Which three bones make up a hip bone?
Made up of three fused bones
Ilium (articulates with sacrum), Ischium, Pubis
6. How to differentiate the male and female pelvis?
• The pelvis consists of two coxal bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx.
• Comparing the Male Pelvis and Female Pelvis
• Female pelvis
• Smoother and lighter
• Less prominent muscle and ligament attachments
• Pelvis modifications for childbearing
• Enlarged pelvic outlet
• Broad pubic angle (>100°)
• Less curvature of sacrum and coccyx
• Wide, circular pelvic inlet
• Broad, low pelvis
• Ilia project laterally, not upwards
7. Identify the bones and anatomical position of the lower limb.
Bones of the Lower Limbs
Femur (thigh)
Patella (kneecap)
Tibia (medial)and fibula (leg)(Lateral)
Tarsals (ankle)
Metatarsals (foot)
Phalanges (toes): Hallus big toe
8. Identify the bone marking of femur (page 244)
Chapter 9 . Articulations
1. Name and describe the three type of joints as calssified by their degree of movement.
Functional Classifications
• Synarthrosis (immovable joint)
• Amphiarthrosis (slightly movable joint)
• Diarthrosis (freely movable joint)
2. What’s the characteristics of the typical synarthrotic and amphiarthrotic joints share?
Give some examples. (Page 255)
3. Identify the types of synovial joints based on the shapes of the articular surface (Page
4. Types of movement at the synovial joints.
5. Identify the structure and function of knee joints. (Page 256)
• Which tissue and structure provide most of the stability for the the knee joints?
• Seven Major Supporting Ligaments
Patellar ligament (anterior)
Two popliteal ligaments (posterior)
Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (inside
Tibial collateral ligament (medial)
Fibular collateral ligament (lateral)
joint capsule)