COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – 2/16/05 Report to Academic Senate Executive Council

City College of San Francisco
Report to Academic Senate Executive Council – 2/16/05
The Communications Committee recommends policies related to college communications:
publications and other media including educational access television, KCSF Radio, and the front
page of the college website.
NOTE: Committee membership has been increased. Each constituent group may appoint one
additional member.
Sequence of Events: August, 2004, to present:
1. August 2004: A brainstorming session was scheduled (8/9/04) in response to one of
three priorities from the Board of Trustees: Improvement of internal and external
communications. Participants were tasked with establishing what was working
district-wide, CCSF communications goals, and what can be done to improve and
expand outreach. Conducted by Chancellor Day with Vice Chancellor Don Griffin,
Vice Chancellor Peter Goldstein, Associate Vice Chancellor Phyllis McGuire,
Associate Dean Kristin Hershbell, Dean Robert Gabriner, Dean Martha Lucey, and
Assistant to the Chancellor Allison Satterlund.
2. September 2004: Brainstorming session notes were routed to the Communications
3. October 2004: Communications Committee reviewed brainstorming session.
Committee recommended that the list of “what is working” in the district be updated to
reflect activities and projects already underway. Recommendations were presented
to the College Advisory Council. Chancellor Day requested that the
recommendations be expanded into a District Communications Plan Matrix Draft
which includes strategies for implementation with a cost analysis.
4. November 2004: Committee representatives prepared a Communications Plan Matrix
Draft and presented it to the Communications Committee. Trustee Marks and
Chancellor Day attended the November committee meeting and made suggestions.
5. December 2004: The Board of Trustees reviewed and discussed the District
Communications Plan Draft during a board retreat. Chancellor Day recommended
that additional meetings be held with Deans and others who do marketing of College
programs and services.
1. Time Schedule – 2000-2002
2. College Catalog – 2002 to present
3. EAtv-Ch27 – 2005 – currently being established in consultation with College Advisory Council
Evaluation of current programming, staffing, & technology; exploration of ways to
more fully utilize the channel; explore webcasting EAtv-Ch27 programming to
expand station’s reach; explore how to move channel programming from a five
day week to a seven day week; explore production and acquisition of additional
City College of San Francisco
Report to Academic Senate Executive Council – 2/16/05
1) New Guidelines for the Current Web Site Front Page Bulletin Section
Approved by College Advisory Council – 2/3/05
 Administrator: Martha Lucey, Dean, Marketing and Public Information
 Maximum four bullets on the front page at any given time (possible 5th if
space permits).
 Maximum two lines per bulleted item, which can be linked to more
information if appropriate.
 Items may be bumped after two weeks to make room for new and
timelier announcements.
2) Administration is considering hiring a firm to re-design and improve the entire college
Many cable subscribers in San Francisco receive a degraded EATV-Ch27 signal. The problem is
caused by a substandard connection between the EATV-Ch27 headend in the ArtX building and
Sutro Tower. Over three years ago San Francisco’s Department of Telecommunications and
Information Services (DTIS) directed Comcast to upgrade the connection between the College
and Sutro Tower as part of their cable franchise contract obligation. City College has
experienced unreasonable delays and repeated broken promises related to this work. On
February 10, 2005, Comcast technicians made significant progress. An announcement will be
published in City Currents when the upgrade project has been completed.
The College Advisory Council has requested that the Communications Committee become
advisory to KCSF Internet Radio. Broadcast Electronic Media Arts radio instructor Dr. Cecil Hale
met with the committee and explained that KCSF radio operations and programming are core
curriculum and laboratory activities for three credit transfer classes: BCST 130, 131, & 132. The
committee agreed to advise KCSF Internet Radio without directing or interfering with curriculum
or classroom activities.
The Committee will review City Currents and make suggestions for improvement at the March 1
The Journalism Department has proposed that the district enter into a contract with AdCamp, a
company that provides and maintains newspaper kiosks for college newspaper distribution in
exchange for posting ads on each kiosk. Committee members had several questions about the
proposal. A follow up presentation has been placed on the committee’s March 1 agenda.
Department Chair Juan Gonzales and an AdCamp representative will make a presentation,
questions will be addressed, and the committee will consider a recommendation.
The Communications Committee reviewed relevant sections of the Accreditation Report Draft and
submitted suggestions.