Communication Committee March 11, 2003 Minuntes DRAFT

Communication Committee
March 11, 2003 Minuntes DRAFT
Members present: Andrea Niosi, Elizabeth Brent, Joe Jah, Martha Lucey, Francine Podenski
Resources present: Tom Blair, Tom Heatherington
1. EAtv-Ch 27 Update
CCSF has been contacted by the French Consulate with a potential offer for free international
programming via DISH TV (a direct TV service). Tom Blair is researching details. Discussion:
this programming might be used both on EAtv-Ch27 and distributed via the college’s video
infrastructure to various classrooms. Committee also ciscussed various possibilities for use of
the new district video network.
2. Catalog Update
Catalog is going to the printer this week and will be distributed to the public next month. Catalog
task force is currently working on the “learning resources” section in preparation for the 2004 –
2005 catalog.
3. College Web Page
Chancellor Day has requested that the Communications Committee meet with Doug Comstock
from Starlight Productions (an SF graphic design and advertising firm) to review the new college
web page design.
4. Privacy Policy
Niosi reported that CCSF librarians are concerned that the “OPT OUT” box has been rermoved
from the CCSF college application. Discussion: committee agrees that barriers to “opting out”
should be reduced. Ideas: 1) include an “OPT OUT” coupon in the printed time schedule that
students can clip out and send in; 2) restore an “OPT OUT” check box to the application.
Committee suggested that Podenski speak with Dean Balestreri about this issue.
5. Sunshine Ordinance upate
Lucey presented an update about the college’s role in relationship to the City’s Sunshine
Ordinance. She reviewed the cotents of a board resolution passed last year. That CCSF, as a
state institution, is not bound by a city policy and/or ordinance. The committee will place this item
on future agendas for periodic updates.
6. Publicity
A) Broadcast Media Services is producing a 30 second television spot featuring Chancellor Day
at no extra cost to the college.. The message: Despite budget cuts CCSF will do its best to
serve the community. Comcast has given the CCSF Marketing and Public Affairs Office
$4500. Worth of television advertising time. The spot will be aired on EAtv-Ch27 and on local
commercial television channels. The spot will be be made as a timeliess one that can be replayed throughout the coming18 months as needed.
B) Blair is working with ITS to harvest e-mail addresses from applications. A database will be
created and students who have applied to the college will receive a brief e-mail in early
August 2003 reminding them that instruction will be begin soon.