Professor Huntington Fall 2015 – Spring 2016

Comparative Family Law: U.S. and Taiwan
Professor Huntington
Fall 2015 – Spring 2016
This five-credit, full-year seminar is a capstone course for students with a background in
juvenile and family law or women’s rights. The seminar is intended to provide students with an
in-depth opportunity to tie together the materials they have studied in various courses relating to
juvenile and family law and women’s rights and to develop this understanding in a global
context. The seminar will address three family law issues in depth. The issues have not yet been
finalized, but may include child abuse, elder law, sexual assault, and domestic violence. During
fall semester, students will meet once a week in a seminar format to learn about these issues in
the United States and Taiwan. Students are responsible for researching the Taiwanese law,
creating readings for the class, and leading class discussions. Students will also develop a
proposal for an individual research paper. Over winter break (approximately December 29,
2015, to January 7, 2016), Professor Huntington and enrolled students will meet in Taiwan to
spend time at the National Taiwan University and visit Taiwanese non-governmental
organizations working on these issues. Students will have an opportunity to conduct research on
their individual topics. During spring semester, students will meet once a week in a seminar
format to reflect on the experience and write and present their research papers.
This is an advanced seminar for students who have a base of knowledge in the subject
area gained through prior study and/or work experience. Admission to the course is selective
and the course is capped at 10 students. Students who wish to be considered for the class
must e-mail this completed form to Professor Huntington (
by the end of the day on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Selected students will be invited to an
interview, which will be conducted on March 30, 2015. Students will be notified by e-mail by
the end of the day on Wednesday, April 1st.
Each student will cover the cost of the field trip, which is anticipated to be approximately
$3,500, including airfare. This cost breaks down as follows: Students will purchase their own
plane tickets as they may want to add additional travel on one end or the other or might have
access to frequent flier miles.1 Each student will be asked pay $2,000 into a fund to cover food,
lodging, local transportation, and international health insurance. Students are responsible for
their own preventive health care. Students will be asked to make a nonrefundable deposit of
$350 shortly after admission to the course, although a waiver is available for economic hardship.
Any funds remaining after the trip will be returned to the students. Fordham Law School will
cover the cost of the trip for the teachers.
As the cost of the field trip is a course-related expense, financial aid is available to cover
the $3,500 cost. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase travel insurance for their plane
ticket in case a student is unable to complete the field trip portion of the class due to a last minute
Depending when the ticket is bought, the cost of a round-trip ticket from New York to Taipei should be
approximately $1,000 to $1,500.
1. Please list your work experience (paid and unpaid) with issues germane to this course.
Include dates.
2. Please list any coursework (undergraduate, graduate, and law school) in the issues
germane to this course.
3. Please explain any other ways you have explored issues relevant to this course, including
personal experience and volunteer work.
4. Why are you interested in this class? What do you hope to get out of it?
5. Describe a challenging cross-cultural experience you have had and explain the lessons
you took away from that experience.
6. Describe any experience with international travel.
7. Please provide the year and month of expected law school graduation.
Please read and sign:
I understand that I am applying to be admitted to a 5-credit seminar that will require my
participation on a ten-day field trip to Taiwan over winter break. I will be responsible for
the costs of the trip, which are anticipated to be approximately $3,500, including airfare.
If admitted, I will be asked to make a nonrefundable deposit of $350 toward the cost of
the trip by May 1, 2015. If admitted, as a condition of participating in the class, I will be
asked to sign the waiver reproduced below at the time I submit my deposit or receive a
waiver of the deposit.
(electronic signature)
2015-2016 Fordham Law School Comparative Family Law: U.S. & Taiwan
Field Trip to Taiwan, December 29, 2015 to January 7, 2016
Release executed by ________________________________________________________
To Fordham University, Bronx, New York 10458
Fordham University, of which Fordham Law School is a part of, is a non-profit educational institution.
References to Fordham Law School, and Fordham University include its officers, officials, employees,
volunteers, students, agents, and assigns.
I (print your name): ____________________________ freely choose to participate in the Field Trip to
Taiwan in connection with the Comparative Family Law: U.S. & Taiwan from December 29, 2015 to
January 7, 2016.
In consideration of my voluntary participation in this seminar, I agree as follows:
TRIP OVERVIEW AND ORIENTATION: I am enrolled in the Comparative Family Law: U.S &
Taiwan Seminar (“Seminar”) at Fordham Law School and am familiar with the circumstances
surrounding the field trip to Taiwan (“Trip”).
RISK OF TRAVEL/STUDY/WORK ABROAD: I understand that participation in this Trip includes
risks not associated with activities within the University. Such risks include; traveling to, within, and
returning from one or more foreign countries; foreign political, legal, and social regulations:
transportation, health and economic conditions; different standards of design, safety, and maintenance of
buildings; local medical facilities and healthcare providers; and local weather conditions. Moreover, I
have read this disclosure statement, the U.S. State Department Travel Information on Taiwan, and the
Center for Disease Control Travel Information on Taiwan. I have discussed the possible dangers of this
Trip with Fordham Law School administrators or faculty. I have had the opportunity to determine the
nature of the trip and the manner in which it will be conducted. I fully understand and appreciate the
dangers and hazards inherent in this Trip. Although this Trip is a requirement of enrollment in this
Seminar, I understand that enrollment in this Seminar is not an academic requirement and is undertaken
on a purely voluntary basis. If I elect not to enroll in this Seminar, I will still be able to participate in
other Fordham Law School courses and activities.
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS: I understand that the University is not an agent of, and has no
responsibility for, any third party which may provide any services including food, lodging, travel, or other
goods or services associated with the Trip. I understand that the University is providing these services
only as a convenience to participants and that accordingly, the University accepts no responsibility, in
whole or in part, for delays, loss damage or injury to persons or property whatsoever, caused to me or
others prior to departure, while traveling, or while staying in designated lodging. I further understand that
the University is not responsible for matters that are beyond its control. I acknowledge that Fordham Law
School reserves the right to cancel the Trip without penalty or to make any modifications to the itinerary
and/or academic program as deemed necessary.
IDEPENDENT ACTIVITY: I understand that if I have travel plans that deviate from the organized
Trip’s agenda, I am responsible for my own travel arrangements, expenses, and safety and that the
University is not responsible for any loss or damage I may suffer.
HEALTH AND SAFETY: I state that there are no health-related reasons or problems that preclude my
participation in this Trip. Before departure, I will obtain the required immunizations, if any. I understand
that I may be required to pay up front for my medical expenses that I incur while traveling in Taiwan.
Further, I understand that I am responsible for submitting any medical receipts to my insurance carrier or
the Seminar’s insurance carrier on my return.
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT: I understand that each country has its own laws and standards of
acceptable conduct, including dress, manners, politics, behavior, and drug/alcohol consumption. I
recognize that behavior which violates those laws or standards could harm the University’s relations with
those countries and institutions therein, as well as my own health and safety. I will become informed of
and will abide by all such laws and standards for each country to or through which I will travel during the
Trip. I will attend to and assume responsibility for any legal issues or problems I encounter with any
foreign nationals or government of the host country. The University may, but is not required, to provide
any assistance under such circumstances.
TRAVEL CHANGES: If I become separated from the Trip group, fail to meet a departure airplane, bus,
or train, or become sick or injured, I will, to a reasonable extent, and at my own expense seek out, contact,
and reach the Trip group at its next available destination.
ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: Knowing the risks described above and
in voluntary consideration of being permitted to participate in the Trip, I do for myself, my parents or
legal guardian, my heirs and personal representatives, or any other person who may have any losses,
damages, or injuries arising out of or in connection with this Trip, hereby defend, hold harmless,
indemnify, release and forever discharge the University and its officials, officers, employees, agents,
volunteers, sponsors, trustees, faculty, and students from and against any and all claims, demands,
actions, or causes of action, for property damage or personal injury and death which may result from my
participation in the Trip.
SIGNATURE: I indicate, by my signature below, that I have read the terms and conditions of
participation and agree to abide by them. I have carefully read this Release Form and acknowledge that I
understand it. No representations, statements, or inducements, oral or written, apart from the foregoing
written statement, have been made. This Release Form shall be governed by the laws of the State of New
York which shall be the forum for any lawsuits filed under or incident to this Release Form or the Trip. If
any portion of this Release Form is held invalid, the rest of the document shall continue in full force and
I am eighteen years of age or older and I am competent to sign this Release and Indemnity Agreement.
In witness whereof, I have caused this release to be executed this ___ day of ____, 2015.
Printed Name