

CCSF Home Page Proposal: Robinson

Proposal to place a direct link to the Athletics webpage on the CCSF homepage.

Physical Education one of the largest department at CCSF. CCSF Athletics is an enterprise that seeks a significant revenue stream for the college and has a national reputation. 411 students compete annually, the average gpa is

2.73, the average number of units for an athlete is 15.5. In the 2005-06 season Women's, badminton tennis, basketball and volleyball won their conference. The men's football, basketball also won their respected conference.

Our Track team won the state championship for the third year in a row.

It is difficult to find Athletics on the college website. 97% of college websites throughout the nation place athletics on their home page. Examples: Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, etc. When alumni, parents and future students visit the college website, athletics should be easy to find. The new Athletics website includes registration, counseling and other college links so if students go to the site from the CCSF home page, they can access all the services they might need --- registration, admissions, counseling, etc. The Office of Student Affairs will attempt to hire office support staff that will be responsible for the day to day office operations as well as promoting Athletics,

Concert/Lecture Series and the Speech and debate team.

Dean Robinson informed the committee that the new CCSF Athletics web page is currently located at

but is in order to find the site from the home page viewers have to go to

url. To make the website easier for potential students alumni, fans to find. The community voted for a bond measure and expects to be able to easily find Athletics on the CCSF home page.

The committee discussed the proposal and suggested that the CCSF Athletic Events Calendar be included in the home page Bulletin Board links. It was pointed out that the college website will soon be completely redesigned.

Proposals to add department links directly to the front page can be considered in that process. The discussion was continued to the October meeting.

The issue if accessibility for disable student was not discussed however

The accessibility panel for Flash has been utilized and alt tags have been carefully considered for all flash elements and images. For example, all sport page header graphic elements include the name of the sport, address, location, and phone number. Alt tags and text equivalents for graphic elements in Flash have been incorporated and child objects have been made inaccessible. Improvements in tagging are ongoing and new language is being incorporated to ensure that the tags match the graphic messages being conveyed.


There are several redundancies for navigating within the website and Flash plays no role in the primary navigation scheme. Primary navigation includes hypertext links at the top and the bottom of all pages. The home page alone has three methods for navigating to all intercollegiate sport portals. These include hypertext links at the top and bottom, hypertext links on the right side of the page, and a drop-down menu on the top right of the home page.

There are two significant Flash elements on the home page that convey information about campus resources and the new intercollegiate sports facility slated to open in the fall of 2007.

The Flash center component that links users to campus resources has a hypertext link equivalent at the top of the page that leads the user to an enhanced one-stop resource page. The alt tag to this Flash resource component references the hypertext resource link so that accessibility to these resource links does not become a problem for the end user.

The Flash Facilities graphic element at the top of the page conveys information about new Athletic Facilities. A

Facilities hypertext link equivalent has been added to the top of the page next to the Resources link. Again, an enhanced Facilities page conveys all the information found on the Flash graphic element and includes additional information about the existing Athletic facilities.

Flash Player

Flash Player version 5 is not an accessibility friendly player and versions 5 and below should be considered obsolete and replaced on campus. Macromedia has acknowledged their mistakes in not addressing accessibility

issues in the past and has worked over the years to resolve accessibility issues by adding an accessibility panel and improving on its Flash Players. Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) has continued to work where

Macromedia left off and improvements are ongoing.

Most desktop computers on campus are equipped with accessibility-enabled Flash players; a few administrative offices are still using the Flash Player version 5 and efforts are being made to have these desktop computers updated. To expedite replacement of the Flash players we recommend that Doug Re push the latest Flash player out to all desktops from the CCSF server if possible.

Updating the Flash Player is quick where no IT password is required. At the Rosenburg Library for example, it takes 6 seconds for the update and we found that no IT personnel or password was required to initiate the change/update.

The Intercollegiate web site is constantly being tweaked. We look forward to working with Mr. Joe Jah and Mr.

Tomas Hetherington in ensuring that the web site meets the needs of the students we serve. Joe Jah's report on broken links has been useful and we will be reviewing the Broken Links Report on a regular basis. We also look forward to working with Thomas Hetherington in addressing accessibility concerns and in ensuring that the guidelines established by Section 508 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act are treated with priority.

Mark D Robinson Ph.D.

Dean of Student Affairs

50 Phelan Avenue E106

City College of San Francisco

San Francisco Ca 94112


>>> Francine Podenski 09/07/06 10:26 AM >>>


Wanted to make sure that I got all the info correct for our minutes. Please send edits/suggestions/additions etc. in the next week. Will send out second draft minutes in about a week to our e-list.



FROM September 5 --- Meeting Minutes --- **ROUGH DRAFT**, unapproved

City College of San Francisco


CCSF Home Page Proposal: Robinson

Proposal to place a direct link to the Athletics webpage on the CCSF homepage.

Athletics is the largest department at CCSF and serves more students than any other department in the college. CCSF

Athletics is a profit-making enterprise that both provides and seeks a significant revenue stream for the college and has a national reputation. 411 students compete annually and several teams have won championships. It is difficult to find

Athletics on the college website. 97% of college websites throughout the nation place athletics on their home page.

Examples: Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, etc. When alumni, parents and future students visit the college website, athletics should be easy to find. The new Athletics website includes registration, counseling and other college links so if students go to the site from the CCSF home page, they can access all the services they might need --- registration, admissions, counseling, etc. The Office of Student Affairs will soon hire their own (full-time?) Marketing staff member who will be tasked with promoting Athletics and the college's Concert/Lecture Series. Dean Robinson informed the committee that the new CCSF Athletics web page url will be changed from (is this the correct ccsf url? If not, it should be?) to

to make the website easier for potential students and alumni to find. The community voted for a bond measure and expects to be able to easily find Athletics on the CCSF home page.

The committee discussed the proposal and suggested that the CCSF Athletic Events Calendar be included in the home page Bulletin Board links. It was pointed out that the college website will soon be completely redesigned. Proposals to add department links directly to the front page can be considered in that process. The discussion was continued to the

October meeting.
